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What's the most conservative thing about you?

Bitter Aging Twink

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1 hour ago, Mordecai said:

I'm anti-immigration


Don't understand why we continue to let people in freely when we don't even have the infrastructure for those who already live here. I'm also starting to feel like a foreigner in my own hometown more often and it's starting to get a bit uncomfortable at times

One thing that I find odd is how a lot of these immigrants are getting better treatment and help than actual American citizens who are struggling or homeless. 

Definitely makes you raise your eyebrow a bit.


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I live with my parents.

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I don't agree with gays showing their butth*les at pride events 

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I don't believe in open-relationships or open-marriages.

I can't stand weed or any drugs that are taken in front of me.

I hate any LGBT flag that isn't just the six original colors.



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3 minutes ago, itshyolee said:

One thing that I find odd is how a lot of these immigrants are getting better treatment and help than actual American citizens who are struggling or homeless. 

Definitely makes you raise your eyebrow a bit.


I'm not American so can't relate to your issue specifically but I'm getting tired of my country's government letting immigration go uncontrolled in the name of 'boosting our economy' (and yet they're in every gas station, pizza shop and bottle shop) while they continue to screw over citizens with their piss poor policies

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1 minute ago, Mordecai said:

I'm not American



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So "ultra-leftwing woke liberals" that they shill for Putin and China instead? :coffee2:


Edit: I should clarify. I think those who pose as "ultra leftwing" are also unironically working for foreign interests who are even more conservative and backward thinking than the current US.

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24 minutes ago, Lana Banana said:

I don't believe in open-relationships or open-marriages.

Unfortunately that's what happens when gay culture is so sexualised. People are either hoeing around and so don't want to commit to one partner or don't want to be monogamous because they feel like they're 'missing out' on sex. It's kinda sad tbh


25 minutes ago, Lana Banana said:

I hate any LGBT flag that isn't just the six original colors.

That and adding on new letters to LGBT every year :rip: Like why do we need to add stripes on a flag for non-straight people to represent POC? :rip:

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1 hour ago, Lana Banana said:

I don't believe in open-relationships or open-marriages.

this is such a weird way to phrase it because people will continue to have those relationships regardless of if you believe it or not :rip: but maybe you meant you just don't want that for yourself?


OT: i guess wanting to be married. i'm very ambivalent about it, i understand the critiques of marriage as an institution and i agree with them, but a part of me still wants a husband. i guess it's just the remnants of growing up in a conservative society, it's difficult to unlearn a lot of things especially when there are social and material incentives to behave a certain way (getting married for example!)

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4 hours ago, suburbannature said:

The more money I make, the more I think I'm overtaxed.



This is all of us.:bibliahh:

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  • I'm not anti-open relationships, life is short and do what you want, but I'm not gonna lie, I don't get it. I have no interest in ever participating because I actually like the idea of monogamy and knowing you are bonded to someone exclusively sexually.  It's like a special thing between me and that person. I find the concept of open relationships sometimes ruin the "special" part of a relationship - like at what point am i just living with a close roommate who I like to sleep with occasionally while living like a single person otherwise?  Then why not just be single and hook up with that person when you want without any label to it?
  • I can't speak to straight dating culture, but damn, I find the gay dating scene depressing af sometimes. It feels entirely based around sex and alcohol. I honestly wish it was a little more traditional and slow paced. 
  • There are people in society who are WAY too addicted to and reliant on weed and I feel like it's become taboo/uncool to mention weed addiction as a negative thing.  
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5 hours ago, Mordecai said:

I'm anti-immigration


Don't understand why we continue to let people in freely when we don't even have the infrastructure for those who already live here. I'm also starting to feel like a foreigner in my own hometown more often and it's starting to get a bit uncomfortable at times

I am anti illegal immigration and I truly cannot comprehend the outrage people have in favor of enforcing these policies. There are legal routes to enter a country. Every other country in the world enforces their own policies for people entering their borders illegally. Why is it a bad thing that America does so as well? 

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don't like paying high taxes when the ultra rich don't pay any at all!

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4 hours ago, DoubleRainbow! said:

I don't agree with gays showing their butth*les at pride events 

Then don't go to one?

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I don't vibe with open relationships, but I do accept certain forms of polygamy (e.g. a closed polycule when everybody knows each other and probably lives together too). I also believe that sex should happen after some connection is established, but it's more of a demi thing than a conservative one. Other than that, can't think of anything, I'm pretty radical.

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i'm incredibly progressive and I identify as a socialist. the only somewhat conservative thing i can think of is that i don't like when people use "it/its" pronouns for themselves. I just… no honey. I'm all in support of nonbinary people, and I'm friends with plenty of them and believe they have rights to be crucial parts of the queer community!! but I'm not ever gonna address a human as "it." I'll call you by your name or use "they" for you. that just ain't it!


i'm also super anti-circumcision in general, and idk why intactivism has been co-opted by conservative people but it has :katie:


that's the only two things i can think of tbh

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I like monogamy. Which is pretty conservative to the open/poly gay culture.

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i support russia


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I dislike the non binary. Either you wanna be a boy or you wanna be a girl. Pick a lane! 

I also don't consider anyone trans who doesn't attempt to look the gender they identify. If you have a full beard and wear men clothing don't get mad at me for calling you sir. 





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Support for concealed carry might be the sole conservative-coded thing I believe in, and even then, a permit should be required.  


Attending church on most Sundays could be another one. 


Still, I am pretty much a down-the-line left-wing US Democrat. 

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I'm not for sleeping around when i'm into someone. 

and I don't like the whole open relationship stuff

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Pronouns are stupid.

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  • As someone who's technically middle class, I really don't feel like I am. And, for how hard I work, it is frustrating to see so many people abuse government assistance, being able to afford what I can't. Walking through a grocery store and seeing people shopping, you can tell who's working for their money and who's getting an absurd amount of government assistance. It was just days ago where a woman shopping was thrilled to share with me that she had $781 loaded onto her food stamp card. Must be nice.
  • I find that it's disgraceful to walk around smelling like marijuana.
  • I believe in and support the Second Amendment. But, by all means, have tighter regulations and control.
  • Open relationships are just filthy and are an excuse to still randomly sleep around with random people, not being truly concerned with satisfying the person you're with.
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