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Taylor's legacy undermined by stans. Why?


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As we can see with the ongoing Eras tour, and Taylor's massive success lately, she is undeniably a legend. There is even a Wikipedia page dedicated to the impact of her tour.




This level of impact can only rival Madonna and Michael's tours, and yet it is undermined by stans. Why?





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I can only speak for myself. Taylor is doing a great job and her longevity is amazing. But it comes down how mediocre she is with her vocals and stage presence. I've seen her multiple angles and performances from the Eras tour and she's the doing the same pose and the same hand gestures. Her power lies in the fact that she has a chokehold on the female demo and is catering to kids. She's a legacy act so she can sell out stadiums but she's become a legacy act while still being relevant which is exceptional in the music industry. 

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Why do Y'all act as if Taylor Swift is the only modern pop star that can have a 1 billion tour? Bey could have easily had one for renaissance tour if she had more dates. Beychella let alone was a huge event and is still remembered to this day. Taylor swift has amazing numbers and that's her impact but other stans don't respect her because they feel like her music is the same ole same ole. Also for clarification my statement  has nothing to do with Taylor Swift not wearing wigs or her not being a dancer or having a sexual image. I would most definitely say Taylor Swift has a legacy. Longevity is on her side and I don't think we would have ever expected her to be this big and be stomping like this. Some people just don't feel like she is talented enough to warrant this much success. Taylor is not the only pop star to have stans discrediting her either.

Edited by futuresuperstar2023
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The way OP starts a mess then quickly dips leaving stans eating each other and going in circles nnnn



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You're not gonna break their cognitive dissonance, it's not worth trying. History has proven to be in Taylor's favor, just give it time and even they wont be able to deny it.

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Because u won't stop talking about it

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Imo Taylor is a legend


But the points against her have been valid, her music hasn't been great since midnights, and the success is disproportionate with the quality of her music


She's a legend for albums like Red, 1989, Folklore and Evermore


But let's not pretend she isn't dragging her discography down


I feel like I've been saying this too many times already but she can't afford to have more albums like TTPD and Midnights at this point of her career 


I do think in the future her ambition for commercial success might destroy her music legacy, it's already happening


Most people currently see her as mediocre, a few years ago it's wasn't the case

Edited by Trent W
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I find this argument perplexing. Taylor fans basically exist in three places (online forums, Twitter/X, and Tumblr), and the fans of other artists on the first two platforms are absolutely predisposed to not like her. They'll never acknowledge her legacy, and I've stopped trying to convince them (and Tumblr is literally dead aside from Swifties, so...). Stans in the traditional sense, constitute 1/2 of 1% of Taylor's overall fanbase, and there's basically zero crossover from the stan side of those communities to the broader public. Sure, y'all hate her because Lover outsold ASIB, or Eras is outselling RWT, or whatever, but you're in the absolute minority with that opinion. This community of like... 1000 active people is not an accurate representation of the tastes and thoughts of the GP, but y'all sure act like you are :deadbanana4:


As for Taylor not being a legend because of her performances... there are more paths to legend-status than gimmicks or vocals. People like Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, and hell, even The Beatles, have inspired thousands of people and have been beloved and consumed by tens or hundreds of millions of people over the years, who have passed their music down to their children, who are continuing their legacy. What iconic looks do The Beatles have? Where are Paul McCartney's vocal runs? Or, are they not legends? After all, they're only the best consumed artists of the past century (Taylor is rapidly climbing this list), and that's a horrible proxy of legend-hood :deadbanana4:


Finally, as for Midnights and TTPD being "bad" albums, I disagree, as do the tens of millions of people who have bought or listened, but that's neither here nor there. What I don't get is why you think that tarnishes Taylor's legacy? Is Madonna's legacy ruined by Rebel Heart or Hard Candy? Nothing Elvis has released since like 1962 has been especially well received, but that hasn't broken his legacy one bit? If folklore and evermore are these legend-tier albums, then what comes next should have zero bearing on her placement. Taylor has already made legendary albums, so who gives a **** what she releases next? So what if she's modeling her music on what she knows her fans want to hear? Just because she's making albums that get negative buzz (which I know several of y'all have not listened to) doesn't mean that her legacy is erased, nor does it mean she's lost the ability to make that level of music (again, I know most of y'all haven't bothered listening to TTPD, but a lot of the Anthology is absolutely at that level), and there's every reason to believe she'll return to the sound one day. Plus, y'all bitched and moaned about folklore and evermore being boring pseudo-indie, pretentious indie bait, but now you want them back? And you aren't even fans? Make it make sense :deadbanana4:

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20 minutes ago, dumbsparce said:

Taylor stans are undermining Taylor's legacy? Where?


Oprah Winfrey Omg GIF

By stans of pop music, I meant.

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Okay?. Her cult really won't be satisfied until every person on earth thinks she's the best and most successful singer ever and it becomes illegal to criticize her.

She's a mediocre white woman in every way and none of her ''records'' will matter and her fans are all idiots

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1 hour ago, futuresuperstar2023 said:

Bey could have easily had one for renaissance tour if she had more dates.

Would've, could've, Should've 

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1 hour ago, Doctor Dick said:

But it comes down how mediocre she is with her vocals and stage presence.

She is not mediocre and even if she was it's not the point of being a legend/having impact. 

50 minutes ago, Trent W said:

I feel like I've been saying this too many times already but she can't afford to have more albums like TTPD and Midnights at this point of her career 

Midnights was perfect for her career, the longevity the hits the return to pop the acclaim the awards. Only annoying people online cry about it and even then you'll see them in a few years talking about how good it is.


51 minutes ago, Trent W said:

Most people currently see her as mediocre, a few years ago it's wasn't the case

The people that sees her as mediocre now are the same that always have. The only times they didn't are during folklore and some during reputation. But the amount of people that consider her a great artist and with a great catalog specially cause of eras tour has grown much more since then. 

OT: is quite easily, no one will ever admit an artist impact until years have passed. People love to live in the past and to value things when nostalgia hits on. Most of the times people talk about legends are all dead people or people that people haven't heard from in 88 years.

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It is Taylor haters trying to undermine her legacy, but failing :giraffe:

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2 hours ago, byzantium said:

Would've, could've, Should've 

The point is Renaissance would have been 1 billion if she did more dates. That's facts lmao. To make it seem as if Taylor is this big ass legend that trumps over everybody in impact is ******* laughable.

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6 minutes ago, elincomprendid said:

She is not mediocre and even if she was it's not the point of being a legend/having impact. 

Midnights was perfect for her career, the longevity the hits the return to pop the acclaim the awards. Only annoying people online cry about it and even then you'll see them in a few years talking about how good it is.


The people that sees her as mediocre now are the same that always have. The only times they didn't are during folklore and some during reputation. But the amount of people that consider her a great artist and with a great catalog specially cause of eras tour has grown much more since then. 

OT: is quite easily, no one will ever admit an artist impact until years have passed. People love to live in the past and to value things when nostalgia hits on. Most of the times people talk about legends are all dead people or people that people haven't heard from in 88 years.

That's not true at all, I've personally seen a lot of people turn on her in the last few months


And Midnights was not perfect for her career, she could've released a more experimental album and try go get similar success, the imagery at first was going towards that.


I'm sorry but the whole album is too childish for a 32 year old woman at the time. She was going after 12 year old girls with the themes of the album, like an 18 year old. Basically olivia's market. 

There's nothing wrong but it was a massuve regression 


For example, at that age Beyonce was already on her 4/ST era.  Taylor was on par with Folklore and Evermore and then completely fell off




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You can't ruin something that doesn't exist. There's nothing that makes her distinctive enough as an artist, and even less as a performer, to be remembered in the future. Writing relatable songs for little girls and 30 yo white gay men is not enough. 

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Yeah, I don't think her legacy being undermined by her fans is true or real outside the internet, which is coincidentally also the only place where people care to pretend she has no legacy at all.

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2 hours ago, Trent W said:

That's not true at all, I've personally seen a lot of people turn on her in the last few months


And Midnights was not perfect for her career, she could've released a more experimental album and try go get similar success, the imagery at first was going towards that.


I'm sorry but the whole album is too childish for a 32 year old woman at the time. She was going after 12 year old girls with the themes of the album, like an 18 year old. Basically olivia's market. 

There's nothing wrong but it was a massuve regression 


For example, at that age Beyonce was already on her 4/ST era.  Taylor was on par with Folklore and Evermore and then completely fell off




Beyonce would have never been respected if she didn't reinvent herself after 4. I am Sasha Fierce was beyonce most successful era and biggest seller and that still didn't make the GP respect her. Sales is not all that matters. I wish Taylor Swift stans would understand that but of course they won't.

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16 minutes ago, futuresuperstar2023 said:

The point is Renaissance would have been 1 billion if she did more dates. That's facts lmao. To make it seem as if Taylor is this big ass legend that trumps over everybody in impact is ******* laughable.

You are still operating in the world of hypotheticals. Only one artist actually did it. 

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