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Attacks on Sinti and Roma people double in Germany

Virgos Groove

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According to the Antiziganism Reporting and Information Center (MIA)— a federal data tracking agency — the number of attacks on Sinti and Roma registered in Germany nearly doubled in 2023, to 1,233 — up from 621 in 2022.


Speaking of the dramatic jump at the report's presentation in Berlin, Romani Rose, head of the Central Council of Sinti and Roma in Germany, said, "This causes us great concern against the backdrop of history."


Germany is home to some 150,000 German Sinti and Roma, as well a further 100,000 Roma migrants.


Sinti and Roma were among those people singled out for extermination by the Nazis during the Holocaust, with some 500,000 killed.


Federal Antiziganism Representative Mehmet Daimagüler was especially critical of police, who were a focus of the report.

Three of the ten "extremely violent" incidents documented in the 2023 index involved police; and in one, the use of police dogs on handcuffed detainees.  


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I never heard of "sinti". I'm going to research them. 

Sad to hear about hate crimes doubling like this...The roma have been in Europe now for centuries...it's time people accepted them as part of your country's history. They have been treated as enemies for ages now...it's ridiculous my God. People's hate for anything a shade darker or with a different culture is really one of the things I will never understand. It's horrible 

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