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Elliot Page wanted his character in TV show to transition. Showrunner wasn't happy.

Space Cowboy

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The show is Umbrella Academy 



The HR complaint also included text messages from Blackman in which he complained about Elliot Page's interest in having his character transition on the show, a move that Page once praised Blackman for championing.

"Elliot wants to come out as trans on the show. As Ivan. Oh my ******* God. Kill me now," 

On the one side, I can understand Elliot not wanting to play a female character. On the other side, Elliott is an actor and his job is to pretend to be something they are not. Asking for a character to be just like him defeats the purpose of being an actor.



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Disagree with him, the storyline obviously can't change because of what happens in the actor's personal life.


Actors play people who they're not

If you are a professional you just go with it


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But didn't that happen in the show anyway?

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11 minutes ago, Trent W said:

Disagree with him, the storyline obviously can't change because of what happens in the actor's personal life.


Actors play people who they're not

If you are a professional you just go with it


This I agree. But despite that it didn't change the 3rd season much. It would've been something esle if the character made the transition out of nowhere. 


11 minutes ago, AndThenTheCocaine said:

But didn't that happen in the show anyway?

Yup. His character transitioned in the 3rd season. It worked anyway cuz Vanya was pretty much a lesbian in season two so it worked with his character .I still remember the stupid complaints when it was announced and then it became a huge nothingburger after the show debuted.

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47 minutes ago, liquiddiamonds said:

Eliot made no fuss about it and moved on to different projects and to live his own life. Showrunner is the one accused of harassing and being prejudiced towards other employees. Now that's something to discuss

seriously. he moved on. i dont know why theyre trying to make it seem like elliot was being so demanding

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That message :deadbanana2:

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59 minutes ago, Trent W said:

Disagree with him, the storyline obviously can't change because of what happens in the actor's personal life.


Actors play people who they're not

If you are a professional you just go with it



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Posted (edited)

I can't even imagine the psychological damage and dysphoria of transitioning and having to perform as the opposite gender at the same time. The writers had the chance to be kind, supportive and give out a good message and they chose not to. Of course they were not obligated to, but it's a pity they took that route. 


Edit: Apparently they did? The title is misleading.

Edited by Loca
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First of all, the people in here "agreeing" and listing arbitray reasons like like idiots considering the character transitioned in the show and it was absolutely no big thing. it's very possible to do things like this in showrunning, especially in a fantastical show.


So the fact that it was a hurdle to get to is ludicrous. And as someone else pointed out, the allegations against unfit behavior don't stop there.



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I wish studios would implode like in the 1970s when directors started making arthouse films and everyone stopped trying to pander to audiences  

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It worked really well on the show. It literally changed absolutely nothing in the story itself, it was just a detail. 


It's a pretty good show btw

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well sucks for f*cking umbrella academy. if he wants his character to transition, then his legend ass should be ABLE to have his character transition :gaycat:

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4 hours ago, Trent W said:

Disagree with him, the storyline obviously can't change because of what happens in the actor's personal life.


Actors play people who they're not

If you are a professional you just go with it


This. His character is such a mess with all the asspulls they made to make it adapt to her persona. The lesbian storyline was a reach but you could buy it, but then the transition coming out of nowhere and so completely out of character, if he wasn't up for finishing the seasons playing the character he was meant to play he should have stepped down and let the role be recast.

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Didn't Elliot say he agreed with the character still being female, but the production team arranged the character transition? This just feels like the showrunner couldn't handle the decision the whole team made and now is just being a bigot


Edit: I may have read some fake new about what I said before. Just saw this Elliot interview and he said the showrunner was supportive and he even praises him?? Something might have happened in the long term I guess


Edited by BrokenMachine
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