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Latvia: First same-sex "partnership" registered under the law

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Despite same-sex marriage not being (yet) allowed in Latvia, the parliament voted a law that allows same-sex couples some rights under the law. 


Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/latvian-couple-become-first-register-same-sex-partnership-under-new-law-2024-07-01/



Maksims Ringo and Janis Locs became the first Latvian same-sex couple to register their partnership on Monday, shortly after midnight when a new law came into force.

After the event at a legal office in Riga's historic centre, the couple exchanged silver rings at a party in the city's main library and hope to get gold rings if and when Latvia legalises same-sex marriage, Ringo said.


The Latvian parliament voted last November to formally legislate same-sex civil unions, after 46 same-sex couples successfully challenged courts to get recognised as a family unit in the eyes of the law.

This allowed partners in such a union to have hospital visiting rights, as well as giving some tax and social security benefits. However they are not be able to adopt children and continue to face inheritance issues.

The change in Latvia means there are now only five EU countries where people in same-sex relationships cannot register civil unions: Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.

Congratulations to this couple :clap3:

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