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What is your favourite song not in 4/4?


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When we think of music, the majority of songs we hear on the radio or see topping the charts tend to follow a familiar 4/4 time signature. This time signature, also known as "common time", involves four beats per measure, creating a consistent and steady rhythm that we've all grown accustomed to. But some songs break this mold; examples are Carly Rae Jepsen's "I'll Be Your Girl", having a time signature of 3/4, and 5/4 by Gorillaz, being in, well, 5/4.



What is your favourite song that goes against the traditional 4/4 time signature? :khalyan:

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A uniquely, uncommonly-structured song in 5/4. Mr. Dessner ate and Taylor slid onto the instrumental perfectly.



6/8, gorgeous song :jonny5:





Adding some Lana in here :jonny5:



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Not sure if it's my all time favourite, but it was the first one that came to mind when I saw the thread title.


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one i can think of off the top of my head



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but my all-time favorite is this, probably



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oh I can think of plenty

this^ incredibly underrated and gorgeous Sara Bareilles song has a chorus whose time signature is 5/4 followed by a measure of 6/8. if you want to really be insane about it? you could say it's 11/8, though I wouldn't! lol

Kate's madwoman symphony moves from 3/4 to 4/4 to 2/4. count the refrain "some say that knowledge is something sat-a in your lap!" from 20 seconds in: it's two measures of 4/4 followed by a measure of 2/4! 

one of my favorite Everything Everything songs, a beautiful ballad in a relatively uptempo 6/8, unusual but incredibly smooth and sturdy at the same time!

separating art from artist here :/ but I love this song so much and the verses consist of a measure of 4/4 followed by a measure of 5/4, you could also say 9/4!

an indie classic! it's in a free time signature, I honestly don't even know how to count it lol

this song is in 29/8 (a bar of 6/8, 2 bars of 7/8, and a bar of 9/8 to cap it off)... f*cking INSANE!

and of course some more Kate lol, Wuthering Heights has a chorus that goes from 4/4 to 2/4 to 3/4 to 4/4 again!

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probably something on Bjork´s Biophilia


I´m great with lyrics, and knowing where adlibs and backing vocals come in, but I don´t have an ear for time signature; many songs posted here are surprises to me :skull:

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my fav Taylor song OAT

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