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Greece debuts six-day work week

Virgos Groove

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Companies in countries worldwide may be toying with the idea of implementing shorter working weeks, but in Greece employees have been told that, henceforth, they can put in a sixth day of labour in an unorthodox step aimed at turbocharging productivity.

After outpacing other Europeans in terms of economic growth, the nation once at the heart of the continent's worst financial crisis has bucked the trend again, introducing a 48-hour working week. The measure, decried as "barbaric" by unions, takes effect from Monday.


Greeks already work the longest hours in Europe, putting in an average 41 hours a week according to the EU's statistics agency, Eurostat, although surveys have also proved they get paid much less. The left-wing opposition has frequently decried "Bulgarian salaries in a country of British prices", claiming the phenomenon has only exacerbated the brain drain.

The Guardian


Isn't capitalism just... wonderful?



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  • ATRL Moderator

Umm, they needed to do this in the opposite direction.



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and all of that for a crap salary and super expensive prices in everything

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When other countries follow their lead



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This will only encourage even more emigration out of Greece and with their HORRIBLE demographic situation Greece will basically be empty in no time :skull:

when economy is placed THAT MUCH above people's well being that's when u know u are truly a failed state tbh…

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Do they at least get an increase in salary or something? This is horrible 

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Why can't we all just collectively quit, and stop paying for s**t? eventually the entire system will fall. 

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Is this due to the increased demand for tourism? I'm genuinely wondering why are they doing this :rip:

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2 minutes ago, Gwendolyn said:

Is this due to the increased demand for tourism? I'm genuinely wondering why are they doing this :rip:

To deal with a "shortage of workers", which really means "a shortage of workers willing to put up with shitty wages and poor conditions".

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32 minutes ago, shinyshimmery said:

Why can't we all just collectively quit, and stop paying for s**t? eventually the entire system will fall. 

Did you think life was better when it fell last time? :gaycat7:

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35 minutes ago, shinyshimmery said:

Why can't we all just collectively quit, and stop paying for s**t? eventually the entire system will fall. 

Because "eventually" will not be quick enough for people to not go homeless 

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4 minutes ago, aadrl1 said:

Did you think life was better when it fell last time? :gaycat7:

no, but we can evolve. whoever gave pieces of paper all the power was seriously disturbed

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3 minutes ago, Cherish said:

Because "eventually" will not be quick enough for people to not go homeless 

I meannnnn, squatting rights exist :P 

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1 minute ago, shinyshimmery said:

I meannnnn, squatting rights exist :P 

why is that a thing in the usa?

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so they literally want young people to leave, which they can do with an EU passport....lol

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And I was complaining that my two successive days off in the weekend are a few. :fan:

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