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White Supremacist Organization marches in Nashville


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Can the US stop drone striking people in the global south and go after our homegrown Nazis instead? 

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Why do they hide behind masks if they're proud of their cause? 


Also interesting how this is the same crowd that was against wearing masks during Covid.

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Yep, poc should definitely stop visiting that country. 

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What in the handmaid's tale is going on in America??!

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Nashville just seems like a bad pool of energy between this and the Riley Strain case. 

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These are the same people eagerly waiting to vote for Trump and WILL btw. 


Trump can not be re-elected. I don't like Biden, but his dumb ass will more than likely pass while in office so I can't give a ****. The supreme court can't be overrun by conservative nazi's and project 2025 can't happen, sorry 

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