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4th of July is one of my least favorite holidays in America. Anyone else?

Just a Gay on ATRL

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I think my lack of pride and patriotism at the moment kind of goes without saying right now, but there are some other reasons this holiday is low on my list of favorite holidays.


Where I live, the loud noises and banging from people setting off their own fireworks and firecrackers is awful. Not to mention they set these off on ground level in the middle of the street where it's potentially extremely dangerous. I got caught going home on a crowded street late one 4th 3 years ago and it was legit terrifying. People were not acting right and it was absolute chaos. I get drunk and have fun plenty of other nights, so for me, there's no need for me to get drunk and crazy on the 4th when sooo many people in the city streets are acting a fool. I'd rather go out when it's not like that. At least with NYE people you don't have to play as much "was that a firework or a gunshot?" :rip: 


How do you feel about this holiday, both American and non-American ATRLers?


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it gives me an excuse to rewatch I Know What You Did Last Summer

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idc about the day just use it drink and eat glizzies and burgers.

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I used to really like it.  I'm the type of person who was never really willing to concede nationalism to the far right and there are some great things about this country that are worth being proud of.  

However this year has felt different.  With the sh*t the Biden White House is pulling, I have for the first time felt like this country is not worth saving.  I spent the day working by choice because I did not want to celebrate.  I'll take a day off later this month to even it out.  

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I dont really care either way. I don't typically do much to celebrate it anymore, I don't dislike it in any way. I've mainly used it as an excuse to drink but I'm sober now so... 


If only our neighbors wouldn't use it as an excuse to light fireworks for 2 weeks straight. :shakeno:

Edited by EnigmaticAndroid
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I don't like it. The fireworks are hell for wildlife, pets, and anyone with PTSD (or anyone who just doesn't like loud noises). As others have said, this country isn't worth celebrating, especially recently. And I live close enough to family and friends that I already see often that "getting together" with them isn't really special as I already see them several times a week. 

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I dont care abt 4th of july itself but i love a holiday midsummer where we drink beer eat burger and hotdog and stay outside. Its amazing :cm: 

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I like it because I get a day off from work, the fireworks going off late into the night is annoying though.

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i feel the opposite. Im not american and i live for it :gaycat4: probably cause i always been a big fan of american culture.
It saved me from an awful teenhood. I own everything to American Culture and english.  It shaped my world  when i was depressed
Unusual here cause there's a lot of anti-americanism in my third world country

you light me up inside like the 4th of july :gaycat: happy birthday USA


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All my neighbors spend insane amounts of money on fireworks and it's so damn noisy. I hate it. And while I don't always agree with what happens in the U.S. I will always be grateful to be American. 

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I mean I worked today and tnight I saw fireworks w friends besides that I normally treat like any another day

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I'm a Black American whose birthday is on the 4th lol, I don't care for the historical significance of the date tho.


But I also ain't grow up celebrating holidays, celebrating my birthday is sumn I did on my own from my teens to now.


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I am not very patriotic either, and as a dog owner, I hate fireworks / today :giraffe:

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the 4th used to be lit when i was a kid i always looked forward to the evening to watch fireworks and bbq but now that i'm an adult i've worked on the 4th for the past five years lol

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One of my first memories of 4th of july is when my family and I went to the park to watch fireworks and there were a bunch of geese freaking out nearby and someone just ran them over :chick3:

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Honestly, and I cannot stress this enough, the majority of 4th of July celebrations these days have absolutely **** all to do with actual patriotism and celebrating America. It's just an excuse for people to dress up in red white and blue, go swimming, cook out, get hammered, and almost blow themselves up with fireworks they bought from those firework stores that somehow manage to stay open year round. 


And to that end, I enjoy it. It's nice to gather with people I don't get to see often and just have fun and enjoy the summer festivities. One of the few American traditions I really do enjoy is a 4th of July cookout. 


Not to say that there's not people who actually take the patriotism side seriously but like I live in Tennessee, right down here and Republican country, and I can tell you right here right now not a single person out celebrating actually really gives a **** what the holiday is technically about, they just wanna party. 

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It’s fun if you use it as an excuse to hang out with friends. I went to a party tonight and they had a “F*** America” sign in the living room. So, you can make it whatever. 

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I assume for Americans the 4th is like Kingsday for us in Holland


No one is actually celebrating the king or this country we just dress up and get absolutely ****** up in the streets which is fun

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its whatever, i just like to drink and go to the pool with friends then see fireworks at night

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