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Nicolás Maduro's son: 'If Edmundo González wins, we will go into the opposition'

Virgos Groove

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In a conversation with EL PAÍS, the son of the president of Venezuela expresses confidence in a Chavista victory at the polls on Sunday but gives assurances that they are also ready to recognize defeat


Q. Let's put ourselves in a scenario where Edmundo wins on Sunday, what would happen then?


A. We are going to win, I confirm it to you. I am apprehensive of some international media outlets. Not to an extreme point, but I do believe that they are very biased, that they do not see, they are not on the street. If Edmundo wins, we will hand over [power] and we will be in the opposition, period. I was not born into the presidency, my father was not born a president. I was born in the Valley, I studied in a public school. And if everything ends up with us being in the opposition, then so be it. I don't know if people will be able to stand us as the opposition, we are a nuisance.

El País

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6 minutes ago, Virgos Groove said:

We are going to win, I confirm it to you

Lol of course you are 

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I don't know if people will be able to stand us as the opposition, we are a nuisance.

sounds like a threat

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Maldito desgraciados basuras hijos de perras. Algún día pagarán. 


Free Venezuela from these demons. 

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Hope the Venezuelans are able to have their freedom. Praying for them :heart: this election looks rigged sadly. 
As a Colombian i been livin and experiencing the sufferin-nigthmare of Venezuelans everyday. The Broken families. The Deaths. 
The massive wave of venezuelans refugees-inmigrants in my country.
Seeing them in the highways of the country with their kids exhausted and with hunger
So many of my venezuelans friends heartbroken cause they had to escape and leave their families behind

We even have a venezuelan inmigrant livin with us in my grandmas farm cause the situation is that bad in venezuela.
He went back to venezuela and he was unable to feed himself well and returned to Colombia. The criminality  also scared him

Venezuela when i was a child was one of the richest and strongest countries of latinoamerica.
Artists used to go there and not come to Colombia crazily
I remember the moments when that country went down.
I remember the Chavez "Expropiese "Expropiese" "Lets nationalize"  "These Americans imperialists"
Thats what u get when u allow populist extremists to take over your country. From right and left. 
They dont have common sense. They are only here for power and greed
This is one of the reasons why trump is so dangerous

This message will be probably unpopular cause ATRl has so many members pro-north korea / Pro-rusisa / Pro-china..........
Left-Progressiveness is the right way but we also have to be able to look the whole picture and when things are just wrong

im sorry but I get really angry when i see Northamericans/Europeans livin a life of luxuries and wealth trying to support that dictatorship.
Like is some sort of Jumanji or Cards Game :biblio: yes is easier to support that when youre not the one suffering
All the people excusing this authoritarian goverment should get their moral clock checked.
They should trade places with people livin in these "Paradise" countries
I dont like to get involved with Politics cause i get stressed when i get notifications-feuds but i had to post this before the influx of messages supportin maduro

Yes this goes to the pro-commie-tankie atrlers.
So much fun to support your personal agenda from your comfort chair and laugh about it :alexz2:

Que los que se burlan de la situacion de nuestras hermanas reflexionen :gaycat2:
Los Latinos Nativos de raudal sabemos como son las cosas de verdad. Como todo cayo con chavez y maduro
y nos las excusas siempre de que USA lo hizo

No respondere a nadie porque eso de peleas politicas me estresan :emofish:
Dont reply to me. Just read sistrens and pass over this message :clack:
Just my thoughts as a Colombian livin in Colombia


Edited by AvadaKedavra
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2 hours ago, Blade Runner said:

Maldito desgraciados basuras hijos de perras. Algún día pagarán. 


Free Venezuela from these demons. 

Ojala pierdan y el culero tenga que huir a otro pais

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We'll see what happens, I mean, I can't help it but feeling hopeful absolutely, because my biggest wish is that these pieces of **** leave us alone with all their failed goverment system (f*ck "socialism of 21st century", f*ck comunism, horrendous models that has led us to nothing but misery and social control, based on resentment and pure evil). 


I am not there unfourtanely, and this mfs didn't let me vote from abroad, but I know from my relatives and friends there's a lot of anxiety and expectation. Praying for our freedom and that these elections take place in peace and without any type of fraud, obviously very naive on my part, but it is what I wish for my country.

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those rats will lose. mark my words

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