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Biden claims elites want to overrule primary voters despite shady tactics


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His whole campaign is nothing but smoke and mirrors.  The fact is, he would not have won the 2020 primary if the DNP didn't pull levers to tip the scales in his favor.  And there was no honest primary this year.  

To proceed with him as the candidate is in fact against the democratic will of the people who again and again state they do not want Biden as the candidate. 

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"Primary"??? Blaming the "elites"??? :bibliahh:


Edited by nadiamendell
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Not him going full Liz Truss. :hoetenks:

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sigh… I am having 2016 Legend H Vs Bernie all over again… we never learn. It's exhausting. You HAVE to be united now especially 4 months before an election, the GOP is loving this. 

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Step down and let Marianne run you old piece of s**t 

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18 minutes ago, imabadkid said:

sigh… I am having 2016 Legend H Vs Bernie all over again… we never learn. It's exhausting. You HAVE to be united now especially 4 months before an election, the GOP is loving this. 

This is really the only thing that matters. I don't want Biden either, but the relentless trashing is only going to result in more stacking of the Supreme Court over the next 4 years when Trump wins. There's a reason why TurtleHead and all the other GOP held their noses around him and publicly supported him while privately trashing him. They are winning. So hard.

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22 minutes ago, imabadkid said:

sigh… I am having 2016 Legend H Vs Bernie all over again… we never learn. It's exhausting. You HAVE to be united now especially 4 months before an election, the GOP is loving this. 

Biden is mortally wounded. The party cannot unify as long as someone like him who has lost the trust and grace of half of all Democrats forces himself into the top of the ticket. Your only options are a Trump win or replacing Biden

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Man FUUCCK this guy. After the DNC kneecapped Bernie in the 2020 primaries and unilaterally installed Biden as the nominee WITHOUT a real primary at all in 2024, he has the guts to say this? Rot, Joe. 

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1 hour ago, imabadkid said:

sigh… I am having 2016 Legend H Vs Bernie all over again… we never learn. It's exhausting. You HAVE to be united now especially 4 months before an election, the GOP is loving this. 

Yes, you have to be united, that means DNC leadership needs to stop stabbing their voters in the back. That means listening to us when we say we want a primary. Silencing dissent is NOT the same as being genuinely united. 

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1 hour ago, imabadkid said:

sigh… I am having 2016 Legend H Vs Bernie all over again… we never learn. It's exhausting. You HAVE to be united now especially 4 months before an election, the GOP is loving this. 

Not the Bernie scapegoating still 8 years later. Hillary got cocky and neglected key states and lost, period. She failed to engage significant portions of demographics that voted for Obama twice. 


Biden's loss is going to be much worse than Hillary's, and it's not going to be because of Bernie or because Democrats are "divided." It's going to be because historic numbers of independent voters will either swing back to Trump or sit out the election, and because historic numbers of Democrats are disgusted with Biden's performance in multiple areas. 

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Malicious, demented, incompetent and incontinent—pick several struggles.



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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, WildOne said:

Silencing dissent is NOT the same as being genuinely united. 

This!  In many ways, Republicans are stronger because they embrace dissent and allow the strongest ideas to take center stage.  

These movements may not always be the most politically savvy from the perspective of an ivy degreed belt line pollster consultant, but it at least gives space for the marketplace of ideas that keeps the GOP more dynamic and at the forefront of American political movements.  

On the other hand, the Democrats's resistance to meet the American people where they are at and embrace the thoughts and ideas of it's potential voters is itself the fatal flaw that drives a wedge in the party.  

The whole purpose of a democracy is the idea that debate and dissent makes you stronger as a whole.  It's about time the ironically named party embraces that American ideal.  

Edited by byzantium
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all this mess just for him to lose anyways, what a waste of time, money and common sense  

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