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Where do you find the motivation to date?


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I haven't been on a proper date in just over a year and whilst part of me does want to put myself back out there, the thought of it fills me with dread.


I find the swiping and constant introductions kinda soul destroying. Whenever I am in a dating phase I get so anxious about every notification that pops up on my phone. I find myself being overly critical of my appearance and constantly worried about how I'm coming across. Ordinarily when I'm not dating, these aren't things I'm really insecure about at all.


I do enjoy the actual dates and meeting new people, but all the admin of the apps is exhausting. Even when I do meet people I think most of them are sweet and nice but I rarely feel actual attraction towards them.


I feel a lot happier and confident when I'm not dating. Both times I've deleted the apps and taken a break from dating I've felt such a huge relief. But then equally I think it would be nice to meet like minded person to share (at least part of) my life with. 


I know people say it's a numbers game but where do you get the motivation to continue when it hasn't worked out so many times?


To clarify this is not a "woe is me, I'm going to die alone" post. I'm very happy being single, but a serious relationship just feels like a part of adulthood that I haven't properly experienced yet and I would like to at some point.

Edited by glitch
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I never been on a date

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I just don't care/try until somebody I'm interested in tries to pursue me, then I don't care enough so it falls apart after a short while. Maybe when I'm in my 30s I'll be more serious, for now I have other priorities. :gayalipacat3:

Edited by Sheep
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The motivation is the D

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Me? Dating? HA. I tried. I tried. But it's not for me. 
My life circumstances made me self-absorbed and insecure and not interested in anything. Except music. The music i listen to is just too quality to stop caring. 

Edited by selena_lavigne
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The way I relate to this word for word. Scream. 




I have never been a fan of the apps and all of my dates have been "organic" so far, but lord the initial stages of talking/seeing someone are so anxiety inducing and soul crushing to me. My last situationship is from a year ago and I don't even wanna think about starting something new. :skull: I'm pretty content with being single and not mingling, but sometimes I feel like I will look back and "regret" not getting into serious relationships in my mid 20s. I really admire people who can constantly put themselves out there, start new talking stages, go on multiple dates, then do it all over again. I simply don't have the effort. 

Edited by State of Grace.
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There should be requirements to dating. I haven't been dating recently, but back when I was... I kept running into bums without a job, or still living with parents/roommates in their 30s... or guys who are just players.


I've gone on tinder recently just to check out the landscape, and I can't believe there are guys who put "still figuring it out" on the "looking for" section... like bro you're pushing 40.


Like why be on a dating app when you know you aren't being serious? plus, I keep seeing the same men over and over throughout the years. What's hilarious is that they have the same pics from years ago :rofl:




I just got out of a long term relationship a month ago, so I am not ready to date right now. But I am very worried about it. I'm in my 30s and finding serious guys was a struggle in the past, i can't imagine what it'll be like this time around. I really want to meet someone organically at like a coffee shop or an event... but since I rarely leave my house these days... 

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I used to feel the pressure to date but as i'm getting older (i'm 27) I feel like I've spent my 20s chasing men and I'm sick of it. I've been more into learning about myself more and achieving goals/creating good social  relationships and stuff like that. 


I think if it's meant to happen I will eventually find someone but as far as going out my way and seeking a dates/relationship i'm over it :gaycat6:

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Because when it works out it's the best thing ever.

heck , if you have some decent men around go for it and don't think too much!!

in my case I have the willingness, but the men here all suck lmao (Milan)

Edited by KeshaSwift
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15 minutes ago, State of Grace. said:

I have never been a fan of the apps and all of my dates have been "organic" so far, but lord the initial stages of talking/seeing someone are so anxiety inducing and soul crushing to me.

The only organic date I ever had, he turned out to be a coke head and actually went to the toilet to do coke during our date :rip: He also got into an argument with a random guy about the Labour party and Jeremy Corbyn (but that was kinda hot to me idk :toofunny2:).

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7 minutes ago, geodude said:

I used to feel the pressure to date but as i'm getting older (i'm 27) I feel like I've spent my 20s chasing men and I'm sick of it. I've been more into learning about myself more and achieving goals/creating good social  relationships and stuff like that. 


I think if it's meant to happen I will eventually find someone but as far as going out my way and seeking a dates/relationship i'm over it :gaycat6:

We're the same age but I feel the opposite nnn. I've spent more of my adult life not dating than actually dating men. I didn't go on any dates for like 3 years in my early 20s which was partially out of choice and partly because that coincided with lockdown.


Idk maybe I feel like I've spent too much time working on myself, my career and hobbies and I might be missing out on other experiences like dating.

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8 minutes ago, glitch said:

The only organic date I ever had, he turned out to be a coke head and actually went to the toilet to do coke during our date :rip: He also got into an argument with a random guy about the Labour party and Jeremy Corbyn (but that was kinda hot to me idk :toofunny2:).

ksdjkks sorry sis that sounds kinda fun but def wouldn't go on a second one with him tho



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3 minutes ago, glitch said:

We're the same age but I feel the opposite nnn. I've spent more of my adult life not dating than actually dating men. I didn't go on any dates for like 3 years in my early 20s which was partially out of choice and partly because that coincided with lockdown.


Idk maybe I feel like I've spent too much time working on myself, my career and hobbies and I might be missing out on other experiences like dating.

I say put continue to put yourself out there if that's what you feel like you're missing. Most people I know who are in happy relationships actually found their partners randomly while doing a hobby/being in spaces that they naturally gravitate towards. It's funny and cliche, but I really think love finds you when you're least expecting it. 

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2 minutes ago, geodude said:

I say put continue to put yourself out there if that's what you feel like you're missing. Most people I know who are in happy relationships actually found their partners randomly while doing a hobby/being in spaces that they naturally gravitate towards. It's funny and cliche, but I really think love finds you when you're least expecting it. 

Part of the fun in dating tho is that you're not in love and that you get to witness the complete mess every single human you go out with is. 

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i dont date

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It's nonexistent :rofl:  Dating (especially online) feels very contrived. I have FWBs if I want something physical, but otherwise I'm hoping to find a partner spontaneously.  All of my relationships have started by talking in-person.

Edited by Reginald
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I haven't been on a proper date in like 1,5 years and I don't even miss it. The issue is I just have a great time being alone and if I want sex there is no shortage of gorgeous men to choose from.


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i don't lol

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I didn't really have the motivation until I saw my ex get in a new relationship and the depression started creeping in about being single

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My motivation to find a man who will cook for me was much stronger than any fear I had

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Honestly i only date when i travel and it's so much fun for the most part 

whenever i'm in a new country i tend to date a lot and i stay in touch with the ones i actually like but never to the point of a relationship cos honestly i don't have the time or the energy for that anymore 

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I hate dating tbh


I'm happier alone


But I do wanna be maybe a parent, not sure yet


The dating landscape right now is a disaster, it used to be easier years ago

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I've been single 2 years

Haven't had s*x in 4 years 

Haven't been on a date in 4 years


And whenever a guy is interested I tend to push them away because I got used to being my own company I'm 32 I want my next to be my forever and most guys give me the ick or too clingy 😂 plus my last 2 relationship I was treated the so awful I don't want to date ever again. I was yelled at for laughing in one and force to do him favours and if I didn't id get spat on in my latest one. Men suck and I don't want to ever be stuck in a toxic relationship again

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Everything I've heard from my friends regarding dating sounds miserable, so I don't even bother, and it's not like I'm in the right state for that anyway.

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This year I deleted tinder and still haven't used it for a long time now. And generally it got to the point where I wouldn't even bother with people that texted me on insta etc. because I was unmotivated and found myself not caring about dating at all


but one time one guy texted me because he liked the song I shared and it turned out we have very similar music taste and I also found him attractive and we are metting this Saturday and this time it just feels more right and exciting instead of like a chore





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