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What gives you hope? (not a soduku thread)

Virgos Groove

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I posted this on the Civics section since this post is about the state of the World/politics/society and not anything personal.


We probably won't avert climate change.

Fascism is on the rise globally.

Income inequality keeps getting worse.

There's a genocide hapenning right now and the Western world is still supporting the perpetrators.

Elon Musk and Andrew Tate are trying their absolute hardest to turn Gen Alpha into homophobes and racists.


Does everything suck? Seriously, what keeps you guys away from doomerism and gives you hope? Sorry for the random meltdown, but I just feel like we're so powerless.



Edited by Virgos Groove
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Everyday kindness

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everyday i open the norwegian spotify charts to see if woman's world has re-entered. 


it never happens but i remain hopeful :cm:

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hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have but i have it

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The thought of my incompetent colleagues getting made redundant in a few months (and they have no idea) :clap3:

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art and creativity tbh

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