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RFK JR Doesn't deny sexually assaulting his then 23 year old nanny


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i'm convinced the donors who actually control US politics actively look for the worst people they can. Desperate people are easier to control and force to act against the interest of their entire country. 

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6 minutes ago, Sheep said:

i'm convinced the donors who actually control US politics actively look for the worst people they can. Desperate people are easier to control and force to act against the interest of their entire country. 

Most of his donors are major Trump donors so 🤷 

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3 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

Most of his donors are major Trump donors so 🤷 

another terrible person with skeletons in his closet who's susceptible to corruption and blackmail :grill:


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Just now, Vixen Eyes said:

Idk who he is but ELECTRIC CHAIR

Hes a 3rd party candidate for president this year. 

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I mean, it's not a surprise. Can we also talk about how his former wife killed herself after finding his diary where he wrote about his dozens of affairs? He's not a good person. None of these people are good people.  :coffee2:

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I would say he is not fit to be a leader, and should drop out, but ethics and morals are dead.

We're at the point of telling people to drop out because they're old, not because they're rapists :rip:

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58 minutes ago, Sheep said:

i'm convinced the donors who actually control US politics actively look for the worst people they can. Desperate people are easier to control and force to act against the interest of their entire country. 

That's the exact reason why russians love trump

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2 hours ago, Gui Blackout said:

Why does he talk like he's buffering 

a worm ate part of his brain if I remember correctly

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How does a country with 330+ million people end up with 2 candidates that are so bad, that this guy is even being talked about as an option?

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his speaking voice makes me f*cking nauseous :deadbanana4: anyway. ELECTRIC CHAIR. 

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