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The View girls turn on Biden


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Sara and Alyssa are calling for Biden to step aside and be replaced. 


Sunny says maybe Biden needs to go and bow out with grace and dignity. But it's his decision.


Ana is not giving up on Biden. 


Joy seems to have lost confidence in Biden but didn't outright call for him to step down.


I fear most left leaning independents and dems are likely feeling the same way as Sara and Alyssa. 

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6 minutes ago, SoldierofLove said:

Biden needs to go and bow out with grace and dignity.

That ship has long sailed and it's all the way out at the Kuiper belt, I fear. :sistrens:

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He should absolutely bow out. That performance was shocking. At least run a candidate that has a fighting chance, he couldn't even get two words out.

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If party leaders keep Biden in as Americans' confidence in him continues to plummet, then they're basically saying that they'd rather most Americans lose what few rights they have remaining than admit they ****** up. Not that we don't already know that, of course. 

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And they expect him to last ANOTHER four years after that? :dies: 


He needs to be in a nursing home, not running a damn country. That performance was appalling and simply a joke on both ends. Not voting for either of them. 

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14 minutes ago, Apolonio said:

And they expect him to last ANOTHER four years after that? :dies: 


He needs to be in a nursing home, not running a damn country. That performance was appalling and simply a joke on both ends. Not voting for either of them. 

The right will come out to vote for Trump in unison so enjoy Trump as president while they install project 25. You f words better not complain when more women rights and LGBT rights get overturned while you sit your ass at home. 

Maybe Trump needs to win because you ***** gays are insufferable. Y'all forget you're voting for a PARTY and not just an individual. 



Edited by Kukai
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Just now, Kukai said:

The right will come out to vote for Trump in unison so enjoy Trump as president while they install project 25. You f words better not complain when more women rights and LGBT rights get overturned while you sit your ass at home. 

Maybe Trump needs to win because you ***** gays are insufferable. 



stop with the cringe fear mongering, is not working



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3 minutes ago, Kukai said:

The right will come out to vote for Trump in unison so enjoy Trump as president while they install project 25. You f words better not complain when more women rights and LGBT rights get overturned while you sit your ass at home. 

Maybe Trump needs to win because you ***** gays are insufferable. Y'all forget you're voting for a PARTY and not just an individual. 



I don't care. The bar is in hell either way.

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I can't wrap my head around how the US of A of all countries allows a person who's already 3 feet below the ground run their country and potentially repeat that for another 4 years. This goes beyond politics. Like he's about to collapse at any moment and no one even addresses the elephant in the room. Wtf. Does no one younger than 60 want to run the country?

Edited by dumbsparce
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Just now, shyboi said:

stop with the cringe fear mongering, is not working



WHERE am I fear mongering when someone as demented as Trump and his cult would be more than happy to do those things? 

Most republicans did not even want gay marriage to go through. 

2 minutes ago, Apolonio said:

I don't care. The bar is in hell either way.

Don't cry then when homophobia and anti-lgbt sentiments continue to rise in the coming years. Trump's reelection will just legitimise that. 

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I agree that he should bow out, but there aren't any noteworthy replacement candidates imo. Kamala seems even less popular than him among independents and swing voters for instance. :dancehall3:

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8 minutes ago, shyboi said:

stop with the cringe fear mongering, is not working



But the cringe fear mongering coming from the media certainly is. You all are eating it up. 

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3 minutes ago, Kukai said:

The right will come out to vote for Trump in unison so enjoy Trump as president while they install project 25. You f words better not complain when more women rights and LGBT rights get overturned while you sit your ass at home. 

Maybe Trump needs to win because you ***** gays are insufferable. Y'all forget you're voting for a PARTY and not just an individual. 



Did Dems do anything to codify Roe after the Dobbs decision? They had the majority in both houses of congress, but upholding the filibuster was apparently more important than restoring women's reproductive rights. Did they codify trans rights into federal law when they held both houses of congress + the White House? No. Did they attempt to curtail the corruption of the Supreme Court by stacking it or introducing term limits? No. Could they even work together to federally legalize weed, which is one of the most popular policies on both sides of the aisle? No. 

If you want to win elections, you have to give voters more than "at least I'm not the other guy." That didn't work in 2016, it barely worked in 2020 (if 43k voters across the three states with the closest margins which were Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia voted differently or stayed at home, Trump would've won), and it won't work this time either. 

Finally, your voting fearmongering doesn't work for me because I live in one of the reddest states in the US where Trump will win my state, my Republican rep is running unopposed, and several other state elections down ballot are Repubs running unopposed. My vote doesn't mean ****, and there's no one to vote for anyway. Biden needs to win the 6 swing states again (Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Georgia). He's underwater in most of them. And party leaders would rather that be the case than to run someone else who can win them. 

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5 minutes ago, Kukai said:

WHERE am I fear mongering when someone as demented as Trump and his cult would be more than happy to do those things? 

Most republicans did not even want gay marriage to go through. 

Don't cry then when homophobia and anti-lgbt sentiments continue to rise in the coming years. Trump's reelection will just legitimise that. 

What part of "I don't care" don't you understand? Your fear mongering tactics ain't gonna work on me. 

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2 minutes ago, Aston Martin said:

Did Dems do anything to codify Roe after the Dobbs decision? They had the majority in both houses of congress, but upholding the filibuster was apparently more important than restoring women's reproductive rights. Did they codify trans rights into federal law when they held both houses of congress + the White House? No. Did they attempt to curtail the corruption of the Supreme Court by stacking it or introducing term limits? No. Could they even work together to federally legalize weed, which is one of the most popular policies on both sides of the aisle? No. 

If you want to win elections, you have to give voters more than "at least I'm not the other guy." That didn't work in 2016, it barely worked in 2020 (if 43k voters across the three states with the closest margins which were Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia voted differently or stayed at home, Trump would've won), and it won't work this time either. 

Finally, your voting fearmongering doesn't work for me because I live in one of the reddest states in the US where Trump will win my state, my Republican rep is running unopposed, and several other state elections down ballot are Repubs running unopposed. My vote doesn't mean ****, and there's no one to vote for anyway. Biden needs to win the 6 swing states again (Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Georgia). He's underwater in most of them. And party leaders would rather that be the case than to run someone else who can win them. 

What are you even arguing against when I don't necessarily agree with everything the democrats have done or stood for? My point has been clear that even at their worst, they are better than republicans who would erase the LGBT community's visibility if they had a chance. That might not be an attractive proposition to people but it's the reality. 

Not voting for either party is a vote for Trump in states that matter. 


2 minutes ago, Apolonio said:

What part of "I don't care" don't you understand? Your fear mongering tactics ain't gonna work on me. 

I dont care if you care just don't cry when anti-lgbt sentiments continue to rise in the coming years is my point. 

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26 minutes ago, Kukai said:

The right will come out to vote for Trump in unison so enjoy Trump as president while they install project 25. You f words better not complain when more women rights and LGBT rights get overturned while you sit your ass at home. 

Maybe Trump needs to win because you ***** gays are insufferable. Y'all forget you're voting for a PARTY and not just an individual. 



Candidates have to be able to communicate to be able to convince people to vote for them. That's how it works. If Biden can't even instill confidence in Democratic party loyalists how the hell is he supposed to win over swing state voters who don't care about politics or don't consider women's rights a priority?

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Just now, GraceRandolph said:

Candidates have to be able to communicate to be able to convince people to vote for them. That's how it works. If Biden can't even instill confidence in Democratic party loyalists how the hell is he supposed to win over swing state voters who don't care about politics or don't consider women's rights a priority?

Have I ever said I disagree with that? I would replace both Biden and Kamala they're both ******* useless. 

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7 minutes ago, Kukai said:

What are you even arguing against when I don't necessarily agree with everything the democrats have done or stood for? My point has been clear that even at their worst, they are better than republicans who would erase the LGBT community's visibility if they had a chance. That might not be an attractive proposition to people but it's the reality. 

Not voting for either party is a vote for Trump in states that matter. 

Your point was that anyone sitting at home was letting Trump win. My point was that Trump and Repubs are winning my state and district regardless of if I vote Biden, Trump, Spider Man, or stay home and that the point you're arguing doesn't really turn people out to the polls.

You're right in the fact that Dems are much better on LGBTQ+ rights than the Republicans. That is one reason why I'm furious that Dem leadership is steering the country towards losing what should be a very winnable election if they didn't run a candidate that already has one foot in the ground. My vote doesn't matter, but those in swing states do, and the fact that they're not running a candidate with the capability to win them is screwing over you, me, and the vast majority of our fellow Americans. 

You have a lot of rightful anger and fear about Republicans. I get it, I do too. But Dem leadership is doing more to ensure that Trump wins in November than anyone on this forum or the LGBTQ+ community as a whole is or ever could. Along with Republicans (who are the worst of everyone), that's who you should be mad at. Not a bunch of your fellow exasperated, terrified, and exhausted queer people on this forum. 

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Funny how a lot of Americans still don't realize that there's no difference and their votes are meaningless 


US presidents are just a puppet front

Edited by Luckitty
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