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Where would Nelly's career be if she had released Hard Candy as a follow up to Loose?


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Madonna's Hard Candy is essentially her version of Loose; same writers, same producers. But what if Nelly had released Hard Candy instead of Mi Plan or The Spirit Indestructible as a follow up to Loose. 


Would the GP love Hard Candy coming from Nelly?

Edited by Josh
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4 Minutes would've been just as huge.


But I don't think the full album would've worked for Nelly. Contrary to what some people claim, HC is Madonna to the core. It's basically her debut album filtered through Timbaland and the Neptunes' sounds.

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hmm actually I can see this working and being successful



I am a HC apologist tho,  yes it's a sharp decline from COADF which is like one of the best albums ever, but the way Madonna captured that Timbaland sound plus Pharell songs was super fun

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The same. Nobody told her to take 15 year break 

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Give It 2 Me and Miles Away would've been US hits since radio wouldn't censor Nelly due to age

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Miles Away would've been one of the biggest hits of the decade in Europe and big in US. 

But yeah, lyrically it's still veeery Madonna so it's weird to imagine this and it's not like M would've sold a whole album to another artist lbr. 

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4 minute being her 'the sweet escape' and carry most run to moderate success if not on par with loose. optional on spanish lesson or beat goes on be another tour single. 

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I always thought "4 Minutes" sounded like it could've been Nelly's song, the world music banghra meets American R&B sound and even the vaguely (emphasis on vaguely) political lyrics are very Nelly F

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