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2024 US Election Megathread 🇺🇸🏛️

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It was decided based on feedback from the spring 2023 town hall to transition this thread back to being election specific. With the Civics section being able to house specific threads on many issues, we think having a generalized politics thread is not completely necessarily anymore. 

With that said, please continue to be respectful and remember that you do not always need to respond to everyone. 

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Welcome to the official home for discussions related to US politics!


2020 US Presidential Election



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Please, remember to be courteous to other members because not everyone will see every issue in the same way.  Flame bait, name calling, trolling, and other disruptions will not be tolerated.  Friendly debate is welcome and encouraged :heart2: 

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Capitalism and centrism rules!

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Reminder that Bernie Sanders lost two Democratic primaries. AOC is cute though, she would make a great president one day.

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:laugh: Oh well, I learned my lesson years ago with the Dems.

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I mean, it would also be political suicide TO run anyone other than Biden in 2024, seeing as they have literally no one. Every conceivable option they could run at the top of the ticket would be a certifiable loser against ANY Republican.


Liz? :ahh: Nobody wants a policy wonk in charge these days. They want policy-free dunderheads like Biden and culture warriors like Trump.


Kamala? :ahh: She’s as empty as they come, and absolutely NOBODY respects her. I’d almost want to see it happen just so I could say I lived through the biggest landslide loss in Electoral College history!


Pete? :ahh: I mean, do you really have to spell it out? There will never be an openly gay president. He’s the wrong sexuality to ascend any higher in political status than maybe Secretary of State. Sorry Pete stans. It’s just not happening. And even if that weren’t an insurmountable obstacle he’d have to overcome, his personality is unapproachable and his policies are… :mazen: 

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On 4/10/2022 at 11:50 PM, khalyan said:

Flame bait, name calling, trolling, and other disruptions will not be tolerated. 


7 hours ago, Monster Megamind said:

Capitalism and centrism rules!


7 hours ago, Bethenny Frankel said:

Reminder that Bernie Sanders lost two Democratic primaries. 

0/2, great start yall. 

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The way Progressives think it's sOOOooooOO funny how close the US is to succumbing to authoritarianism at the hands of Republicans all because they're still mad Bernie didn't get enough votes in 2016 and 2020. :rip: Guess who will be enemy #1 when Trump and Republicans take over? Progressives. Everything you all have fought for over the past decade will be undone in one fell swoop. But get in your kiis and your cackles and your :ahh: :ahh: :ahh: s while you still can.


Meanwhile, hundreds of anti-abortion and anti-LGBT bills continue to be passed across the country while so-called Progressives whine online about how billionaires should be taxed more. Y'all are surely fighting the good fight.

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41 minutes ago, Bang Up said:

The way Progressives think it's sOOOooooOO funny how close the US is to succumbing to authoritarianism at the hands of Republicans all because they're still mad Bernie didn't get enough votes in 2016 and 2020. :rip: Guess who will be enemy #1 when Trump and Republicans take over? Progressives. Everything you all have fought for over the past decade will be undone in one fell swoop. But get in your kiis and your cackles and your :ahh: :ahh: :ahh: s while you still can.


Meanwhile, hundreds of anti-abortion and anti-LGBT bills continue to be passed across the country while so-called Progressives whine online about how billionaires should be taxed more. Y'all are surely fighting the good fight.

Yeah, but once Republicans take over, it's over for everyone, not just Progressives.

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*nervous laughter at yall still 6 years later criticizing Bernie for running in 2016*


Anyway, today's a good day to remind Joe Biden that Dems can endure and overcome a red wave by using his authority to forgive federally held student debt like he promised:



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Shontel Brown joined the Progressive Caucus?:bibliahh:

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Right-wing neoliberal Democrats posturing themselves as the one and only defense against the regressive Republicans is the biggest sham in American political history. They are no such thing and will do nothing to save any of us from social and fiscal policy sliding back into hell as we make our journey through late stage capitalism.


Just wait until they forgive some small portion of student loans and then put on the “but you have to vote for us this year if you want us to forgive the rest :(“ song and dance.


Then when they try to force Joe round 2, or a Kamala/Pete ticket, and blame the leftist flavor of the month for nobody wanting it.


Voting third party in 2022 and beyond. :bird:

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  • ATRL Moderator

Reminder that Democrats can "stop fascism like our democracy depends on it" by doing what they ran on in 2020 before the midterms. Hope Biden and company realize that and hop to it. Yes, Republicans are evil, bigoted, misogynist, and insane. I get it. But Democrats need to convince voters, through actions via passed legislation and/or executive action, that them being in office benefits their lives in a material way and they have failed to do that.

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5 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

I mean, it would also be political suicide TO run anyone other than Biden in 2024, seeing as they have literally no one. Every conceivable option they could run at the top of the ticket would be a certifiable loser against ANY Republican.

It is honestly a little remarkable that Biden was able to get the infrastructure bill passed. Not passing the BBB bill was a massive failure, but it is extremely difficult to get anything passed with such small margins in the house and senate. I don’t really see how any other dem would of done better than Biden with the hand he was dealt. He does deserve all the criticism he is receiving, that’s part of the job. It will be interesting to see if Republicans actually try to impeach him, it does not seem necessary and could potentially hurt them politically. High gas prices are doing way more damage to Biden than a politically motivated impeachment would. 

2024 will most likely be a boring election year. With Trump repeatedly whining and mumbling about how the 2020 election was “stolen” from him and Biden struggling to make full coherent sentences (he was relatively clear in 2020, but he has been getting worse and worse). Biden would most likely pull through against Trump. Trump is always his own greatest enemy and will make himself as toxic as possible by the end of the election cycle. Unless he actually learns from past mistakes and tones down his rhetoric, which is unlikely. If Biden does not run because of poor health, I have no clue who would replace him. The DNC is probably preping Hillary’s campaign as we speak 

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  • ATRL Moderator
13 hours ago, Mean Trees said:


:laugh: Oh well, I learned my lesson years ago with the Dems.

They really hate progressives :rip: 

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7 hours ago, Bang Up said:

The way Progressives think it's sOOOooooOO funny how close the US is to succumbing to authoritarianism at the hands of Republicans all because they're still mad Bernie didn't get enough votes in 2016 and 2020. :rip: Guess who will be enemy #1 when Trump and Republicans take over? Progressives. Everything you all have fought for over the past decade will be undone in one fell swoop. But get in your kiis and your cackles and your :ahh: :ahh: :ahh: s while you still can.


Meanwhile, hundreds of anti-abortion and anti-LGBT bills continue to be passed across the country while so-called Progressives whine online about how billionaires should be taxed more. Y'all are surely fighting the good fight.

It's hilarious at how economic policy to some of you is seen as irrelevant or less important than social policy, like people don't rely on money and incomes to live. You must be rich. There's a reason why Republicans even with their horrendous push for unpopular (YES, look at the polling for their Texas abortion ban) social policy are doing well in voter intention polling and are looking at wiping the Dems all the way out.


@Marvin you know it. It's not a surprise to me anymore. Just more of the same behavior.

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1 minute ago, Mean Trees said:

It's hilarious at how economic policy to some of you is seen as irrelevant or less important than social policy, like people don't rely on money and incomes to live. You must be rich. There's a reason why Republicans even with their horrendous push for unpopular (YES, look at the polling for their Texas abortion ban) social policy are doing well in voter intention polling and are looking at wiping the Dems all the way out.

Lmao. If you think Republicans in 2022 care about economic policy, you're not paying attention. Not a single Republican in this country is doing anything about inflation or even caring about economic policy. For the past year, all they've done is wage a culture war against Dems. And their voters ******* love it. Their voters don't care about anything other than "owning the libs". All the whining about CRT, "gay sex being taught in schools", and "men competing in womens' sports" has nothing to do with the economy. Republican voters sure do love to complain about the economy, but then will vote for a billionaire who has bankrupted every business they've ever ran or a woman abuser who's been hit in the head so many times he can barely think, as long as that person "owns the libs".

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9 minutes ago, Bang Up said:

Lmao. If you think Republicans in 2022 care about economic policy, you're not paying attention. Not a single Republican in this country is doing anything about inflation or even caring about economic policy. For the past year, all they've done is wage a culture war against Dems. And their voters ******* love it. Their voters don't care about anything other than "owning the libs". All the whining about CRT, "gay sex being taught in schools", and "men competing in womens' sports" has nothing to do with the economy. Republican voters sure do love to complain about the economy, but then will vote for a billionaire who has bankrupted every business they've ever ran or a woman abuser who's been hit in the head so many times he can barely think, as long as that person "owns the libs".

Their voters did not love culture war enough to keep a GOP legislative majority in 2018 though. Any excuse as to why Dems are looking to lose by a lot in midterms.

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43 minutes ago, Bang Up said:

Lmao. If you think Republicans in 2022 care about economic policy, you're not paying attention. Not a single Republican in this country is doing anything about inflation or even caring about economic policy. For the past year, all they've done is wage a culture war against Dems. And their voters ******* love it. Their voters don't care about anything other than "owning the libs". All the whining about CRT, "gay sex being taught in schools", and "men competing in womens' sports" has nothing to do with the economy. Republican voters sure do love to complain about the economy, but then will vote for a billionaire who has bankrupted every business they've ever ran or a woman abuser who's been hit in the head so many times he can barely think, as long as that person "owns the libs".

Do you think the nearly half of all Americans who simply don't vote are like pro-Republican or something?

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3 minutes ago, slik said:

I think Ryan is a grifter but he's also right about this:




:ahh: Ryan is one of those progressives who revel in the fact that Dems will lose. When Republicans take full control in 2024, Ryan and his buddies will be the first people sent to internment camps. It'll become illegal for him to even have "☭" in his Twitter name. :ahh: How funny is that? Hilarious! We're not voting Dems because they tried to do **** but couldn't because Republicans blocked everything.


For real, do progressives not understand how Congress works? You need a SOLID majority to get anything done, and Dems don't have that. We have a slim majority with two Dems who refuse to play ball with the rest of the caucus because they've been bought and paid for.


40 minutes ago, Mean Trees said:

Their voters did not love culture war enough to keep a GOP legislative majority in 2018 though. Any excuse as to why Dems are looking to lose by a lot in midterms.

It's 2022, not 2018. Republicans were slightly less crazy in 2018 lmao. And it's not an excuse, it's fact. I am well aware that Dems will be crushed and I am explaining why. 


2 minutes ago, Communion said:

Do you think the nearly half of all Americans who simply don't vote are like pro-Republican or something?

We're not talking about the people who don't vote.

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3 hours ago, Bloo said:

Reminder that Democrats can "stop fascism like our democracy depends on it" by doing what they ran on in 2020 before the midterms. Hope Biden and company realize that and hop to it. Yes, Republicans are evil, bigoted, misogynist, and insane. I get it. But Democrats need to convince voters, through actions via passed legislation and/or executive action, that them being in office benefits their lives in a material way and they have failed to do that.

This ^


We're going to slide into some Republican Hellscape all because Dems couldn't grasp the most simple of all things

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Just now, Bang Up said:

We're not talking about the people who don't vote.

But they're the people who Dems need to be appeing to. Why do you defer to how bad Republicans are when confronted with the reality of how poorly Dems are appealing themselves to people? What evidence makes you think the only way Dems can win is by attracting Republicans and yelling at young voters?

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2 minutes ago, Bang Up said:

For real, do progressives not understand how Congress works?

Also what does Congress have to do with Biden failing to use the executive authority granted to him to forgive student debt and deschedule Marijuana, too highly popular ideas with those he is most struggling with?

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Well said @Communion


It's always blame the progressives and young people and never taking responsibility for failed leadership. Centrist-Big Corporate Dems please try telling the average person 'we couldn't get things done like we promised because we had power...just not ENOUGH power'. The response to that won't be great.


I cannot emphasize enough how many people I know who are so disappointed in Joe and who have been solid Dem voters (myself included).  The man literally ran on getting rid of at least 10k of student loans and 2k stimulus checks and abandoned the first and cut the second to 600. It was a terrible start and it's only gotten worse. All people see is higher gas and inflation right now with no end in sight and no promise from Joe he will fix it.



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  • ATRL Moderator
17 minutes ago, Bang Up said:

two Dems who refuse to play ball with the rest of the caucus because they've been bought and paid for.

Reminder: EIGHT Democrats voted against raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. 


If Manchin and Sinema were the only Democrats disinterested in economic progress, then they'd catch more hell from the Democratic Party. They have no issue attacking AOC and blaming all of their problems on her and yet I see none of that energy against Manchin and Sinema? Why? Why did Biden call Kyrsten Sinema "smart" while she was shutting down his entire presidential agenda with a smile on her face? The big, radical left progressives are challenging Biden for not passing Biden's agenda. Not Bernie's. Not AOC's. Biden's. I would be beyond thrilled if Biden's BBB was passed. I would be beyond thrilled if Biden's proposal to raise the minimum wage was passed. I would be beyond thrilled if Biden's plan to expand Medicare to include vision, dental, and hearing passed. I would be beyond thrilled if Biden passed voting rights. I would be beyond thrilled if Biden cancelled $10,000 of student debt for everyone. I would be beyond thrilled if he allowed Medicare to negotiate drug prices to reduce prescription prices. I would be beyond thrilled if Biden passed a public healthcare option.


Are these the policies I'd like him to fight for? No. I'd like him to cancel all student debt (no, I fortunately don't have student debt myself, so try avoid that come-back). I'd like to see him fight for Medicare-for-All instead of a public healthcare option. Etc. 


But, when Manchin and Sinema were publicly derailing Biden's platform, Biden (and the Democrats) told the progressives to stand down and gave up his own leverage to fight for his platform and refused to challenge Manchin and Sinema. If the Democrats lose in the midterms, it will be because of Biden and the Democratic Party as a whole.


This doesn't make me happy. It actually pisses me off and angers me because their complacency is costing us all and just gives me the impression that they're so detached from the consequences of Republican rule that they have no reason to care. I know many of the others in here expressing frustration with Democrats feel similarly, even if it may come from a more mocking place. The bottom line is that our political parties need to do better at representing the people. Democrats' incessant obsession with decorum, civility, and being nice with Republicans is costing us all. Frankly, the actual issue is that Democrats are corrupt — they directly profit from the system as it is (e.g., Nancy Pelosi defending insider trading among Congresspeople) and thus have no incentive to challenge the status quo.

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