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Can the EMAs be saved? Or should they cancel the show for good?

Virgos Groove

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I don't think it's far-fetched to say the EMAs are completely irrelevant. If the VMAs are struggling, the EMAs have been dead for like a decade now, with their whole M.O. being "VMAs for American C-listers and maybe an A-lister will show up if we're lucky". :dies:


With so many award shows disappearing (the last AMAs being cancelled for example), could the EMAs be next? The 2023 show was cancelled for security concerns, but it looks 2024 will happen.


Still, the problems I mentioned remain. Not only can they hardly ever secure major artists, the "European" music scene doesn't really exist anymore, with each country's taste becoming more and more local. We don't really have a Robbie Williams, Massive Attack or Bjork-type of star who is small in America but huge in Europe. Maneskin could've been that, but they pissed off their Euro fanbase with the cancellations.


So that leads to my question: can the EMAs be saved? If so, what can be done?


Some suggestions:

  • Live streaming. This is the one aspect where they can out-do the VMAs, by securing live streaming in a major platform like Netflix, Amazon, Twitch, etc. Gen Z already has near-zero interest in watching an award show, so being on MTV is the final nail in the coffin. :dies:
  • More "European" taste. They need to distinguish themselves from the VMAs with their performer and nomination choices. Book acts like Angéle, Aya Nakamura, Raye, Central Cee, as well as whoever's big in German-speaking Europe. Booking Rosalia in 2018, when she was still a local but exciting Spanish singer, is a good example of what I'm talking about.
Edited by Virgos Groove
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The problem with these fake awards (and I say fake bc there's no real jury behind them and it's all based on payola) is that they rely on the populartity of the brand they're attached to. MTV stopped being relevant ages ago, and I don't see it going back on trend anytime soon. Spend the budget on something else, MTV. 

Edited by getBusy
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the VMAs are enough. there's absolutely no sense in separating the European scene from the US and rest of the world when it's all a big melting pot

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EMAs has never been relevant to begin with

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The AMA's are actually coming back this year. 


But I think if they were more widely accessible they'd be more important. For instance, look at how well stuff like the Tom Brady roast did on Netflix. I would imagine an award show with more artists that are actually performing would garner even more attention. The problem is they are stuck and passed around between older networks so its dependent on if people have easy access to them. 

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Merge it with the VMAs and just have one super 3hr MTV award show that rotates cities every year between one US city and one European city.

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There's no point in those existing anymore when most of the nominated acts are from US, it's basically VMAs but placed in Europe.

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Yes, European artists are more local, but that's not a bad thing. Europe is much more musically diverse than the USA. Instead of seeing that as something negative, the EMAs should build on that and invite popular local European artists. The problem with the EMAs is that they are too American.

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EMAs should stay but be more focused on the European artists AND then some of the other names as well. It's good to celebrate music that's popular here.

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1 hour ago, Khal said:

Merge it with the VMAs and just have one super 3hr MTV award show that rotates cities every year between one US city and one European city.

Wait, this would be great. :jonny: The VMAs are obviously more iconic, but one thing the EMAs did well was always being in different locations. Makes it feel like a city-wide event. (To NYers, the VMAs are probably just another Sunday. :dies:)

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What the awards shows need to do is send any DMCA copyright strikes to anyone who uploads a video clip to Twitter or any social media platform during the live show. No one is going to sit for 3 hours unless the only way to watch the ceremony is live and not on Twitter. They also need to host it live on like Netflix or soemthig.

Also needs live giveaways for and trivia to force people to watch.

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They won't survive anymore without streaming. It should be live stream and for free, like on youtube, tiktok etc, somewhere, otherwise no one's watching.

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Paramount is losing money and cutting everything, the EMAs were never relevant outside the city that held the event for years. It was for a time where Europeans could easily see American artists all at one award show since it was harder to watch the VMAs/Grammys overseas due to time differences. It may have saved if it orientated around European acts; it didn't unfortunately.



It's not needed anymore and I'm pretty sure it will get cancelled within the next few years :rip:

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EMAs could be cute if they celebrated all different european music and artists. If they're gonna keep being B-List VMAs set in europe, then yes, it's time to go.

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I didn't realize that was still a thing, honestly. I think award shows, in general, need to be revamped and reconfigured—with their overall format being changed. With virtually everyone having an award, they mean very little. And no one really cares about whether or not they have a trophy from MTV. What does that even mean anymore?

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