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Dua won't endorse party for UK election: 'politicians have a way of letting you down'

Virgos Groove

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3 hours ago, shimind said:

An Indian Guy becoming PM of a country which once colonized almost the entire world once upon a time. Heard he is doing a good job. Hope he wins again :clap3:

He's destroying the country as have the entire Tory party for the last 14 years, the cost of living is at an all time high and people were getting admitted to hospital for hypothermia because they couldn't afford to put their heating on in the winter, families have gone hungry at the raising price of foods. Mortgage repayments are through the roof, education you'll be paying for till you're in your 60s, retirement age keeps going up to the point where it's pointless young people having pensions because they'll end up working till they drop dead.

but yes, he's doing a good job :clap3:

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Radical abstention :clap3:

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this is the perfect statement really as I'd say it's the general consensus amongst young people in England 

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