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Research finds pattern of YouTube recommending right-leaning, Christian videos


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YouTube's algorithm frequently recommends right-leaning and Christian videos to users who have not previously shown interest in those topics, according to new research released Tuesday. 

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a London-based think tank studying extremism, conducted four investigations using personas with different interests to examine YouTube's algorithm.  

Full article: https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4727588-research-finds-pattern-of-youtube-recommending-right-leaning-christian-videos/

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Yup, I get scripture reading or teaching in my shorts from time to time, always block the channels lol

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This is happening on all social media platforms as well. Right wing accounts and posts are being promoted and amplified. Literally my TikTok stream has a trumper going live every 2-3 videos. Then on Twitter  there's more right wing bot accounts and posts showing up on my feed even though I don't even follow or comment on anything of the sort. 

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It's gonna get worse the closer we get to the election too

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I mean i get Amala videos recommended to me but like her videos are kind of quality. :cm:

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When Jesus Say Yes :gaycat2:




Edited by LesFleur
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lana's Say Yes To Heaven blew up on spotify to herald the new era



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6 hours ago, Stimulus said:

The way 6 years the biggest weirdos on Youtube were Andy Warski saying racism against white people is real and everyone laughing at Lauren Southern almost dying trying to LARP (read: actually try killing/drowning refugee boats) in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and now it's blatant just neo-nazism. :deadbanana4:

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I often clear out my cache / cookies and don't log in to Google. I watched an interview with Jane Kaczmarek on Ellen earlier in the year when I was doing a rewatch of MITM - the first time I'd watched an Ellen video in years probably - and the very first recommendation on the right was an "ex homosexual" speaking about how she found God. (Presumably the logic was Ellen = gay so the 'both sides' narrative, which is fair and just, should include an alternative viewpoint of homosexuality, of course).


The "left" made too many concessions to the right and now we're just in a spiral of moving further to the right without even being aware of it. 

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Not to me. I no longer engage with those. Recommend them all you want, I am not clicking.


YT comments used to be a mess. Not sure if they still are.

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Conservative right wingers are some of the people that are most profitable for social media platforms as they engage a lot with content, comments, likes, so on. I'm sure many social media companies are aware that the content they push can potentially radicalize people, but they want the money and just pray that nobody makes a big problem of this


Social media is honestly so unregulated, it's scary



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