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Of a 40 hour work week, how many hours do you actually work?


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Umm 40+ because I need ALL my hours. I ain't salary yet. :skull: 

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between 20-30 depending on a week, my work requires me to travel outside of my office base though so i take the train 4 times a week which counts toward my work time but isn't technically work since i usually just chill on the train or read a book.

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On my days in the office I do probably about 6 hours of actual work. On work from home days maybe like 3-4. So maybe about 21-24 hours a week :fan:

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Unfortunately, 40. I detest my current job and it's been so hard to leave and find a new one. I hate the company, hate what it represents and I don't know how to get out of here.

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70. I work remotely which is nice but it also removed any possible boundaries and makes me feel like I'm on call 24/7

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I guess if you take out some 30 min breaks (which sometimes I don't actually take), would be like 38 to 39 hours a week.

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I only work 2-3 days a week for 8 hours each. Miss me with that full time ****.


But I get paid $65 and hour and have other sources of income, so I'm fine. I pretty much work like 90-95% of the time I'm there tho.

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37 hours is full time where I work. I probably spend about half of that time doing actual work. I work from home so the rest of the time I'm chilling (and mouse jiggling so it looks like I'm busy :skull:).

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approx 20-25hr of a 40hr work week. 

+ 1hr lunch and two 15min breaks.


i tend to get all my work/projects done in the morning hours so i can chill the rest of the shift. 

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Depends if I have a project or not. Right now without one, around 10 hrs only.

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I'd say like 30 maybe? I'm at the office at around 9:20, start working seriously at 10, take a 20 minutes break at around 11:30, then half an hour for lunch, around 45 minutes for coffee with colleagues, and I'm out by 5:15pm but I'm usually done at around 4-4:30. 5/7 week. 


Of course if I'm super busy I don't take long breaks etc.

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Regular work: 32- 40 hours

Work weeks with audits or writing confirmation/validation protocols: 60 - 70 hours

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