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Pew: 85% of Americans believe elected officials don't represent them


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There are only modest demographic and political differences in these views among Americans today.

Why do Americans feel this way?

We also asked a broader series of questions about the U.S. political system in Center surveys conducted in June and July 2023. Overall, Americans broadly distrust the system and question whose interests it's serving.

For example, only 4% of Americans think the political system is working extremely or very well today, and an equally tiny share have a lot of confidence in its future. Americans have long felt "frustrated" toward the federal government, and just 16% trust the government to do the right thing most or just about all of the time.


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  • ATRL Moderator

This is why democracy is already dead in our country. Being able to vote is not democracy on its own. Democracy is about the people being represented. Voting is just a means to do it, but our system is completely broken. 

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I feel like this is a ww thing, I don't feel like there's any politician in my country rn that I align with an we have 17 parties :skull: can't imagine how I would've felt if we only had 2

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I believe it, both parties in America are kinda racing to the bottom


I think it's better in countries with a larger variety of parties but even those parties have to include questionable policies for broader appeal/popularity, which leads to individuals feeling like they're betrayed or that it tricks them into supporting things they don't stand for

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I mean, they don't really. If they did more elected officials would be calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza considering how much of the country wants it, yet most elected officials stay silent or side with Israel purely for the money. 

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Posted (edited)

The US is the definition of a flawed democracy so there you have it. Hopefully, it won't turn fully authoritarian as it happened in Russia and China or a hybrid dictatorship like Hungary:coffee2:

Edited by Princess Aurora
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One of the problems is that people think the presidential vote is the only vote that matters

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2 hours ago, Bloo said:

This is why democracy is already dead in our country. Being able to vote is not democracy on its own. Democracy is about the people being represented. Voting is just a means to do it, but our system is completely broken. 

I agree with you, but it's not about the representation. It's about being able to participate in the making of policies that affect your life. By having representatives, you were supposed to be able to do that. But, representative democracy has failed. In fact, it was never good to begin with, now it's just showing. 

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This explains why everybody online thinks celebrities can/should influence geopolitical events actually

Edited by AndThenTheCocaine
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Who are the 15 % of people who think the government represents them? 

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Posted (edited)

The Democrat girlies hate Bernie but I genuinely don't think people appreciate how hopeful and meaningful the years of 2016 to 2020 felt for many people. 


He was the only politician who people routinely cited "I feel he cares about people like me". Even in primary polls, Biden voters cited Bernie as more likely to care about someone like them.



There was an acceleration of progressive thought and discourse. Politics and DC were forced to rapidly catch up to acknowledging a lot of problems people in the US had. We were at one point talking about single payer healthcare, national rent control policies, nationalizing utilities, giving people in jail the right to vote, etc. When I look back from what 2020 promised to be, it's crazy to see how far we have regressed.


Biden killed rhe progressive movement, and just like with Corbyn in the UK, I fear it will become impossible to revive it. 


The entire campaign shaped its message on "Not Me, Us" yet Sanders' unwavering support to Biden broke the trust millions gained and made it clear it was more "Not Us, Them".

Edited by Communion
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2 hours ago, Cheers said:

One of the problems is that people think the presidential vote is the only vote that matters

This. I live in tennessee and for my city/county/state elections, we vote 4-6 times a year depending on the year. However, when you speak to people, they only know about the midterms and presidential election.

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3 hours ago, Cheers said:

One of the problems is that people think the presidential vote is the only vote that matters


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