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Update: "The Biden Oligarchy" - only family have Biden's ear & are saying "run Joe!"


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22 hours ago, GhostBox said:

The Dem base (black women) would not be happy if we just threw to the side the first every black woman VP for Whitmer (who Iam a fan of)💀


again no talk is legitimate unless Harris is the first choice. If not. Everyone should stop wasting their time 

Black women are what? 7.7% of the population? Probably half of them even vote. If you're counting them as "the base" at the exclusion of everyone else it's no wonder the Democrat Party is failing.


Harris is a sure fire loser, as is Biden. Black women are more pragmatic than white liberals give them credit for and more than likely know that Kamala is unelectable, and they'd realize that her being nominated would be throwing our future away. It's actually white liberals who want to gamble everything on identitarianism, but more importantly, make sure that Biden stays the nominee so that better things will never be possible.

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On 6/30/2024 at 7:52 PM, mig123 said:

people don't know how elections work… him dropping out will be a big mistake for democrats. he's the only person that can beat trump 

This incessant bipartisan mentality will run this country into the ground so fast if it doesn't all come crumbling down before then, which is what we're seeing happen at this very moment  :khalyan2:

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