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Ava Max likes Azealia Banks tweet: "I have no idea who ava max is"


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Ava understands she's been there before herself



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tbf Ava probably doesn't know who Miss Banks is either 

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Not Ava Max caused twitter to hide likes after this, influential queen :gaycat5:

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Ava Max better pray Azealia never finds out who she is because Azealia is going to turn on her ass like she has EVERY SINGLE OTHER artist on her radar

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Also I find it funny that Meghan Trainor is one of the limited pop girls that Azealia follows on Instagram, guess she's about that gucci's on or whatever :gaycat5:

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9 hours ago, shyboi said:

The day Godva stops being disrespected there will be world peace 

just found out the woman in your avatar is Ava Max and not Ice Spice with a blonde wig :suburban:

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Ava Max should sample 1991 



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this might be a good thing for ava. 



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