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Drake looks stressed tf out

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not like us smashing and breaking his record, career in the toilet, camila collab as last single despite colonizer allegations… oh Audrey.. how the world has failed you

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He could benefit from JLO Beauty moisturizing cream, some JLO Beauty serum and more water intake. Maybe JLO Booty Balm too. 

Edited by SoldierofLove
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I mean he has the entire world calling him a Pedo for months straight and the song still hasn't died down at all:rip:

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needs more fillers and maybe a face lift

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He's heading into his 40's and it's showing tbh. 

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He saw the streaming numbers from his Camila collabos



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Still would. 

In the couch, in the kitchen, in the parking lot, on all fours, upside down, etc. 

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2 minutes ago, Konril said:

Them white genes winning. They not like us indeed.


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Damn, it looks like he aged a decade this year. It might be time to take a break, stress is not good for you. :biblio:

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20 minutes ago, Konril said:

Them white genes winning. They not like us indeed.

I- :bibliahh:

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1 hour ago, magazine said:

imagine if he had a 9-5


1 hour ago, OGPanE said:

Melted face falling off the bone :bibliahh:


1 hour ago, Konril said:

Them white genes winning. They not like us indeed.


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