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Katy Perry hosts listening party: details, insights and expectations


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This era feels like an abusive relationship so far :gaycat6:

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Is she coming tonight?

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1 minute ago, Coldpurry said:

Is she coming tonight?


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1 hour ago, swiftsummer13 said:

right i was so confused for a sec


idk, having their website locked AND having 142 instagram posts, i feel like it has to be katy. she's definitely announcing within the next week, otherwise they'll be missing out on potential merch sales and won't be putting up promotional posts for ANY of their artists which would be weird. 

idk im just trying not to move because the amount of times ive moved for nothing in these 3 weeks

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82 pages of pure meltdown

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not this having a 82 pages, you better rename this thread once the single is announced 

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8 minutes ago, Coldpurry said:

82 pages of pure meltdown

+138 pages of pure meltdown on the other thread

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8 minutes ago, candytheicon said:

+138 pages of pure meltdown on the other thread

we would have the lead by now if that other thread was able to get to 143 pages...

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21 minutes ago, candytheicon said:

+138 pages of pure meltdown on the other thread

I really wish they would combine these 2 threads into the single or album thread when they get announced, and we already have 200+ pages starting off.

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I've heard some snippets and they sound great. Not anything groundbreaking but I am going to enjoy the full thing I think.


(I have also enjoyed Smile)

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16 minutes ago, xokuba said:

I've heard some snippets and they sound great. Not anything groundbreaking but I am going to enjoy the full thing I think.


(I have also enjoyed Smile)

the real snippets or the AI snippets (or the AI snippets are actually real):clack:

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People are so stupid these days :WAP:

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18 minutes ago, xokuba said:

I've heard some snippets and they sound great. Not anything groundbreaking but I am going to enjoy the full thing I think.


(I have also enjoyed Smile)

Sis they're all fake

no music leaked so far

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34 minutes ago, Kayzan said:

Sis they're all fake

no music leaked so far

This whole leak thing is being a mess... Half of the stuff leaked is A.I yet it looks good so I like to think it's real #=€=€=€

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2 hours ago, SalvoPK said:

Alright, listen up, kats,


Katy Perry has been teasing us for twenty ******* days with her mysterious "143" album, changing her damn profile pics and then leaving us hanging in silence. What the actual **** is going on? Where's the fire, the passion, the goddamn updates?


I'm ******* sick and tired of these cryptic teasers and getting jack **** in return. It's like she doesn't give a damn about her fans anymore. We're out here starving for new music, and all we get are these empty gestures. Come on, Katy! We deserve more than just Instagram posts and profile changes. We deserve actual engagement, real updates, and some ******* excitement about your own music!


This silence is ******* killing me. No live performances, no interviews, no ******* updates—just complete radio silence. It's ******* infuriating to see someone with Katy's talent and potential waste it like this.


And Katy, let's cut the bullshit. You used to be a ******* powerhouse in pop music. Now? You're acting like a goddamn amateur. Where's the drive? Where's the ambition? Or have you just become another lazy, entitled diva who thinks Instagram likes are enough?


We know what you're ******* capable of—remember "Teenage Dream," "Firework," those iconic bops? Where the hell is that Katy Perry now? Because all we're getting is a whole lot of nothing. We want to be pumped about "143," but you're making it damn near impossible!


So, Katy, get your **** together. Drop the mystery act, stop playing games, and start ******* delivering.


Your fans are waiting, but we won't wait forever.

This meltdown is exactly why artists do this. It's builds hype, anticipation. 

She can't exactly drop stuff as soon as it's ready with no plan. It didn't exactly work with Smile did it? 

Be patient and actually appreciate there's a plan and it's all been carefully calculated to give Katy the best chance. 

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Is the excerpt legitimate @Aurora @xtino, @Supervillain @sea.tea ? Capitol removed a video from YouTube that contained some lyrics.

Show me that you gone
Take me to nirvana

You got me locked up in your algorithm
Are you real or artificial

Even if it hurts me I wanna know the truth

Let's make a toast
To everything we've been through
Cause I don't always like you
But I'm always gonna love you

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41 minutes ago, gloamingtheplain said:

This meltdown is exactly why artists do this. It's builds hype, anticipation. 

She can't exactly drop stuff as soon as it's ready with no plan. It didn't exactly work with Smile did it? 

Be patient and actually appreciate there's a plan and it's all been carefully calculated to give Katy the best chance. 

Katy IS the problem. It's ALWAYS the same old story. This woman lacks drive for what she does, and it's genuinely disappointing. People were right to have doubts about her. Ever since she gained success, especially after hits like 'Teenage Dream,' she seems comfortable with mediocrity.
She earned so much fame and fortune but spends most of it on lavish vacations, showing little regard for her fans. Katy seems to believe that posting occasional behind-the-scenes pictures on Instagram is sufficient to keep us engaged. It's puzzling why her team isn't pushing her harder. Someone around her needs to realize that past achievements won't sustain her forever... It seems like she's more focused on living luxuriously and flaunting exclusive dinners on Instagram than on her music career. Where's the effort to maintain her brand? Why isn't she doing more to keep fans interested? And what even is her brand these days? Her recent photoshoots lack creativity. The outfits she wears look like they were picked from a discount store despite their high cost.
Why hasn't she hired a competent creative director? There's no clear vision behind her work... It's almost laughable that this is supposed to be a lead-up to her next album, and there's virtually no buzz! It feels like her team is setting her up for failure deliberately—her stylist messing up her looks, her makeup artist choosing the wrong shades, her lack of live performances or appearances—it's all so frustrating. Those short hairstyles she's been trying are just not working for her image. The way she tries to maintain mystery around her music is just sad. Fans want to be involved in the process, not kept in the dark. Katy's reluctance to collaborate beyond her usual circle also hinders her growth. Sticking with familiar producers like Dr. Luke has its drawbacks, especially when it limits her artistic exploration. We're left waiting months for even a hint of new music, which is disheartening. It feels like she's content with recycling old ideas instead of pushing boundaries and evolving her sound. Fans deserve better than crumbs of new music after such long waits.

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6 minutes ago, SalvoPK said:

Katy IS the problem. It's ALWAYS the same old story. This woman lacks drive for what she does, and it's genuinely disappointing. People were right to have doubts about her. Ever since she gained success, especially after hits like 'Teenage Dream,' she seems comfortable with mediocrity.
She earned so much fame and fortune but spends most of it on lavish vacations, showing little regard for her fans. Katy seems to believe that posting occasional behind-the-scenes pictures on Instagram is sufficient to keep us engaged. It's puzzling why her team isn't pushing her harder. Someone around her needs to realize that past achievements won't sustain her forever... It seems like she's more focused on living luxuriously and flaunting exclusive dinners on Instagram than on her music career. Where's the effort to maintain her brand? Why isn't she doing more to keep fans interested? And what even is her brand these days? Her recent photoshoots lack creativity. The outfits she wears look like they were picked from a discount store despite their high cost.
Why hasn't she hired a competent creative director? There's no clear vision behind her work... It's almost laughable that this is supposed to be a lead-up to her next album, and there's virtually no buzz! It feels like her team is setting her up for failure deliberately—her stylist messing up her looks, her makeup artist choosing the wrong shades, her lack of live performances or appearances—it's all so frustrating. Those short hairstyles she's been trying are just not working for her image. The way she tries to maintain mystery around her music is just sad. Fans want to be involved in the process, not kept in the dark. Katy's reluctance to collaborate beyond her usual circle also hinders her growth. Sticking with familiar producers like Dr. Luke has its drawbacks, especially when it limits her artistic exploration. We're left waiting months for even a hint of new music, which is disheartening. It feels like she's content with recycling old ideas instead of pushing boundaries and evolving her sound. Fans deserve better than crumbs of new music after such long waits.

I ain't reading all that I'm happy for you or sorry that happened…

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1 hour ago, Kayzan said:

Sis they're all fake

no music leaked so far

i was kinda praying the "let's make a toast to everything we've been thru" one was real cause it sounds like a bop

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If it's true that Gaga won't be releasing something anytime soon, So Katy has no excuses to release something quickly.

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11 minutes ago, Piethro said:

Is the excerpt legitimate @Aurora @xtino, @Supervillain @sea.tea ? Capitol removed a video from YouTube that contained some lyrics.

Show me that you gone
Take me to nirvana

You got me locked up in your algorithm
Are you real or artificial

Even if it hurts me I wanna know the truth

Let's make a toast
To everything we've been through
Cause I don't always like you
But I'm always gonna love you

These are the lyrics of those AI videos with roulette base and some other songs supervillain said the last one is real we don't know about the others 

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20 minutes ago, Jarr1507 said:

If it's true that Gaga won't be releasing something anytime soon, So Katy has no excuses to release something quickly.

where are you guys getting this information from 

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Her silence is so frustrating, and even more frustrating to know that this single only arrives in July


It will be 2 months of this change on social media for nothing. She already stuck it up her ass with the concept of 143 that she no longer posts at this time, so why didn't she shove the change up her ass on May 22nd?


i hate her

i hate



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