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Update: Biden admin rush to smother signs of a delegate rebellion at convention


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13 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

Elections aren't decided by what Vote Blue No Matter Who partisans will tolerate. Biden is about to sink the entire party.

We have a two-party system. One of the nominees will win. If you don't vote Biden, who is on track to be that nominee, that's on you. Not Biden. 

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59 minutes ago, brutal said:

Nothing honourable about delegates going against voters wishes. The same people celebrating this would be crying if Trump/Republicans attempted this for a general election.

Normally I'd agree but it's hard to say that voters' wishes are the same now, given what's taken place since the primaries.


That being said 1 delegate is nothing. Aren't there hundreds of them?

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3 minutes ago, on the line said:

We have a two-party system. One of the nominees will win. If you don't vote Biden, who is on track to be that nominee, that's on you. Not Biden. 

I live in a red state, so it's actually not up to me. It's up to Biden to get out there and prove to the American people he is fit to serve.

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2 minutes ago, on the line said:

We have a two-party system. One of the nominees will win. If you don't vote Biden, who is on track to be that nominee, that's on you. Not Biden. 

I think it's on the party to nominate a candidate whose brain isn't 50% beta-amyloid. Sorry hun but this is all on the DNC for hiding Biden's condition from us until after it's too late to opt for an alternative, especially now that they're doubling down and trying to prevent us from having a different candidate.

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8 minutes ago, on the line said:

We have a two-party system. One of the nominees will win. If you don't vote Biden, who is on track to be that nominee, that's on you. Not Biden. 

I only agree with this a little. It is still Biden's duty and job to put in the work to convince voters to his side. "Trump is worse" should not be something he leans on. It's a fact, but it shouldn't be all there is. That should only be a bonus.


(Note, I'm still voting blue.)

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6 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

I live in a red state, so it's actually not up to me. It's up to Biden to get out there and prove to the American people he is fit to serve.

Your stance is why Trump will again. GOP are much better at plugging their nose and doing what it takes to win. Many, many GOP think as poorly of Donald Trump as many of us do about Biden, but they understand what it takes to win. They see the bigger picture. You, and your fellow posters here, do not.

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Just now, on the line said:

Your stance is why Trump will again. GOP are much better at plugging their nose and doing what it takes to win. Many, many GOP think as poorly of Donald Trump as many of us do about Biden, but they understand what it takes to win. They see the bigger picture. You, and your fellow posters here, do not.

That's not even true. The libertarian candidate in 2016 earned more votes than Jill Stein. Dems are just complacent and refuse to listen to their base, while the RNC is in touch with what their base wants. My vote for Biden in a red state won't impact swing state voters. Are you serious?

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3 minutes ago, The7thStranger said:

I only agree with this a little. It is still Biden's duty and job to put in the work to convince voters to his side. "Trump is worse" should not be something he leans on. It's a fact, but it shouldn't be all there is. That should only be a bonus.


(Note, I'm still voting blue.)

I agree with this 1000% percent. Democrats overall are very weak in saying what they are FOR. They'd rather ***** about what they are against. See replies in this thread for those receipts. 

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1 hour ago, GraceRandolph said:

Elections aren't decided by what Vote Blue No Matter Who partisans will tolerate. Biden is about to sink the entire party.

                     this:       :redface:

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Power corrupts and this man and his team aren't willing to let go of it. Unfortunately that will come at the cost of our country likely sliding into complete oblivion. A sad story !

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You'll never convince me to vote third party or not vote at all. Trump getting a second term puts far more people in danger than anyone wants to admit. People really think this is a game, if he gets back in the White House and adds another conservative judge, we can start saying goodbye to the progress made within the LGBTQIA+ community, minorities, women, and so many more vulnerable people and communities in this country. 


A Trump administration means my very life will be in danger. We already have Proud Boys marching proudly in daylight, EMBOLDENED by Trump and the majority of his base. I'm sure many of my brothers and sisters are drinking the kool-aid that somehow Trump will keep his word and limit his attacks to just our trans brothers and sisters when we all know his administration will be stacked with EVANGELICALS so we're all in danger, stop ******* deluding yourselves. 


Y'all are literally no better than the gays who supported Hitler thinking he'd spare them because he said otherwise. We all know how history went and it's frustrating that we're trying to repeat the same mistakes. Not saying Trump is going to usher in the 4th Reich or some bs, but let's be real here. We see what's happening in states like Florida, Texas, and Louisiana. A single ******* delegate is not going to tip the tides of this election. 

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