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Xtina serving stage presence, full pink at D&G event Italy


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I'm snatched OMG I can't believe she was in Italy.

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Her stage presence is truly back. She was fully doing the choreo in Dirrty not just strutting around as per usual. 

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**** drop omg.

She looks stunning, sexy and healthy :clap3:

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Mariah, Miley, Shakira, Katy and now Xtina. pop girls co-signing those homophobic homosexuals. cancel culture failed yet again :mandown:

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Legend X debuting another hit gif, gif makers get to work please. 

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Now if she just released a hit single for the summer. She looks absolutely amazing and ready to slay.

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She looks like her but from like 2000/2001! :bloo::jonny:

Don't wanna sound weird, rude, or intrusive, but did she lose weight/has she been working out more lately?


I mean she looks skinnier (in a good way, not like it's bad if she wasn't) than compared to how she looked in a few interviews last year. Or has she always looked like that?

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