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Greece debuts six-day work week

Virgos Groove

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Oh they're absolutely out of their minds. I'd leave immediately. Imagine getting half of your guaranteed free time off taken away from you. 

You go from 4,888 free days to 2,444 assuming you work from ages 18 to 65. Life is already short enough, you shouldn't slave away more for business owners to profit more. 

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When are people supposed to do laundry?  

Like actual question, I find it very hard to be a functional human with a 5 day work week.  Grocery shop, cook, go general shopping, be active in family life,  spend time with my partner, exercise…it's so much work! 

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Yes because more neoliberalism is definitely what Greece needs! 



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There is high unemployment while people are paid under the table. Greece already had to be bailed out. This is the result. They're trying to stay afloat. 

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That is what will happen in all of those countries voting for the far right.

Six day working week and no retirement until you are 70+


Of course they don't campaign on those policies, they talk about immigration and "family values" .

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I feel for the poor Greeks :doc: that is literally insane and counterproductive :doc: 


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