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PokéRate Advanced: Generation 3


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  • BambiStar


  • Conker


  • Suilen


  • Heldenzeit


A few sneaks and flops are still in. But I'll detain myself from saying who.  :gaycat5:

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5 hours ago, Conker said:

A flop romance. Lasted just one episode. 


Mawile Mawile X Lombre GIF - Mawile Mawile X Lombre Lombre - Discover ...

Wow this is cute. Which episode? Lol 




That Regirock with her handbag meme really helped him this rate lol 

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Maybe we need individual reveals back to avoid twinning with the Woman's World era



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31 minutes ago, Suilen said:

Maybe we need individual reveals back to avoid twinning with the Woman's World era



this + move back to Europe friendly times 



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My boycott worked 



Next time don't sell your soul to the devil just cuz they offered u nudes


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Conker: Basically just a miniature version of Raikou.

Wait I see it


PillowCase: Imagine carrying a baby for the full 9 months and in the end it's a ******* blue mouse




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The episode was "Once In A Mawile"


Mawile's only major appearance in the entire anime. Everything else was extremely minor.


Maybe do this one more time with 5 entries per post and then on Monday, we do individual, one-post Pokemon. And the changing time zone is fine with me. 

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Y'all did queen Baltoy dirrty (ft. Regiman) :biblio::biblio::biblio: that's a top tier design right there

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Sorry for no update yesterday or any communication. Full transparency this past week turned out to be a really bad time for me to start this just with some unexpected things coming up + plans for the holiday long weekend. Which is part of the reason for these 10 reveal dumps so I could "here y'all go" and then dip again :rip:




But it's a new week and now I can really lock in. One more dump tonight taking us to the Top 80 and then we can start live results at Euro friendly times!

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59 minutes ago, Suilen said:

Never Really Over era

My Harley In Hawaii viral smash incoming :gaycat3:



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#87/   TAILLOW





10s: Norte, Nico Robin, Rence, Year Of Shadow


1s: AbeHicks, Touch Pass, Chiidish, Gourgeist




gardendreams: i would eat

Conker: Ash's Taillow really liked chocolate in the show. 

Rigalo: luv her but it's literally just a bird…

artc0cx: a bird watev

Nico Robin: One of the coolest bird Pokémon ever. It's cute too

elevate: It's cute!








#87/   BELDUM





10s: Touch Pass, Nico Robin, Bartender, Zaram


1s: Curaga, AbeHicks, Chiidish, Rence, peroxideblonde, Conker




Conker: Grab a random piece of a lead pipe, slap an eye on it and call it a day. Great design Game Freak. 

AbeHicks: From the pokédex: "From its rear, Beldum emits a magnetic force that rapidly pulls opponents in. They get

skewered on Beldum's sharp claws." - If that isn't power bottom behavior I don't know what is.

AMIT: she is insufferable to use















10s: Album Leak, Year Of Shadow, coolcristobal


1s: PillowCase, Chiidish




Ewan Chaos: It's just a big dog

Conker: Meh. I wished she could learn Church sooner. 

AbeHicks: We need a more masc evo for this one. Something more Luxray-like but strong.

Nico Robin: Another disappointing evolution with an ugly design

elevate: So pretty but superfluous next to 'mons like Houndoom. Needs an evo.

Chiidish: filthy mutt

AMIT: that haircut is just not it

Bartender: Lowkey wanna see a more femme regional form

Katamari: The potential was there but Gamefreak doesn't know what its doing half of the time.

Sawk: the downgrade














10s: Touch Pass, Seffers, Year Of Shadow, Katamari


1s: PillowCase, Magikarp, Nico Robin, peroxideblonde, Gourgeist, Ponzi, BambiStar


0s: Sheldenzare (:heart:)




PMM: finally some good fighting typein design

Conker: Atrocious looking face aside, she's not too bad.

Seffers: THICC

AMIT: meh, all the charm from makuhita is kinda lost here, but I don't

hate it as much as some other Fighting types I guess

Sheldenzare: Get outta here Lizzo








#85/   BAGON





10s: Touch Pass, SlowGinFizzzz


1s: Magikarp, Rence, Conker




Conker: One of the worst episodes of the Hoenn saga, she was featured predominately in. Yawn.

AMIT: ugly and not very cute













10s: Magikarp, Gourgeist, Katamari


1s: Mocha, Touch Pass, Chiidish, Haze, Zaram


0s: Heldenzeit




gardendreams: i would eat

Conker: Gorebyss looks like Magnadramon from Digimon. A bit cool. Trash you need to trade evolve to get her though. 

Curaga: Did she really need that corny seashell bra lol. I love pipefish though.

artc0cx: cute but hard to get

Suilen: the water Cresselia

sunbathinganimal: aphrodite lady seashell bikini 

AMIT: someone body pressed her sideways, but she's still cute

Katamari: should have been part psychic

Sawk: gay evolution

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10s: AbeHicks, Touch Pass, Seffers, Gourgeist


1s: Curaga, Rabbit, artc0cx, Ponzi, Year Of Shadow




PMM: i love the idea for this pokemon but it's weak

Conker: Cute as a button but, that's it. Weather Ball was really annoying. 

artc0cx: useless, annoying, not worth the hard work in saving all those scientists,

I would've let them die if i knew this was going to be my reward

Suilen: a cute gimmick I guess

Konril: Boob legs gDtBs.jpeg

Nico Robin: Shouldve been something way cooler with that concept

Seffers: the way Castform was in my team forever in the OG sapphire

Bartender: Awesome concept love that they updated the shinies

Sheldenzare: where's the sand version?














10s: Norte, AbeHicks, Touch Pass, Year Of Shadow, Nashe, Katamari, BambiStar


1s: Curaga, Magikarp, Nico Robin, Rence, peroxideblonde, Porygon2z, Red Light




Ewan Chaos: Ugly ass naked chicken

Conker: It's like the American Idol video game on the PS2. No one really liked it but, liked watching the show instead.

artc0cx: I have to agree this is the ugluiest teen-mon this gen

FallenFroot: Must be one of the ugliest starters. What the hell happened to the cutie that was Torchic?

Suilen: could make some bomb nuggets, emphasis on bomb

Konril: Them thiccc drumstick tumblr_nnbwctG3MC1u4283zo1_1280.png

Nico Robin: Honestly very disapointing where this went. I hate it

elevate: Puberty can be rough.

Chiidish: should have seen this coming

Haze: She's ugly but she makes it work.

AMIT: ***** jokes 

Red Light: Maybe the ugliest middle evo ever and that's saying a lot








#82/   WINGULL





10s: Album Leak, Norte, Year Of Shadow


1s: Rabbit, Touch Pass, peroxideblonde




gardendreams: i would eat

Conker: Really cute but, that despite that perk? Wingull isn't really all that useful. 

AbeHicks: Not bad by itself but the evolution ruins it. I wish it received a cool

regional evolution or something not so out of proportion.

Nico Robin: It's a classic

Seffers: minus points cause wingull is everywhere

Chiidish: you will never be Zubat give it up

AMIT: I am tired of her 

Red Light: I don't like Wingull itself very much but Peeko is kind of an icon








#82/   GLALIE







10s: Touch Pass, Year Of Shadow, Red Light, SlowGinFizzzz


1s: Curaga, artc0cx, AbeHicks, Magikarp, BambiStar


0s: Nico Robin, sunbathinganimal




Conker: I would have forgotten about this thing, if Ash didn't have one. Okay, so Brock can't

evolve his Marshtomp but, Ash can evolve his Snorunt? Horrible writing. 

artc0cx: I was always scared of his ugly ass face, like who thought this was a good idea :biblio:

Suilen: ruined after someone spilled its bedroom business

Nico Robin: What an easy choice for a 0! Froslass saved Snorunt line

sunbathinganimal: giant ugly head **** off want to close combat its Gretchen Grundler teeth

AMIT: not bad actually, but should have been part Rock I fear, not like Mono Ice is much better

Sheldenzare: Its so ugly that I like it

Sawk: but of a downgrade, but still ok














10s: Norte, Touch Pass


1s: Rabbit




gardendreams: i would eat

Conker: I really wished Corphish didn't drop the whole troublemaker attitude, like Ash's

Charmeleon and had kept his silly IDGAF attitude in the show. 

Curaga: Store-brand Krabby, and I don't like Krabby.

Suilen: crab meat isn't actually crab, so it's hard to judge

sunbathinganimal: krabby from shein

AMIT: cutie














10s: Norte, Touch Pass, Magikarp, Gourgeist, Porygon2z, Sawk


1s: Haze, Heldenzeit, Conker




gardendreams: i would eat

Conker: All the 3rd graders in 2003, gave up playing this game needing the Dive HM to catch this useless thing for the Pokedex. 

Suilen: oysters are delicious I think? [editors note: they're not]

Konril: Actually love his design

sunbathinganimal: girl lighten the **** up

AMIT: the cry is so cute and memorable


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13 minutes ago, BambiStar said:

0s: Heldenzeit





13 minutes ago, BambiStar said:

Suilen: the water Cresselia

:dies: so accurate 


14 minutes ago, BambiStar said:

sunbathinganimal: aphrodite lady seashell bikini

:ahh: this cracked me uuuuup omg

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Wingull annoying but probably tastier than Taillow, so I don't disagree with the ranking. Castform Snowy form has some ice cream potential, but it's gonna turn into one only when it's snowy, so what's the point.



Suilen: oysters are delicious I think? [editors note: they're not]

Is not too late to change my score? Let's tank her.



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Also, Drifblim being Clamperl's natural predator is random as ****, how does it even eat? With that torn out anus-looking thing? Anal beads imagery? GameFREAK indeed.



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