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The View girls turn on Biden


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Somebody needs to pluck up the courage to trip him, it's not that difficult. Dotards don't recover from femoral neck fracture at that age.

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If Dem leadership thinks so little of voters that they are running someone who can barely walk or speak, they don't deserve my vote. Votes are supposed to be earned. Yes Trump will be the end of democracy as we know it but maybe Biden should consider that and step aside. 

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59 minutes ago, Aston Martin said:

Did Dems do anything to codify Roe after the Dobbs decision? They had the majority in both houses of congress, but upholding the filibuster was apparently more important than restoring women's reproductive rights. Did they codify trans rights into federal law when they held both houses of congress + the White House? No. Did they attempt to curtail the corruption of the Supreme Court by stacking it or introducing term limits? No. Could they even work together to federally legalize weed, which is one of the most popular policies on both sides of the aisle? No. 

If you want to win elections, you have to give voters more than "at least I'm not the other guy." That didn't work in 2016, it barely worked in 2020 (if 43k voters across the three states with the closest margins which were Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia voted differently or stayed at home, Trump would've won), and it won't work this time either. 

Finally, your voting fearmongering doesn't work for me because I live in one of the reddest states in the US where Trump will win my state, my Republican rep is running unopposed, and several other state elections down ballot are Repubs running unopposed. My vote doesn't mean ****, and there's no one to vote for anyway. Biden needs to win the 6 swing states again (Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Georgia). He's underwater in most of them. And party leaders would rather that be the case than to run someone else who can win them. 


Standing Ovation Applause GIF by Film Independent Spirit Awards

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42 minutes ago, Jay07 said:

If Dem leadership thinks so little of voters that they are running someone who can barely walk or speak, they don't deserve my vote. Votes are supposed to be earned. Yes Trump will be the end of democracy as we know it but maybe Biden should consider that and step aside. 

Agreed. Thought long and hard about it the last few days…I'm not voting if Biden stays the candidate. We've been duped on his mental acuity, and if the Dems are serious in their beliefs about just how critical this election is, then they'll make the strategically right decision to get us a new candidate. If they don't, it's the DNC who's to blame for the disaffected voters and eventual Trump win.


It's been almost 10 years of "well at least they aren't the other guy". What have the Dems done to stop Trump and the rise of fascism? Seriously? It's all been empty rhetoric. 

There's no way this conversation is going away between now and the election. Every single gaffe from here on out will resurface calls for him to step aside.


This is truly a disaster directly attributable to Biden and the DNC.

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1 hour ago, Kukai said:

The right will come out to vote for Trump in unison so enjoy Trump as president while they install project 25. You f words better not complain when more women rights and LGBT rights get overturned while you sit your ass at home. 

Maybe Trump needs to win because you ***** gays are insufferable. Y'all forget you're voting for a PARTY and not just an individual. 



U are right, just ignore certain users of muslim origin who enjoy comfort of the free world but care more about gaza then the place they live in

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1 hour ago, Kukai said:

The right will come out to vote for Trump in unison so enjoy Trump as president while they install project 25. You f words better not complain when more women rights and LGBT rights get overturned while you sit your ass at home. 

Maybe Trump needs to win because you ***** gays are insufferable. Y'all forget you're voting for a PARTY and not just an individual. 



your anger and blame should be at biden, his enablers, and the democratic apparatus that knew the state he was in, tried to hide and downplay it for years ("he just has a stutter!"), and then allowed him to fall apart at the most visible moment of the election season. they obviously don't take the threat of trump seriously if they allowed this to happen. 

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It always boggles my mind how ineffective the Dems can be when it comes to passing legislation and how ineffective the party was in curbing Manchin's sabotage. We needed stronger push back to come down from party leaders but the DNC itself is severely weakened unfortunately. It sucks how even if Biden wins we will probably still lose marriage equality and trans rights. The Biden administration itself is already going to the right on trans issues and will continue to do so if it gets them a few more votes. 

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1 minute ago, bunnyeyes said:

It always boggles my mind how ineffective the Dems can be when it comes to passing legislation and how ineffective the party was in curbing Manchin's sabotage. We needed stronger push back to come down from party leaders but the DNC itself is severely weakened unfortunately. It sucks how even if Biden wins we will probably still lose marriage equality and trans rights. The Biden administration itself is already going to the right on trans issues and will continue to do so if it gets them a few more votes. 


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They had four years to project a future democrat candidate, but they let the walking corpse suck all the spotlight. Even Obama was smart in allowing other people to have a moment so they could properly potentially follow him up once his terms were over (although I have issues with all of his picks). Biden seems just as vain as Trump in this sense. He has absolutely no conditions to run a campaign and then run the USA for four more years. The dems need to pick if they want to risk and lose with a weak candidate for reelection or if they want to risk and lose with a fresh one that can at least debate Trump. Right now it's damage control, because the ship to build a new strong candidate has sailed and Trump has the advantage of having his solid republican base 


and I laugh at people asking Jill to do something as if it's not her agency either in supporting him. it's givin feeling sorry for melania

Edited by liquiddiamonds
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Alyssa has been saying this for ages and she was SHUT DOWN HARD by Joyce and Whoopi for saying Biden should step down because he was too old. I wonder if Whoopi still thinks he should run...she was SO delusional and defensive whenever Alyssa would suggest he needed to step down.


Now it's too late either way. They spent millions propping him up and there is only 4 months left. The DNC should have spent that money and time propping another candidate like last year

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13 minutes ago, IBeMe said:

Alyssa has been saying this for ages and she was SHUT DOWN HARD by Joyce and Whoopi for saying Biden should step down because he was too old. I wonder if Whoopi still thinks he should run...she was SO delusional and defensive whenever Alyssa would suggest he needed to step down.


Now it's too late either way. They spent millions propping him up and there is only 4 months left. The DNC should have spent that money and time propping another candidate like last year

Alyssa quickly became the sane one who makes the most sense on the panel. I find myself agreeing with her the majority of the time. She's a very likeable republican I could get along with. 

I'm perched to see how Whoopi will twist herself in a knot trying to spin this. Or maybe she'll surprise us and finally see the light. 

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2 minutes ago, SoldierofLove said:

Alyssa quickly became the sane one who makes the most sense on the panel. I find myself agreeing with her the majority of the time. She's a very likeable republican I could get along with. 

I'm perched to see how Whoopi will twist herself in a knot trying to spin this. Or maybe she'll surprise us and finally see the light. 

Yeah Alyssa almost gives me libertarian / independent vibes ...those tend to be my kind of people tbh. They aren't beholden to a party just for the sake of it. They choose based on candidates instead of party. 


I'm dead curious to see what whoopi will say as well...tbh I know this is going to sound ageist but I feel like A LOT of older democrates who are DEAD set on Biden are in some weird way set on him because they fear their own mortality and cognitive abilities possibly slipping and then them being dismissed for it. It's weird but I swear it feels like some of them are taking ANY criticism about Biden's age as if it was a direct attack against them and their own mental faculties. It's strange 

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1 hour ago, IBeMe said:

Yeah Alyssa almost gives me libertarian / independent vibes ...those tend to be my kind of people tbh. They aren't beholden to a party just for the sake of it. They choose based on candidates instead of party. 


I'm dead curious to see what whoopi will say as well...tbh I know this is going to sound ageist but I feel like A LOT of older democrates who are DEAD set on Biden are in some weird way set on him because they fear their own mortality and cognitive abilities possibly slipping and then them being dismissed for it. It's weird but I swear it feels like some of them are taking ANY criticism about Biden's age as if it was a direct attack against them and their own mental faculties. It's strange 

You're not wrong. Boomers are in crisis that they will no longer hold majority of power for decisions. Joe Biden was born in 1942. It's crazy that this is the person making decisions regarding the world's biggest economy in 2024 

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7 hours ago, Kukai said:

What are you even arguing against when I don't necessarily agree with everything the democrats have done or stood for? My point has been clear that even at their worst, they are better than republicans who would erase the LGBT community's visibility if they had a chance. That might not be an attractive proposition to people but it's the reality. 

Not voting for either party is a vote for Trump in states that matter. 


I dont care if you care just don't cry when anti-lgbt sentiments continue to rise in the coming years is my point. 

So the LGBT community will have to fight again and maybe get out of their confort zone  in Pierre Vallarta 

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7 hours ago, Kukai said:

What are you even arguing against when I don't necessarily agree with everything the democrats have done or stood for? My point has been clear that even at their worst, they are better than republicans who would erase the LGBT community's visibility if they had a chance. That might not be an attractive proposition to people but it's the reality. 

Not voting for either party is a vote for Trump in states that matter. 


I dont care if you care just don't cry when anti-lgbt sentiments continue to rise in the coming years is my point. 

So the LGBT community will have to fight again and maybe get out of their confort zone  in Puerta Vallarta. Most of white gays have become  way to comfortable as if homophobia was not still rampant everywhere 

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7 hours ago, Kukai said:

What are you even arguing against when I don't necessarily agree with everything the democrats have done or stood for? My point has been clear that even at their worst, they are better than republicans who would erase the LGBT community's visibility if they had a chance. That might not be an attractive proposition to people but it's the reality. 

Not voting for either party is a vote for Trump in states that matter. 


I dont care if you care just don't cry when anti-lgbt sentiments continue to rise in the coming years is my point. 

So the LGBT community will have to fight again and maybe get out of their confort zone  in Puerta Vallarta. Most of white gays have become  way to comfortable as if homophobia was not still rampant everywhere 

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He should have not run the election again. he should have gracefully rejected to being a candidate himself. For the country and Americans as well as ww countries. His personal ambition ruined everything :coffee2:

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