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Pop girls and Elon Musk


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Anyone else find it interesting how many of the pop girls with LGBTQ fanbases have been supporting Elon?


This year alone, we've seen Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Charli xcx, and Beyonce posing with/driving/thanking Elon for their cybertrucks/Teslas. We've also seen men who have shown support for the trans community (ex: Bad Bunny and Zach Bryan) showing love for the cybertruck.


Do they not know about his insanely anti-LGBTQ and racist stances? Do they simply not care? I find it incredibly disappointing.

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Having a Tesla or cybertruck =/= being an Elon supporter.


I know using more than 2 of your brain cells is hard for a gay.


Posting about your cyber truck, thanking Elon directly, & showing him love + support = being an Elon supporter.


Also Gaga doesn't even have one, that was her bf's. So we suddenly need to blame women for what a guy chooses to do? Didn't see her positing like crazy about it and licking Elon's a$$ like Katy did.

Edited by dawnettakins
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2 minutes ago, dawnettakins said:

Having a Tesla or cybertruck =/= being an Elon supporter.


I know using more than 2 of your brain cells is hard for a gay.


Posting about your cyber truck & thanking Elon directly = being an Elon supporter.


Also Gaga doesn't even have one, that was her bf's. So we suddenly need to blame women for what a guy chooses to do? Didn't see her positing like crazy about it and licking Elon's a$$ like Katy did.

Ah yes. Directly contributing $100K to his company is not supporting him. My apologies!


I would personally never date someone who supports someone who actively harms my fanbase.


I'm sorry this thread upset you, sister.

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2 minutes ago, justin. said:

Ah yes. Directly contributing $100K to his company is not supporting him. My apologies!


I would personally never date someone who supports someone who actively harms my fanbase.


I'm sorry this thread upset you, sister.

So I guess blaming women for the actions of others is your spiel!


You all keep trying to come for Gaga but it's just not gonna happen. She puts her money where her mouth is, has fought extensively for LGBTQ rights including literally having a foundation that supports and helps them, and has actively worked to repeal and callout politicians to get rid of laws including DOMA, and support legislation that protect gay and Trans communities.


Meanwhile other girlies just say "Happy Gay Pride!" once a year and pat themselves on the back smh.

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Grimes be like

:In Love Ily GIF by The Charlotte Show


I mean I still love her but girl what were you thinking?


not trying to be a saint btw

if he was some kind of irresistable hottie I'd do the same

but not only is he queerphobic and racist but also fugly af

that's too much

did she go blind or something?

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7 minutes ago, justin. said:

Ah yes. Directly contributing $100K to his company is not supporting him. My apologies!

Says the one who uses X browses it, so contributing revenue to his company. Ah yes, not supporting him by your logic here! :celestial:

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1 minute ago, Mandalore said:

You have X/Twitter on your phone and use it everyday. You're contributing to his wealth. :dies:

Me and my 300 followers are giving him pennies in comparison. :deadbanana4:


Now back to the topic at hand.

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4 minutes ago, dawnettakins said:

So I guess blaming women for the actions of others is your spiel!

Well, you *are* who you associate with. They aren't exactly married. But this topic is about the hypocritical behavior of these celebrities, so laying out every bit of activism she's done is just expanding on why I find it disappointing? 

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I don't know

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Honestly I don't care, there could be a racist/homophobic director working in mitsubishi or Fiat and I won't discard their products because of that; they deal with that trash in their head, not me.

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4 minutes ago, Solar said:

Honestly I don't care, there could be a racist/homophobic director working in mitsubishi or Fiat and I won't discard their products because of that; they deal with that trash in their head, not me.

You should discard Fiats because they are ugly, sis :gaycat3:



Jk, like what you like!



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OP is going to be real shook when they find out who owns every other single popular car company and the absolutely horrible backstories of said companies/founders/CEOs.  You think Elon is bad... whew just wait! :bibliahh:

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Gaga's boyfriend seems to really like Teslas. A red flag for sure but Gaga doesnt really drive so she probably doesnt know or care :gaycat:

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6 hours ago, dawnettakins said:

So I guess blaming women for the actions of others is your spiel!


You all keep trying to come for Gaga but it's just not gonna happen. She puts her money where her mouth is, has fought extensively for LGBTQ rights including literally having a foundation that supports and helps them, and has actively worked to repeal and callout politicians to get rid of laws including DOMA, and support legislation that protect gay and Trans communities.


Meanwhile other girlies just say "Happy Gay Pride!" once a year and pat themselves on the back smh.

Where was this energy for Katy? For Camila?



90% of your posts on this forum in the past couple weeks have been criticising women based on the actions of men they associate with. I'd sit this one out.


OT: It's a truck. It's really not that serious. Y'all need to stop all this fake virtue signalling and actually be the change you want to see in the world if you genuinely care about things like this. If not, save it.

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2 hours ago, Archetype said:

OP is going to be real shook when they find out who owns every other single popular car company and the absolutely horrible backstories of said companies/founders/CEOs.  You think Elon is bad... whew just wait! :bibliahh:

You're right. I am shaking with this brand new information!

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