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British columnist pleads: "Don't replace the culture war with class war."


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Class war is more important than culture war. 

when it comes down to it this is exactly what elites want. They want you to focus on cultural issues and not economics or how they steal and abuse the working class and continue to create modernize slavery in the 3rd world countries and continue to use human trafficking. 

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Have the upper class not been at war with the lower class for the last 40 years?  Did I miss something.  We are already in a class war. 

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Nope. If Labour (or any left wing party for that matter) wants to win back working class voters once and for all, they absolutely need to go after the rich. Otherwise, working class voters will continue to feel abandoned and focus on cultural issues. 

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Posted (edited)

Given this is the Times they probably think class war is when VAT on private schools or something :bibliahh:

Edited by AndThenTheCocaine
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No one ever mentions class and it's high time we do 

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It is my dream that this comes to reality soon. We know it's already reaching mainstream discourse and once the average person wakes up to the way things really are (aka wage theft and ungodly wealth transfer) and exactly who is actually responsible for them not having a pot to piss in, ****'s gonna really change. :clap3: 


It's the only thing giving me hope between Joever and Dump. :chick3:

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 What I find absurd about the class war is the automatic assumption that everyone is a "nepo baby" or has leveraged their social class to get ahead. While this may hold true for many white individuals, ethnic minorities and Black people, even those in higher social classes, still encounter HUGE challenges.


Much of the class conflict arises from the misconception that people haven't worked hard to attain their current financial stability.


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Class war? Yes, please. More, please!


Plead and you shall receive, hunny. 

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Of course she looks like the way she does

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Posted (edited)

You either get it (or you don't) ..



"I thought of you when they closed down the school
And the hospital too
Did they think that you were better?
They were wrong
You had so many friends
They all left you in the end
'Cause they couldn't take the patter
And I'll see you baby when the clans rise again
Women and men united by a struggle
Going down
You've got to walk into the water
With your sister and your daughter
In this free world
If I wore your shades could I share your point of view?
Could I make you feel better?
Paint a picture, write a letter?
Well I know what you're saying
But I see the things you do
And it's much too dangerous
To get closer to you
But I will see you baby when the clans rise again
Women and men united by the struggle
Going down
With a pocketful of plastic
Like a dollar on elastic
In this free world
I wouldn't tell you if I didn't care
I'll see you baby when the clans rise again
Women and men united by the struggle
And the ghettoes are full of Mercedes Benz
And you'd never hurt a friend
Who wouldn't tell you
It's cold and it's going to get colder
You may not get much older
You're much too scared of living
And to die is a reliable exit
So you push it and you test it
With 'Thunderbird' and 'Rivin'
And I'll see you baby when the clans rise again
Women and men united in the struggle
In this free world baby
Got to take it got to grab it
Got to get it up and shag it
In this free world
Going down
You've got to get into the water
Like a lamb goes to the slaughter
In this free world baby
Going down
With a pocketful of plastic
Like a dollar on elastic
In this free world
I wouldn't tell you if I didn't care".


Edited by Dante Silva
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tbh i think i will luv!!! xx

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