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Cowboy Carter doing significantly worse than Renaissance. Why?


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5 hours ago, Badgalbriel said:

Turns out Beyoncé needs those quick little singles after all, uh 

I swear you guys constantly miss the point of what she said with this on purpose. It's either that or you're just not really that intelligent. 

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Cowboy Carter remains the better album imo. I just hate how Bey has been treating these latest records. It's wild to me she hasnt done a single thing for them aside from touring. Hopefully Bodyguard or something take off to help the album....it would be such a pitty if this album doesnt do well long term because of her not doing a thing to help the record

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The whole acts thing was a mistake also. There was no reason to link Renaissance to this, especially as there was almost two whole years between them. 

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5 hours ago, NoAngelus said:

It's doing worse in UK because top 2 most streamed songs from the album are removed for chart points. If you remove 2 of the most streamed songs from US SPS it would plummet too.

not removed, downweighted. 


Also, that rule is the same for every album but they are not plummeting like CC

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Also I think her releasing so often hurt her too. Bey just isn't the type of artists people can tolerate on the radio for more than one year at a time. Between lemonade and ren, there was a huge time gap, so she had the hype. But, CC was released 1.5 years after and so people don't want to hear her voice and hence the flopping.

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It has zero tracks above 100 million after all this time.

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Well Rena is a really good and fun pop album. really good songs and bey letting her hair down and enjoying herself. 

CC feels like a let me make a country album to see if they finally give me AOTY at the Grammys(she even says it in a song). 


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3 hours ago, TipToe said:

Renaissance being an easily digestible alberm doesn't necessarily make it the better record, lemme just say that. People are obviously not connecting to CC and that might have to do with a lot of factors, it's not because the quality isn't there.

Interesting perspective!

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I'm just ready for this cosplay era to over and bring on actiii. Sadly I'm sure it's not coming until 2026. :ace:

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11 hours ago, Badgalbriel said:

Cowboy Carter is doing less than 5 million with 24 songs?????????????????????????????????? 


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Arts and slightly not the charts

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11 hours ago, Starshine said:

Because Renaissance is the better album. Hope this helps!

Easily. Even Renaissance's "weaker tracks" are enjoyable if you don't take life so seriously, that alone says a lot about how masterpiece of a record Rena is

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11 hours ago, Digitalism said:

That's how all gimmick albums/songs perform

Big at the begining then plummet


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i replayed rena non-stop for a year while i listened to cowboy carter once and never touched it again. rena is just so fun and clever, a masterpiece if you ask me. cowboy feels like a vanity project


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there's no reason to keep coming back to this era, she completely disappeared and left it to die. Renaissance at least had an upcoming tour, plus it's a much easier listen, no one will put on 'Protector' for fun, whereas you could put any Ren track on and it'll be a good time 

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It really is a great album but it simply doesn't have the replay value of Renaissance. That's pretty much it because the quality is definitely there. 

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I secretly hope they give her AOTY already so she can go back to making good music and not awards bait noise.

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lol y'all are so overdramatic. The album is doing decently well, all things considered.


This album was not gonna find a wide audience immediately because a lot of the people that use Beyoncé don't like Country or even anything that remotely sounds like Country-fusion and most of the people that actually use Country hate her guts. This album is mainly only appreciated by the musicial aficianados for now. iykyk. Everyone else will catch up in a few years' time. I suspect the same thing is gonna happen with Act lll. That's 1 more reason she switched the order of the albums around and why Renaissance, the most palatable/accessible for her audience and casual pop music listeners went first.


'Texas Hold 'Em' performing like it did/is doing is quite an uncharted feat. You can't really understate that.

Edited by Soda Pop Queen
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4 hours ago, ABeyBraith said:

I swear you guys constantly miss the point of what she said with this on purpose. It's either that or you're just not really that intelligent. 

The latter I'm afraid 



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8 hours ago, CaptainMusic said:

A Gaga stan calling Renaissance a flop, the nerve :rip: 


Anyway, the better album won but CC did fine for what it is and scored a solo global hit which some female artists haven't had since 2013.

Isnt Ren just barely above Chromatica?


If Chromatica was a FLOP, then REN is just above FLOP, Underperformance at BEST


and CC is doing the WORST of em, so the FLOPPIEST??


O.T - it's just Beyonce proving once again that she's mostly smoke and mirrors.. her name is BIG but her materials aint just getting consumed like the media made it look like

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23 minutes ago, FrederickGa said:

Isnt Ren just barely above Chromatica?


If Chromatica was a FLOP, then REN is just above FLOP, Underperformance at BEST


and CC is doing the WORST of em, so the FLOPPIEST??


O.T - it's just Beyonce proving once again that she's mostly smoke and mirrors.. her name is BIG but her materials aint just getting consumed like the media made it look like

LOL. bey stans lost in delusion thinking beys last releases are doing some kind of amazing numbers.

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Renaissance has a succesfull 2nd single ( Cuff It), Cc has none

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Its not a bad album, it just didn't stick for me I might have even thought it was better than Renaissance on first listen but now I would never say that. I guess I just prefer dance music. But tbf a lot of albums have come this year and so far only a few have stuck. I've been enjoying Brat, Chappell even tho that was last year I discovered it this year and Eternal Sunshine for the most part. They need to bring back proper eras because I feel its more than just the music that keeps you coming back.

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Damn I know it's what she deserves but how are numbers so low when 'Texas Hold Em' is still pulling decent numbers? :biblio:


not like she gives a ****...


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Because she abandoned it and it's not as good as Renny, nor does it have anything viral to keep it afloat. idk what she's playing at but it's what she deserves 

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