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PokéRate Advanced: Generation 3


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27 minutes ago, Magickarp said:

Her vagyena lip is literally hanging out of her zipper & I'm supposed to believe she's a classy slay?200px-0354Banette-Mega.png


Banette activating her mega stone



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  • BambiStar


  • Conker


  • Graves


  • Suilen


Top Posters In This Topic

I barely changed any of my scores from the cancelled rate in March to this.


Medicham? A 10 to a 10.

Seviper? A 8 to a 8. 

Relicanth? A 5 to a 5.

Manectric? A 5 to a 4.

Spinda? A 2 to a 1.

Absol? A 4 to a 2.

Latias? A 5 to a 4.

Wurmple? A 3.5 to a 4.

Zangoose? A 4 to a 5.

Illumise? A 1 to a 3.

Zigzagoon? My zero still being my zero. 


It's not my fault Poki is going cold turkey on us, and barely interacting with anybody on this site since March. 



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12 hours ago, BambiStar said:

Your Top 40











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The top 40 is not that bad actually, few sneaks here and there for not bad. Too many faves still there.

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Hey guys I'm really sorry but no update today :jonny2: Just can't do it.

We will resume Monday and no freakin breaks until a winner is crowned! 

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slayful top 40

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I got nothing else to do, so while we wait? Screw it. I'm posting the cursed GameFAQS Gen 3 2014 rate.


You have been warned - the list is absolute garbage. The list on ATRL is a 1,000 times better than the GameFAQS trash one. GameFAQS sucks.


GameFAQS Pokemon Gen 3 2014 Rate Results


135. Silcoon
134. Cascoon
133. Feebas
132. Illumise
131. Luvdisc
130. Wurmple
129. Volbeat
128. Barboach
127. Clamperl
126. Huntail
125. Shelgon
124. Lileep
123. Meditite
122. Whismur
121. Seedot
120. Gulpin
119. Loudred
118. Azurill
117. Baltoy
116. Gorebyss
115. Beldum
114. Swalot
113. Nincada
112. Nosepass
111. Wynaut
110. Lombre
109. Plusle 
108. Slakoth 
107. Lotad
106. Medicham
105. Relicanth
104. Anorith 
103. Shroomish
102. Dustox 
101. Makuhita
100. Bagon
99. Minun 
98. Masquerain
97. Snorunt
96. Spinda
95. Combusken
94. Surskit
93. Cradily
92. Regirock
91. Ralts
90. Castform
89. Claydol
88. Registeel
87. Electrike
86. Trapinch
85. Grumpig
84. Numel
83. Solrock
82. Swablu
81. Chimecho
80. Vigoroth
79. Regice
78. Kirlia 
77. Slaking
76. Beautifly
75. Exploud
74. Metang
73. Delcatty
72. Glalie
71. Wailmer
70. Wingull
69. Nuzleaf
68. Pelipper
67. Sealeo
66. Roselia
65. Corphish
64. Marshtomp
63. Cacnea
62. Carvanha
61. Shuppet
60. Jirachi
59. Spoink 
58. Whiscash
57. Taillow
56. Lunatone
55. Linoone
54. Skitty
53. Deoxys
52. Dusclops
51. Poochyena
50. Lairon
49. Hariyama
48. Armaldo
47. Kecleon
46. Walrein
45. Aron
44. Mawile
43. Duskull
42. Shiftry
41. Crawdaunt
40. Torkoal 
39. Ludicolo
38. Banette
37. Spheal
36. Vibrava
35. Zigzagoon
34. Wailord 
33. Cacturne
32. Swellow
31. Manectric
30. Shedinja
29. Ninjask
28. Latias
27. Altaria
26. Seviper 
25. Zangoose
24. Mightyena
23. Mudkip
22. Breloom
21. Groudon
20. Torchic
19. Tropius
18. Milotic
17. Latios 
16. Sableye
15. Treecko
14. Swampert
13. Gardevoir
12. Salamence
11. Sceptile 
10. Camerupt
9. Grovyle
8. Blaziken
7. Kyogre
6. Aggron
5. Absol
4. Metagross
3. Sharpedo
2. Rayquaza
1. Flygon

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My 11 had to miss the Top 40 so mf LOTAD could get in? okay



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The straights at GameFAQ might've made some points



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Milotic getting homophobiad be the heteros, & self-hated by the gheys.



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When you can't eat a Pokemon because you've already been ate:clownny:

Ariana's drag mother





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Okay so results still on for today but some bad news for the Euro girls - today's reveals will be delayed a couple hours from the normal time. I can't do anything until 4pm my time (usually 2pm). Things were going so well with the daily results at consistent times I'm sorry for this slight blip! :chick3: Tomorrow (and until the end) everything will be back on schedule.



LIVE RESULTS today starting at: 4pm PT / 7pm ET / 11pm GMT

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How many zero's did Gardevoir get? Eleven?


Treecko gets Pursuit at Level 16.


Wally's Ralts is one hit KO'ed.


Well, that was fantastic. 

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I'll try to be here but might be stepping in a touch late



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A good time for me if I go to bed right now





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Posted (edited)

Top 40 and not a single loser Pokemon has felt like a loss.


First thought: Wow, we're actually showing taste this time! :WAP:


Sudden realization: It's Noenn... The dex is just that uneventful! :clack:

Edited by Heldenzeit
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An icon before the bipedal, racist, pineapple ruined it




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2 hours ago, Suilen said:

A good time for me if I go to bed right now





With you liking my post an hour ago... Bet you won't show up then. :ryan3:

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The near universal Top 40 acclaim :clap3: meanwhile when I said the Top 10 was slay you all just dragged my taste.





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3 hours ago, Heldenzeit said:

With you liking my post an hour ago... Bet you won't show up then. :ryan3:


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41/ Duskullico-a_old_355.gif(6.48)

42/ Skittyico-a_old_300.gif(6.45)

43/ Solrockico-a_old_338.gif(6.44)

44/ Raltsico-a_old_280.gif(6.43)

45/ Armaldoico-a_old_348.gif(6.42)

46/ Relicanthico-a_old_369.gif (6.41)

47/ Crawdauntico-a_old_342.gif(6.39)

48/ Snoruntico-a_old_361.gif(6.37)

49/ Surskit ico-a_old_283.gif(6.35)

50/ Manectricico-a_old_310.gifCamerupt ico-a_old_323.gif (6.33)

52/ Medichamico-a_old_308.gifSwabluico-a_old_333.gif(6.32)

54/ Latios ico-a_old_381.gif (6.26)

55/ Vigorothico-a_old_288.gif(6.25)

56/ Wailord ico-a_old_321.gif (6.23)

57/ Swellowico-a_old_277.gif Regice ico-a_old_378.gif(6.22)

59/ Blazikenico-a_old_257.gif Kecleonico-a_old_352.gif(6.17)

61/ Nosepassico-a_old_299.gif(6.16)

62/ Kirliaico-a_old_281.gif(6.15)

63/ Metang ico-a_old_375.gif (6.07)

64/ Vibravaico-a_old_329.gif(6.06)

65/ Ninjaskico-a_old_291.gif(6.05)

66/ Jirachiico-a_old_385.gif(5.99)

67/ Trapinchico-a_old_328.gif(5.96)

68/ Regirockico-a_old_377.gif(5.95)

69/ Latias ico-a_old_380.gif (5.93)

70/ Dusclopsico-a_old_356.gif(5.92)

71/ Zigzagoonico-a_old_263.gif Pelipperico-a_old_279.gif Delcatty ico-a_old_301.gif(5.89)

74/ Shuppetico-a_old_353.gif(5.85)

75/ Spindaico-a_old_327.gif(5.84)

76/ Shiftryico-a_old_275.gif Wailmerico-a_old_320.gif(5.82)

78/ Spoinkico-a_old_325.gif(5.80)

79/ Walrein ico-a_old_365.gif (5.78)

80/ Zangooseico-a_old_335.gif(5.77)

81/ Marshtompico-a_old_259.gif(5.75)

82/ Shroomishico-a_old_285.gif(5.73)

83/ Slaking ico-a_old_289.gif (5.68)

84/ Sealeoico-a_old_364.gif(5.63)

85/ Aronico-a_old_304.gif(5.62)

86/ Numelico-a_old_322.gif(5.61)

87/ Slakothico-a_old_287.gif(5.60)

88/ Poochyenaico-a_old_261.gif(5.58)

89/ Wurmpleico-a_old_265.gifLileepico-a_old_345.gif(5.57)

91/ Registeelico-a_old_379.gif(5.55)

92/ Whiscashico-a_old_340.gif(5.51)

93/ Linooneico-a_old_264.gif(5.50)

94/ Carvanhaico-a_old_318.gif(5.46)

95/ Corphishico-a_old_341.gifClamperlico-a_old_366.gif(5.41)

97/ Combuskenico-a_old_256.gifWingullico-a_old_278.gifGlalieico-a_old_362.gif(5.39)

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107/ Lombreico-a_old_271.gif(5.17)

108/ Makuhitaico-a_old_296.gif(5.14)

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110/ Laironico-a_old_305.gif(5.10)

111/ Azurillico-a_old_298.gif(5.07)

112/ Anorithico-a_old_347.gif(5.04)

113/ Electrikeico-a_old_309.gifBaltoyico-a_old_343.gif(5.00)

115/ Feebasico-a_old_349.gif(4.98)

116/ Wynautico-a_old_360.gif(4.95)

117/ Whismurico-a_old_293.gif(4.92)

118/ Seedotico-a_old_273.gif(4.88)

119/ Huntailico-a_old_367.gif(4.86)

120/ Nuzleafico-a_old_274.gif(4.84)

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123/ Exploudico-a_old_295.gif(4.80)

124/ Loudredico-a_old_294.gif(4.73)

125/ Gulpinico-a_old_316.gif(4.59)

126/ Plusleico-a_old_311.gif(4.50)

127/ Swalotico-a_old_317.gif(4.46)

128/ Nincadaico-a_old_290.gif(4.15)

129/ Luvdiscico-a_old_370.gif(4.11)

130/ Grumpigico-a_old_326.gif(4.04)

131/ Barboachico-a_old_339.gif(3.99)

132/ Cascoonico-a_old_268.gif(3.78)

133/ Illumiseico-a_old_314.gif(3.68)

134/ Volbeatico-a_old_313.gif(3.57)

135/ Silcoonico-a_old_266.gif(3.30)

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#39/   TREECKO






10s: Curaga, Rigalo, Touch Pass, Nico Robin, Rence, Bartender, Ponzi, Nashe, SlowGinFizzzz, Katamari


1s: AbeHicks, Magikarp, Chiidish, Year Of Shadow




Conker: Treecko is not exactly the most revered Pokemon ever but, she was fine enough as a grass starter. 


Rigalo: Goated starter


Konril: Bipedal done right


elevate: Head gives off bedpan vibes.


Chiidish: ugly


sunbathinganimal: they set him up with that T pose






#39/   TROPIUS






11s: @checkm4te


10s: Rabbit, AbeHicks, Magikarp, Gourgeist, Porygon2z, Nashe, coolcristobal, Red Light, SlowGinFizzzz


1s: Chiidish, Rence




gardendreams: do you wonder if pokemon could produce fruit, and what would you do if you could eat it


Conker: A good HM Slave and that was it. Then again? You should have your HM Slave by the 6th gym anyway. Some charisma at least. 


AbeHicks: I read some document that said that dumb people want to breed this is in famine-stricken areas to allievate the situation.

What they don't consider is Tropius consumes way more food than the 1-3 bananas a week it provides for you.


Suilen: I'm not vegetarian enough for this


Chiidish: if I didn't need to use the zero strategically…


AMIT: those stats are a mess and should have been fixed by now

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The grass girls are getting weeded out this update btw :chick2:

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