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Portuguese Black woman gets 8-month suspended sentence after being assaulted by cop

Virgos Groove

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Cláudia Simões – a woman whose battered face was held up as testimony to police brutality – has been handed an eight month jail term, suspended, for biting a police officer.

The policeman, Carlos Canha, has been given a three year jail term, also suspended, for two crimes of 'offences to physical integrity', and two of kidnapping.

This all refers to events in January 2020 when Cláudia Simões – a cook by profession – got involved in an argument between passengers and the driver of a Vimeca bus, over the fact that her daughter, who was eight at the time, had forgotten her bus pass.


Two of the people witnessing the skirmish with Cláudia Simões ended up being arrested and taken to the local police station, hence agent Canha's other charges.

During the trial, Simões said that she believes she would have died had she not bitten agent Canha, three times on the arm.

She told the court that even today, if she sees a policeman in the street, she is frightened. As for her daughter, Ms Simões said the child blames herself for everything that happened (as she 'forgot her bus pass') and has needed therapy.



This country is such a shithole sometimes :mazen:

Edited by Virgos Groove
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Polícias filhos da puta nazistas fascistas apoiantes do Chega

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My country is truly disgusting and racist. I am horrified.

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14 minutes ago, Pedro said:

My country is truly disgusting and racist. I am horrified.

Isn't Portugal one of the most progressive countries in the world?

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3 minutes ago, descg said:

Isn't Portugal one of the most progressive countries in the world?

Doesn't matter how progressive a country is, black people are always treated differently and looked as the bottom of the barrel. 

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17 minutes ago, descg said:

Isn't Portugal one of the most progressive countries in the world?

In terms of legislation, maybe. But the population is still really racist and the police force is littered with neo-Nazi and far-right members. There have also been cases of cops torturing Black and Roma people in custody.

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26 minutes ago, Afterglow said:

Doesn't matter how progressive a country is, black people are always treated differently and looked as the bottom of the barrel. 

Thats is true but me response was because the user says "My country is truly disgusting and racist".  Not all the people are racist. 

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12 minutes ago, Virgos Groove said:

In terms of legislation, maybe. But the population is still really racist and the police force is littered with neo-Nazi and far-right members. There have also been cases of cops torturing Black and Roma people in custody.

So like all the countrys. 

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