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Far-right, anti-China newspaper Epoch Times indicted for money laundering by US DoJ


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Thank ******* god cause their wild ass, transphobic Youtube ads were unhinged :deadbanana4:

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I don't know them but let them perish :deadbanana2:

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Nnnnn this is the least surprising news ever :deadbanana4:


That said, the Shen Yun money and the other cult associated revenues will probably keep them solvent enough to keep making the batshit YouTube ads and Trump donations unless more of the leadership goes down too :gaycat6:

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Oh my dad subscribes to this. Don't think I have the heart to tell him 

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It's about damn time. :deadbanana4:

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Lol, right after putting these billboards all around the U.S.



A billboard campaign in southwest Michigan claims the Epoch Times is "#1 trusted news." Is it?

NowKalamazoo / Sue Ellen Christian, Macy Force & Ben Lando / March 29, 2024





Reality Check | The truth behind the Epoch Times billboards around Denver

Rocky Mountain PBS / Kyle Cooke /  February 21, 2024

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