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Paris Hilton: "I'm here to be the voice for the children whose voices can't be heard"


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Paris Hilton testified before the House Wednesday (June 26) on the importance of modernizing child welfare programs—a cause she has been vocal about in recent years after opening up about her own trauma and abuse from facilities she stayed in as a teenager.


Hilton encouraged lawmakers Wednesday to reauthorize Title IV-B of the Social Security Act, which provides funding for child welfare issues, and to pass the Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act, which would create an interagency Federal Work Group on Youth Residential Programs to support best practices in residential programs.




I know some people have mixed feelings about her, but she is doing good work out there. She's actually making a difference for children.


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Will never like or respect her but this is an act to be lauded. Nice to see her put her influence and platform to use, and for a great cause, too. 


I didn't know she stayed in facilities as a teen ? granted I'm not familiar with her life pre-fame.   

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20 minutes ago, LegaMyth said:

She's obviously bored and looking for clout. I can smell bs when I see it. 

She was abused in one of these facilities. Please use your brain.

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