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US Libertarian Party picks gay libertarian for POTUS over far-right Mises Caucus pick


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this is so crazy to me because Rectenwald was my writing professor freshman year in college. He was alright but tried to make us all buy the book he wrote for the course. I was one of the few holdouts (it was like $60 from the school bookstore and we never ended up using it) :biblio: 

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The "taxes and age of consent laws are authoritarian" party picking someone who narratives himself as a cultural progressive and rejecting a right-wing cultural candidate.... just made the upcoming schism in November more interesting. :rip: Also the same candidate that caused the 2022 Senate election in Georgia to go to a run-off, whether benefitting Warnock or Walker depending on who you think he took votes from.



(The rainbow Don't Tread On Me flag in the background :rip:)


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Posted (edited)

Libertarians shouldn't have a problem with LGBT candidates, but the US Libertarian Party has been hijacked by the far-right Mises Caucus since 2022 so anything is possible.


Edit: Good to see Oliver fend off the far-right. Oliver's platform is much better thought out than Rectenwald's platform but it still has the typical libertarian problems. Opening up immigration and ending qualified immunity would be great, shutting down the Department of Education would be a disaster. Closing overseas military bases and using the saved money to discharge federal student loan interest is a pretty creative idea.


The US would be better off if its citizens could vote for legislation by themselves instead of having to depend on politicians to represent them for most issues. But I can't see this happening until long after ranked-choice voting takes off, and that's going to take a while.

Edited by Stimulus
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girl... the west is truly over in every way possible

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That was surprising. I thought they were homophobic

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Not someone writing in Courtney Love and misspelling her first name :ahh:

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I do believe it's time for the YASSSification of Washington DC

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Libertarians are politically illiterate.



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11 hours ago, Communion said:


(The rainbow Don't Tread On Me flag in the background :rip:)


This is obvs off topic but **** like this is so trashy and camp to me that I kind of love it :rip: :rip:

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4 hours ago, Bloodflowers. said:

Not someone writing in Courtney Love and misspelling her first name :ahh:

This made me yelp

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Princess Aurora said:

That was surprising. I thought they were homophobic

A substantial amount are, given nearly a third of the delegation was fine having no candidate on the ballot.


The right-wing media is having a meltdown over this seemingly.



16 hours ago, Stimulus said:

Libertarians shouldn't have a problem with LGBT candidates, but the US Libertarian Party has been hijacked by the far-right Mises Council since 2022 so anything is possible.


Edit: Good to see Oliver fend off the far-right. Oliver's platform is much better thought out than Rectenwald's platform but it still has the typical libertarian problems. Opening up immigration and ending qualified immunity would be great, shutting down the Department of Education would be a disaster. Closing overseas military bases and using the saved money to discharge federal student loan interest is a pretty creative idea.


The US would be better off if its citizens could vote for legislation by themselves instead of having to depend on politicians to represent them for most issues. But I can't see this happening until long after ranked-choice voting takes off, and that's going to take a while.

*reads the immigration, criminal justice sections*


Collaborate with Congress to return to an Ellis Island style of processing immigrants.


End qualified immunity for federal law enforcement so those abused or harmed by law enforcement can have their day in court. 


Immediately abolish the death penalty for all Federal crimes. 


Work with Congress to abolish the Patriot Act, which has unconstitutionally increased the powers and scope of the police and surveillance state.


Close all overseas bases and immediately return active-duty personnel to domestic bases. 

Oh wow, that's real nic-


*reads the education, healthcare and economy sections*


I support abolishing the Department of Education


I will immediately end the Federal backing of student loans


I will not support any new gun restrictions and will look to repeal the restrictions that exist today.


We must lower the regulatory burden on the pharmaceutical industry

Oh he's actually kinda insane. He's basically a pro-corporate Democrat. He's Pete Buttigeg's Other. :deadbanana4:

Why is it so hard for the girlies to just support single payer healthcare? :jonny6:

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15 hours ago, Communion said:

A substantial amount are, given nearly a third of the delegation was fine having no candidate on the ballot.


The right-wing media is having a meltdown over this seemingly.



*reads the immigration, criminal justice sections*

Oh wow, that's real nic-


*reads the education, healthcare and economy sections*

Oh he's actually kinda insane. He's basically a pro-corporate Democrat. He's Pete Buttigeg's Other. :deadbanana4:

Why is it so hard for the girlies to just support single payer healthcare? :jonny6:

Interesting. Historically Libertarians were progressive see Emerson's early philosophy of Humanism and how Transcendentalism influenced Libertarian politics. Therefore, I'm baffled by the current political situation in the US. They want a small government but keep electing parties with authoritarian and controlling policies, I mean????

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What's weird is I could see him taking more Biden voters than Trump voters purely because of him being a gay man. But overall, he's competing more with RFK Jr than either of them. I don't see him getting as much traction as either Jo Jorgensen or Gary Johnson


His stance on Education is absolutely disqualifying. But Libertarians have it out for wanting to abolish every government agency (aside from Defense I guess) so it's not surprising.

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Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, Communion said:

Why is it so hard for the girlies to just support single payer healthcare? :jonny6:

Seems like a common sense policy to put in any Democratic platform, with 54% of Democrats supporting single-payer healthcare and 88% of Democrats saying the government is responsible for providing all Americans with healthcare in 2020. It has to be a lack of ambition.


As for libertarians, the only way they would support something like single-payer healthcare is when it's framed as reducing government costs or burdens in some way. That's why some libertarians support universal basic income.



6 hours ago, Princess Aurora said:

Interesting. Historically Libertarians were progressive see Emerson's early philosophy of Humanism and how Transcendentalism influenced Libertarian politics. Therefore, I'm baffled by the current political situation in the US. They want a small government but keep electing parties with authoritarian and controlling policies, I mean????

Nowadays, the most influential author in US libertarianism is Ayn Rand and the predominant form of libertarianism in the US is right-wing libertarianism. And then you have Republicans-in-everything-but-name co-opting libertarianism to push for social conservatism, which is the opposite of what libertarianism (even right-wing libertarianism) represents. That's basically what the Mises Caucus is doing and they're trying to remove social progressives/liberals from the US Libertarian Party. It's sad to see the third-largest party in the US being overtaken by the far-right, but Oliver winning the candidacy gives some hope that the party can move back in a more reasonable direction.

Edited by Stimulus
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Leftists and Libertarians should band together to maximize their ability to get absolutely nothing done. :ahh:

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Just now, Sannie said:

Leftists and Libertarians should band together to maximize their ability to get absolutely nothing done. :ahh:

I think that's a really pessimistic take. Leftists and libertarians in the US can and do get their policy goals accomplished by pushing for changes in the two major parties. The easiest way for a Democrat to convince a libertarian-leaning Republican to change their mind on some issues is by framing it as reducing government control over individuals.

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48 minutes ago, Stimulus said:


Nowadays, the most influential author in US libertarianism is Ayn Rand and the predominant form of libertarianism in the US is right-wing libertarianism. And then you have Republicans-in-everything-but-name co-opting libertarianism to push for social conservatism, which is the opposite of what libertarianism (even right-wing libertarianism) represents. That's basically what the Mises Caucus is doing and they're trying to remove social progressives/liberals from the US Libertarian Party. It's sad to see the third-largest party in the US being overtaken by the far-right, but Oliver winning the candidacy gives some hope that the party can move back in a more reasonable direction.

Oh wow. This is depressing and hopefully, the Libertarian Party goes back to its roots rather than becoming the opposite of it.

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