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What's the most conservative thing about you?

Bitter Aging Twink

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On 6/10/2024 at 12:38 PM, theoghon said:

Complete BAN on C*rcumcision, unless medically necessary - there's a REASON males are born with pr*puce skin:clap3:


...if that counts as conservatism ig

omgggg i didn't even notice that I wasn't the only intactivist in here hey :hug:

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On 6/11/2024 at 10:48 AM, JoeAg said:

i'm also super anti-circumcision in general

but isn't this mandatory for jewish people?

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I'm generally anti-drug


I've smoked weed a couple times (10+ years ago), and I drink alcohol very seldom, but I have no interest in doing any recreational drugs because I perceive them as dangerous. I wouldn't be disappointed if I could never drink alcohol again. I had a religious upbringing where even coffee and tea were taboo (and I still don't drink either of those because I don't like the taste), so I think that's probably where I get it from, despite having cast off other taboos (like being gay or saying "Oh my god" :suburban:). 

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20 hours ago, CécredSpaces said:

but isn't this mandatory for jewish people?

(i'm so sorry i meant to post this yesterday morning!!)


oh boy… now you're getting me goin on this!


where do I even begin lol 


okay so I was raised jewish right? wait how did you know that lol have i said that a lot?? it's interesting you bring this up because I think some people on here forget that I used to be religious… either way!


yes, it is technically a tradition in judaism. but I find it to be outdated, unnecessary, and morally disgusting. my parents got me circumcised after both of my brothers had early complications with circumcision. that, to me, shows a level of carelessness and lack of forethought entirely uncharacteristic of my parents considering my mom had already been a doctor for decades and had studied the human body at length. nothing about circumcision is ever necessary. even in cases of phimosis, there are steroids that can alleviate the pain and remedy the issue with time. for some reason, my mom gets a creepy ass happiness derived from talking about it. when she found out my sister was having a son, she immediately and gleefully sent her circumcision resources. my sister bravely chose not to have her son circumcised :clap3:


the truth is, for me, I don't give a f*ck about tradition if it violates human bodily autonomy. I find circumcision to be ghastly and dangerous 


now listen. I understand and respect religious freedom in the main. what I don't respect is forcing something on one's child in the name of religion, particularly before they have any means of consenting. it is forced bodily harm and it is WRONG. I'm feeling a lot of ways lately about how my parents forced judaism on me as a child, and I personally don't love the thought of it and it makes me feel icky, but I can live with the fact that I went to religious school at a young age. what I find hard to live with is the fact that my parents chose to have me circumcised before I could consent to anything like that. I find it horrifying. now I won't say that as someone who was circumcised that it's the most common opinion in the world, especially not in america. in fact, neither of my older brothers (who are also both queer) are in the same boat as me. "why don't you just accept it and move on Joe?" "why do you feel the need to seek out restoration and harm your body even more?" are the respective go-to questions of my oldest brother (33) and my other brother (29). well, I just simply can't accept it. I've had dysmorphia surrounding it for over a decade now tbh. I find it almost as traumatizing as the two main times I've been SA'd. I had a f*cking nightmare in 2020 during quarantine where I watched it happen to me. I woke up and facetimed my dad and yelled at him until he apologized. I knew my mom wouldn't budge on the matter. 


what makes it so hard to forgive is just… the fact that it's so normalized. it's so second nature to americans even beyond religious customs. people believe it necessarily makes a body cleaner at its rested state to have a vital piece of an organ hacked off. it doesn't. if you have a foreskin, you clean it the same way you normally clean your *****, albeit in a more sensitive manner. but it really doesn't require too much more effort! it's insane how people are so deadset in their opinions on it without even knowing fully about it :rip:


at this point in my life, when I get with people with penises, I mostly just get with intact people, because it's what I'm most attracted to. it's not that I'll deny/turn someone away if they're cut. it's just preference for me that they're uncut.


I've been restoring on and off since around 2014. when I was in high school, I ONLY used manual and taping methods due to not having any f*cking money of my own lmao :toofunny2: and due to the fact that living with my overprotective and overwatching mother would not allow me the freedom to buy any DTR device without her asking what was in that box, I didn't have any chance to buy one until i moved away from home


I bought my first DTR when I was a college sophomore. I had it shipped discreetly to the post office on campus and started wearing it frequently. I used the screw method where I'd gradually add tension. at some point a few years later, I started using rubber bands. unfortunately, I think I lost that first device at one point, so I kinda gave up for a bit. I ordered my second device in 2018, and used it for a little bit that fall and a little bit throughout 2019. at the beginning of the pandemic in early 2020 I started being a bit more diligent in my restoration and used it nearly everyday, and eventually bought a few spare pieces for it. in fall 2021, i bought a weighted retainer device from the same store so I could wear that when I was at work without any discomfort. this past fall, I bought two new devices which I regularly use at this point. it's hard to say when I started going almost everyday until now but it was probably around august 2023 (when I was on vacation with my fam I was doing some interesting methods I hadn't tried before because I read some good sh*t online about them. 


the only time I take breaks atp are when I'm hanging out with someone to hookup, when I'm at the gym, when I'm j*cking off, or when I'm showering. I try to have my device on as a retainer (i.e. no pressure, just used as a covering) when I'm asleep, as often as possible. if I'm sleeping over someone else's house I don't usually do that lol


but anyway, to sum it all up, yes you're right it IS tradition, but I think it's antiquated and irresponsible to choose to change someone's body who didn't even ask to be born :giraffe:


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On 6/10/2024 at 4:29 PM, Lana Banana said:

I don't believe in open-relationships or open-marriages.


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I don't do open relationships. I guess that's the only thing. :ryan3:

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1. You aren entitled to a child and shouldn't have a child you can't give your best efforts to. 

2. There's a place for respectability politics and sometimes you need to act with some decorum.

Edited by Rotunda
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On 6/10/2024 at 11:47 PM, MidnightsAtPeace said:

Pride parades should be about love and acceptance, not men on leash crawling the streets wearing dog masks and butt plugs, and a whole crowd of naked men dancing on the streets, flashing their private parts to people and kids.

It was always about having fun, dancing, singing, wearing rainbows, celebrating, making friends, showing love, and fighting for freedom. These days pride parades are making so many things harder for many gay men across the world, especially middle eastern and asian gay men.

Also weeds suck ****, it smells terrible and I can't tolerate people who smoke it in front of me :suburban:


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On 6/11/2024 at 4:44 PM, Bumba said:

I am against religion and wish all immigrants to be atheist or agnostic and not bring any more of their backwards ideology into my country. Especially when the younger generation is starting to leave religion, more religious immigrants are halting that change.


More religion means more homophobia, transphobia, mysogyny and toxic masculinity. I don't want to be in a society that's going backwards because we are getting more religious as a whole.

Bumba, you are my new fave :ryan3:


only Mariah and Bjork were there before. Now its Mariah, Bjork and BUMBA :ryan3:


On 6/11/2024 at 6:28 PM, campelo said:

Islamic people moving to progressive lands and indirectly oppressing people. 


this sounds super harsh but i totally agree. Whenever someone recognises i'm Turkish they immediately act like I'm religious and a straight man. I can't even speak talk about the LGBT+ because of them and last time i told them that i just don't want to speak with them anymore. I could wear a necklace of

pearls and they would be like "why? Are you gay?" And i'm like WTF? :biblio: 


i'm yes. F off :ace:  




To have NO connection with idiots like you. I can't even hold the hand of my boyfriend because a religious idiot who would recognise later on that i'm turkish would say something homophobic. 

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21 hours ago, Kern said:

not washing my ass :doc:

girl get a bidet IMMEDIATELY 

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On 6/11/2024 at 3:11 AM, suburbannature said:

Then don't go to one?

What about gay teens or minors? We've ruined Pride by making it over-sexualised. People showing their body, some skin is fine but penises and ass is not appropriate. We need to let teenagers and minors know that this is a safe space for them.

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18 minutes ago, BadHabits said:

What about gay teens or minors? We've ruined Pride by making it over-sexualised. People showing their body, some skin is fine but penises and ass is not appropriate. We need to let teenagers and minors know that this is a safe space for them.

It's selective outrage and myopic thinking to claim that every pride-oriented event is hypersexualized. 

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40 minutes ago, BadHabits said:

What about gay teens or minors? We've ruined Pride by making it over-sexualised. People showing their body, some skin is fine but penises and ass is not appropriate. We need to let teenagers and minors know that this is a safe space for them.

You're just proving you've never been to pride because that literally just doesn't happen. You're thinking of porn videos you've seen of Folsom babe 

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I don't understand neopronouns. No one will be calling you bunny/bunnyself or something like that in real life :rip:

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On 6/10/2024 at 8:38 PM, theoghon said:

Complete BAN on C*rcumcision, unless medically necessary - there's a REASON males are born with pr*puce skin:clap3:


...if that counts as conservatism ig

Banning an unnecessary medical procedure that a patient can't consent to and is in 99% of cases done for religious reasons or pure tradition would be... liberal. :dies:


14 minutes ago, Dante said:

im not on the they/them non-binary train





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I hate language policing, especially politically correct nonsense coming from American corporate HR departments. 


Let me speak how I want its my birthright as an uncouth Aussie


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11 hours ago, suburbannature said:

It's selective outrage and myopic thinking to claim that every pride-oriented event is hypersexualized. 

Its also shown on twitter to make us look dangerous :toofunny2: 


yeah those children grow up with parents who throw objects to eachotherBUT THAT IS BETWEEN FAMILY AND IS NONE OF OUR BUSINESS but when a grown up man expresses his sexuality and is proud they get triggered :suburban:

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i know we're not supposed to be criticising ppl's viewpoints here but i just wanted to let @LoveInStereo know that the issues they are describing are a direct result of conservative policies, not the liberal value of tolerance. the people you describe are suffering. conservatives are the ones who routinely cut funding to the public institutions that would have kept these people off the streets and conservatives are the ones (oddly enough) who are driving the drug epidemic via the failed war on drugs (assuming you live in a western country - if not my previous points still stand). not to mention their lack of action on the housing crisis. anyway, just wanted to say that because there's a similar situation where i live and it's awful but 100% predictable given the conservative govt's policies over the past decades.


but anyway in what ways am i conservative...

well i think porn is bad but that can go either way

i don't think that harmful religious views should be tolerated in the name of political correctness

i don't like that weed is treated so lightly when it can in fact be very harmful (addiction/depression correlation and increased risk of schizophrenia)


& oh I know, I hate leggings! short shorts or skirts/dresses = fine! leggings = omg please put on some real clothes i'm not trying to see your *** and ****** in HD (i'm a girl btw :gaycat4:)

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I think the they/thems just want attention and it wouldn't matter to them what pronouns are used for them if they ACTUALLY identify as neither gender. 

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