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Activists who threw soup at Van Gogh painting found guilty for intentional damage


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Two Just Stop Oil (JSO) activists who threw soup over Vincent van Gogh's Sunflowers have been found guilty of criminal damage.


Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland, both 22, launched the contents of two tins of tomato soup on to the painting at the National Gallery in central London, later gluing their hands to the wall beneath it.


The gallery previously said the gold-coloured frame of the glass-covered painting was damaged in the October 2022 attack.


At Southwark Crown Court, Judge Christopher Hehir told the pair to be "prepared in practical and emotional terms to go to prison" when they are sentenced on 27 September.

- BBClink



They going to jail probably

Edited by KatyPrismSpirit
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first of all, we need to stop calling these people activists

secondly, good, now lock them up!! 

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3 minutes ago, Blade Runner said:

And what about the multibillion dollar corporations that are destroying our PLANET, Miss Thing? Everything cool with then? 

Altough this is true, their actions were definitely wrong. You can't destroy high value property like that and expect to be rewarded for it.

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Isn't her dad a millionaire or something? :sistrens:

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5 minutes ago, KatyPrismSpirit said:

Altough this is true, their actions were definitely wrong. You can't destroy high value property like that and expect to be rewarded for it.

"Trashing" (they didn't do that) art is a sin, but destroying the Earth is okay if you're an entity with money. 


Lol, we're so doomed. 

Edited by Blade Runner
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If they want to excel at vandalism, they should just look at what the UK and these Western countries did to ancient artifacts in Africa and Asia.



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Community service would've sufficed. Not saying this is a good protesting method, but I'm not about to root for imposing heavy sentences on activists.

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9 minutes ago, KatyPrismSpirit said:

Altough this is true, their actions were definitely wrong. You can't destroy high value property like that and expect to be rewarded for it.

Why not? Corporations do it all the time and with impunity. They should be happy if anything cuz we only learn from the best



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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Virgos Groove said:

Community service would've sufficed. Not saying this is a good protesting method, but I'm not about to root for imposing heavy sentences on activists.

the judge that ruled they are guilty said they need to mentally prepare for jail at their sentencing in september so that's pretty harsh. I think community service and a lifetime ban from the museum would've been enough too

Edited by KatyPrismSpirit
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let me giggle chi 

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18 minutes ago, Blade Runner said:

And what about the multibillion dollar corporations that are destroying our PLANET, Miss Thing? Everything cool with then? 

The corporations have now stopped contaminating because this girls did this. 

They have changed the world. We are so greatfull the world is a better place because of them 

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deserve after they did this!



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We're in the beginning phase of a literal mass extinction event, but it's the activists who get jail time, not the people who destroyed the planet's biome :bibliahh:

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1 minute ago, Digitalism said:

The corporations have now stopped contaminating because this girls did this. 

They have changed the world. We are so greatfull the world is a better place because of them 

Thank you. Now that these girls are going to jail, coorporations will stop burning everything around us. What a marvelous world. 

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here come the people blaming the activists and not the big corporations :suburban:

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We're really doomed in a world that punishes climate and animal rights activists as if they were a danger to society.

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they will jail these randoms but pedos and sex offenders are free smh

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Some of these people actually enjoy being jailed cause it elevates them to martyr or folk heroes status in their circles. There's an undeniable element of narcissism behind this type of righteous activist archetype.

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1 hour ago, Dear Reader said:

deserve after they did this!



deserve a nobel prize maybe

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good 4 they/them 

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Hope they rott in jail, good!! Nobody messes with king Van Gogh, **** them

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41 minutes ago, Gui Blackout said:

Some of these people actually enjoy being jailed cause it elevates them to martyr or folk heroes status in their circles. There's an undeniable element of narcissism behind this type of righteous activist archetype.

Putting on my tinfoil conspiracy hat:

I remember a couple years ago when this particular flavor of climate activism was popping up, there was some discourse that a lot of the funding for these activists was coming from a big oil tycoons heir or something, and it made me wonder if the elite class is intentionally gassing up the more "cringe" activists to give climate activism a bad name to the GP.

Now before anyone comes for me, if you look at the response these stunts get 95% of the comments are usually very counter productive, and while it might get people talking, i'm not sure that "all publicity is good publicity" in this case, as it's not like people are talking about the issues, its more they are talking about how stupid climate activists are, which is not ideal because if more and more people think climate activism only amounts to throwing soup, it really undermines the good work thousands of activists are doing doing globally, which is whyyyyyyyy I think this stuff is suspicious.

I once went on a date with a dude who worked for a huge oil company in "community outreach", and I was curious how they deal with activists who I assumed would be a huge nuisance for them, however he waved his hand nonchalantly and was like "they all have their price" and left it that. :rip:

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