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PokéRate Advanced: Generation 3


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  • BambiStar


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  • Suilen


#74/   SHUPPET






10s: AbeHicks, Touch Pass, Year Of Shadow, AMIT


1s: Chiidish, Rence, Gourgeist




Conker: Shuppet's WWE theme song is Sexy Naughty B by Tata Young. She's trying to be sexy but...whatever.


PillowCase: it's like super-natural it's taken over me don't wanna fight 


AMIT: love the animations, so cute



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Shuppet's WWE Theme Song - I'm sure you guys haven't heard this in years.



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10s: AbeHicks, PillowCase, Touch Pass, Chiidish, Haze, Year Of Shadow, BambiStar


1s: Gourgeist, Bartender, coolcristobal


0s: @Conker (:biblio:)




Conker: Trashy white boy from a crappy rock band I had to listen to in middle school in 2007-2008. Zero.


artc0cx: sentret copy, I like her galarian form tho


AbeHicks: I love her! Her pick up ability came in so Handy i'd just catch 3-4 and enjoy the rewards.


Nico Robin: Cute


Chiidish: cutie patootie


sunbathinganimal: best early route fodder in the series I fear


Haze: Iconic design. I'll aways be in love with its gamecube animation.


AMIT: cute, even though bidoof ate há up


Bartender: Fat












10s: Norte, Chiidish, Bartender, Ponzi, coolcristobal, Katamari, Sawk


1s: Album Leak, Rune, PillowCase, Touch Pass, chikungunya, peroxideblonde




gardendreams: i want to take a nap in pelipper's mouth/ i would eat


Album Leak: You did my cute little Wingull dirty... and for that you must be punished!


Conker: A nice alternative to a flying type but, needed a more and impressive move-set.


artc0cx: rain on me.m4a


Suilen: even being made into nuggets won't salvage it


Nico Robin: Gobble me, Swallow me, drip down the side of me (yeah)


Chiidish: weather icon


AMIT: a legend and an icon


Bartender: Most iconic bird I think like look at it


Red Light: Kind of adorable in a useless derpy Johto way. It grew on me after that episode where it was using all kinds of

random attacks because it had deepthroated like 50 different Pokemon. A true throatzilla.


Sawk: Drizzle made him iconic












10s: Norte, AbeHicks, PillowCase, Gourgeist, Year Of Shadow, Red Light, Sawk


1s: Rabbit, artc0cx, Nico Robin, Rence, coolcristobal, Subomie, AMIT


0s: @Katamari




gardendreams: im sorry but cute devours gorgeous.


Ewan Chaos: The toilet bowl necklace is....... but I'll stan a cute kitty so she gets a decent score from me


Conker: Meh. A bit of a waste of a Moon Stone, especially since Jigglypuff was readily available by the 6th gym. 


Rigalo: skitty sweetie…


AbeHicks: Pretty sure Nicki wrote Super Freaky Girl about her


Suilen: I don't eat cats so let's rate her normally


Nico Robin: NO. GOD NO.


elevate: Specious little smile.


Haze: Forgot how to serve upon evolution. A capitalist, she owns the means of

production but lost all coolness as a result. I love a cat though.


AMIT: toilet seat necklace lives rent free in my mind


Bartender: Buff her


Katamari: sabotaged by GF……. and me!


Sawk: She ate



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  • ATRL Moderator

I was going to send in for this and was coming to wrap up my votes :rip: oh well 

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1 minute ago, khalyan said:

I was going to send in for this and was coming to wrap up my votes :rip: oh well 

Still accepting if you give King Kecleon your 11



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Delcatty sucks so bad. Skitty's cute pincushion design gone to total waste. Ugly.

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Perfect position for Delcatty I fear. Cute just by cat payola alone, but not enough!!


Ziggy this low and getting a zero :biblio: an icon... tho I prob prefer the Galarian form but. STILL! Pelipper cute too.

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I hated Zigzagoon. Even back in my 3rd grade 2003 days, I didn't like it.


Imagine being a whipping boy to Umbreon and Espeon, in the very first battle in Colosseum and being everywhere in Hoenn, when I wanted something rare to find. 


Pick-Up? Other Pokemon had it. I would always battle every trainer for money to buy valuable items anyway. 

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What do y'all see in Wailord it's just a big blue whale :rip: Wailmer deserved better


Shiftry, Shuppet and Pelipper :cries:


at least that nasty cat is out :fan:

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56 minutes ago, BambiStar said:

#64/   SHIFTRY





10s: Rabbits, FallenFroot, Suilen, Gourgeist, Nashe, Subomie, Katamari, AMIT





I see people with exquisite taste



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Poochyena? Gets Run Away.

Mightyena? Gets Intimidate.

Wurmple? Becomes a branching stallion as Beautifly or Dustox.

Shroomish? Gets Stun Spore and Effort Spore.

Slakoth? Gets Yawn with it being a 100% sleeping move on the second turn.

Wingull? Gets Wing Attack and Water Gun. Immediately useful against Roxanne and Brawly.

Taillow? Great attack power.

Lotad? Gets Swift Swim or Rain Dish. 

Electrike? Okay Electric type. 

Even Seedot? Something different to try out.

Even Whismur? For a challenge.

Even Illumise? My ex-girl friend.

Even Ralts? A Psychic OP Pokemon. 

Makuhita? Great attack.

Geodude? Old classic.

Zubat? Fly and some cool Poison moves.


Everything was better. I would do a Gen 3 rate again and still put Zigzagoon dead last. 




I'm done venting. 



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