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Azealia Banks on Islam: the followers are dehydrated


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Al al al al...... I thought she was going to say Allah at the end... :ahh:

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I love her :ahh:

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Whatever happens to her, we now have the proof she did it to herself:clown:

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She's gonna get herself k worded watch 

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She was also transphobic to Kim Petras in the same story, before you all start to gag and say how she's "sooooo funny"

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I think she's in a manic episode. She was on Instagram yesterday ranting for at least 6 hours straight. 

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The Arabic AI'd translation :bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh:

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Omfg :bibliahh:

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34 minutes ago, Bookmark99 said:

I think she's in a manic episode. She was on Instagram yesterday ranting for at least 6 hours straight. 

That's a regular day for her

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I can never tell if she loves gay people or hates them, she keeps flip flopping.

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jfkfkgjfkfllf not the arabic translation :bibliahh:


This bot is so good, lemme bookmark

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An ally :clap3:

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The al al al and the sand in the asses part 😂😂😂😂

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this is the funniest sh*t she's said in a minute and the last sentence is tea :celestial2:

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The translation???

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wtf is she yapping about

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most muslims dont even live in a desert


dumb *****

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The mirage :ahh: 

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did she lie?

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