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Cops shoot Black woman, Sonya Massey in the head in her home unprovoked


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This is so sad. Where is this guy's common sense?

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F*cking vile & abhorrent filth. Hope he can rot in jail :clap3:

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WTF even if she threw the boiling water, he could have ducked right or left. Disgusting! 

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cops should get mental tests every other month honestly, not everyone is ready to be a cop. i saw he got charged, good. stay in prision idiot.

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How is this happening?

Why are we allowing this to happen?

May she rest in peace, this is a horrible way to die, she didn't deserve that

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Insane and heartbreaking. Poor woman

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What the f*ck did I just watch? I can't even begin to comprehend the thought process that could bring one to shoot a woman in her home who called police for protection over a f*cking pot of water. It genuinely makes my blood boil, that cop deserves the worst.

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life in prison please 

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imagine if this footage never saw the light of day. RIP 

Edited by Babydoll.
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Unbelievable, thank god for the footage because otherwise you just know he would've gotten off.


Hope he rots smh. 

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May his fellow cell mates show him what it means to truly have your life be endangered. May they beat him to  within an inch of his life (repeatedly).

Edited by ThehushSound
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Oh, it's even worse than I imagined.... this isn't a good look. Plus, supposedly, they told the family originally that she is the one who shot herself. Shame. Utterly disgusting and unacceptable.

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What a disgusting pig. Those cops were nowhere near this lady and she was absolutely NOT a threat to them whatsoever. All she said was that she would rebuke that man in the name of (presumably the Lord?) and turned off her stove. There was no insinuation that she would even attack this police officer. Even IF she would've threatened to pour boiling water over them, its NOT an ******* excuse to shoot this lady in the FACE. The cop literally said to her that he would shoot her in the face right after she said she rebukes him, which is clearly very extreme and aggressive over a woman with steaming water in a pot.


Absolutely inappropriate response and disproportionate violence against her. This cop needs to suffer for the rest of his life. What a sick bastard. Give him the death penalty i'm serious.

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I watched the clip. My heart is still racing. I feel sick. What in the actual f'ck did he do? 


That poor woman. One second she was talking calmly sitting on the sofa. Then she walks to her kitchen area... handles her cooking pot and he shoots her 3 times or even more... over what exactly? A pot? That she was cooking?


Are they insane? If that man doesn't get life in prison idk what kind of crime deserves it more. 


Me as a white person who does not live in America.. we simply don't know what our black brothers and sisters have to go through on a daily basis. I reserve further commentary on this whole issue and retreat in silence, agonizing over that woman's brutal murder. 

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6 minutes ago, stevyy said:

I watched the clip. My heart is still racing. I feel sick. What in the actual f'ck did he do? 


That poor woman. One second she was talking calmly sitting on the sofa. Then she walks to her kitchen area... handles her cooking pot and he shoots her 3 times or even more... over what exactly? A pot? That she was cooking?


Are they insane? If that man doesn't get life in prison idk what kind of crime deserves it more. 


Me as a white person who does not live in America.. we simply don't know what our black brothers and sisters have to go through on a daily basis. I reserve further commentary on this whole issue and retreat in silence, agonizing over that woman's brutal murder. 

He clearly was paranoid and had a racist bias towards her from the start. I feel anything she'd do and he'd find a way to shoot her. To go from calm to murder in a few seconds over a pot is not normal, is mental illness at high levels. A clear psychopath, who deserves to die in prison. 

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Just watched the bodycam footage, I'm so sickened :mazen:

Hope this stupid ass cop spends the rest of his life suffering in prison

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This was cold blood execution. :frown:

Some people in this world are the real devils. And also, SMH America. 

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That was absolutely horrifying to watch! 

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