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"You're so photogenic" a compliment or a shade?

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How do you receive that comment?  I always thought of it as a compliment, but then my anxious self started to wonder if they meant that you don't look pretty in real life compared to the photographs. 




It depends on the context. "Wow you're so photogenic!" when it's the first time meeting someone off the Internet is different than "Wow you're so photogenic!" after taking a picture with some friends. 

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Most of the time I've heard or used this is when the person looks better in photos :mandown:


It's very different to see "you're so photogenic" in an instagram comment compared to be told in person 🤭


Most normal people would take it as a compliment


If you're a petty b*tch, then sure, take it however you want it to be

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I think it's a compliment. It's definitely better than them saying "You have a face for radio." :gaycat6:

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99% of the time it's a compliment. But I can see how it can be twisted into shade.


You can look good and even better on photos :gayalipacat5:


Girl at least they tell you you look good somewhere



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compliment, don't overthink it


(people have been telling me I'm photogenic since high school and back then I was really weird looking and this girl who HATED me was the first person to ever tell me that and she was like gritting her teeth to try to not express jealousy)

(but now that I'm older and my face has grown in more people compliment me in other ways, but knowing that I can be complimented in other ways than just "photogenic" proves to me that it was never meant in a really shady way)


It's usually the opposite for me. People always tell me I look better in person than I do in pictures. :gaycat6:


I used to get that till I ended up becoming awful at taking pictures 


Id look amazing in pictures then they see me and are like 🤮🤮

Now it's the opposite :ahh:

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If someone says it to you, it's generally meant to be nice.


If you don't like that compliment, you need to journal about it :gayliecat1:


Complement but if it's followed by "in the right lighting" it's definitely shade

9 hours ago, Batsy Armada said:

It's usually the opposite for me. People always tell me I look better in person than I do in pictures. :gaycat6:

I've gotten that too :skull:

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It just means that you look great and have a face or face expression that felt perfect for the camera or pictures, meaning it made the picture(s) all the more better looking or memorable. It also means that you do not need to try too hard, like you can effortlessly pose well or look good for a photo or candid or such.

10 hours ago, Batsy Armada said:

It's usually the opposite for me. People always tell me I look better in person than I do in pictures. :gaycat6:

Same :gaycat6:

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It can be both ways, I think it will depend on the scenario.


It's a compliment. 


Complement. Giving good face is important. 

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