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Hillary Clinton says that female voters deserted her because she was "not perfect."


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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, heckinglovato said:

"As a Palestinian, you must not be sending the wrong message! Don't imply anything positive about a right-wing candidate/party that said they want to turn Palestine into a parking lot. Instead, show support towards a less right-wing candidate/party that is actively turning Palestine into a parking lot as we speak. They support bright women such aa Hillary Clinton!"


Are you malfunctioning

You were arguing with a person about the bombings Hillary personally did as a president even though she never became one. Then you told me that I should have guessed that you weren't an American even though you didn't know where I am from either.


I know this is a sensitive topic to you so out of respect I won't ask you the same thing. I hope a day comes where there is a politician that can make a significant difference in America's foreign policy towards Palestine but it's not looking good.

Edited by Illuminati
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Just now, Illuminati said:

You were arguing with a person about the bombings Hillary personally did as a president even though she never became one. Then you told me that I should have guessed that you weren't an American even though you didn't know where I am from either.


I know this is a sensitive topic to you so out of respect I won't ask you the same thing.

I never claimed Hillary became president and I was clearly alluding to her tenure as Secretary of State, directly influencing US foreign policy which exterminated and displaced millions in the Middle East.


I also never said you should've guessed I'm not an American. 


You're actively defending a politician who has committed and/or supported various war crimes as well as an active genocide which is currently taking place, simply because she's a "bright female", while failing to read and comprehend every counterargument that's being made against you.


I feel so embarrassed for you right now. Log off while you can queen! :dies:

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, heckinglovato said:

A bright female mind that bombs children in the Middle East





…. Except her tenure as SecState was characterized (with regard to her Middle Eastern policy) by finding a peaceful solution for Palestine, advocating for an independent Palestinian state, and was the loudest voice in the Obama administration advocating for diplomacy over military intervention in, i.a., the Syrian civil war. From day 1 as SecState, she supported withdrawing troops from Iraq and supported large economic aid for post-war Iraq. She has acknowledged her vote for the Iraq War as a mistake, a rare instance of a high-profile politician taking responsibility for past decisions. 


She doesn't deserve being the poster child for America's war on terror, yet that's what she has become, when there are male counterparts much more deserving of that title. Women in positions of power are frequently held to different standards than their male counterparts. Clinton's policy decisions are scrutinized more harshly, and you are exaggerating her role in foreign policy compared to that of male policymakers who made similar decisions. The focus on her as a singular figure of blame reflects a societal tendency to undermine women in power and hold them disproportionately accountable for complex policy outcomes.

You can downvote me all you want, but it shows more about you being uneducated on the topic and buying into caricature of Hillary created by the media without an ounce of media literacy. She is far from perfect, but much more deserving of respect than a lot of her male counterparts, including her husband.

Edited by raisetheroof
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Looks like we have a new ATRL Thumbs Down with no Counter arguments warrior!  :suburban:

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29 minutes ago, raisetheroof said:

…. Except her tenure as SecState was characterized (with regard to her Middle Eastern policy) by finding a peaceful solution for Palestine, advocating for an independent Palestinian state, and was the loudest voice in the Obama administration advocating for diplomacy over military intervention in, i.a., the Syrian civil war. From day 1 as SecState, she supported withdrawing troops from Iraq and supported large economic aid for post-war Iraq. She has acknowledged her vote for the Iraq War as a mistake, a rare instance of a high-profile politician taking responsibility for past decisions. 


She doesn't deserve being the poster child for America's war on terror, yet that's what she has become, when there are male counterparts much more deserving of that title. Women in positions of power are frequently held to different standards than their male counterparts. Clinton's policy decisions are scrutinized more harshly, and you are exaggerating her role in foreign policy compared to that of male policymakers who made similar decisions. The focus on her as a singular figure of blame reflects a societal tendency to undermine women in power and hold them disproportionately accountable for complex policy outcomes.

You can downvote me all you want, but it shows more about you being uneducated on the topic and buying into caricature of Hillary created by the media without an ounce of media literacy. She is far from perfect, but much more deserving of respect than a lot of her male counterparts, including her husband.

Characterized by who? Western media? Pro-US Arab monarchs? :dies:


Are we talking about the same person who voted for a war that killed half a million people? Advocated for heavy military operations in Afghanistan and Western Sahara? Advocated for blanket airstrikes in Syria that destabilized entire cities? Backed a campaign to overthrow Gaddafi which ultimately led to destabilizing Libya, then laughed about it? Backed the annihilation of Yemen?


This person is literally supporting the genocide of my people that is happening right now as I type this, yet you have the audacity to dare and purplewash this issue by saying "you have no media literacy and her male counterparts are worse :weeps:".


How embarrassing for you. If you had an ounce of self-respect and respect for human life, you wouldn't type such vomit. 


Your thirst for bloodshed is genuinely concerning. 

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Shes right 🤷


A lot of white women were willingly looking over trumps flaws but didn't want to do the same with her .

but that's just gonna happen for any women running bf or president. They are held to a higher standard. Even with their own sex. 

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7 hours ago, raisetheroof said:

She is one of the brightest minds of our time, and most definitively one of the best presidential candidates of all time.

You dislike her because you're brainwashed by your internalized misogyny compounded with 30 years of insanely sexist media representation tantamount to character assassination:coffee2: But that's something ya'll aint ready to hear

She has stans on this website? Chile..

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4 hours ago, Illuminati said:

You were arguing with a person about the bombings Hillary personally did as a president even though she never became one

Sis, what do you think a SoS does...

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Something that many people do not discuss is that women often participate in the hate for other women. It's a whole market. That is why there are House Wives TV shows. Women hate women just as much as they claim men do. Don't even get me started on the women who are "male-identified." Those b*****s are the worst. 

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She would blame women:rip:

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15 hours ago, Illuminati said:

You were arguing with a person about the bombings Hillary personally did as a president even though she never became one. Then you told me that I should have guessed that you weren't an American even though you didn't know where I am from either.

She didn't personally do them as president. She personally advised them as Secretary of State. I think the breakdown in your understanding of their point here is perhaps not understanding what the role of Secretary of State is within the president's cabinet and why her actions in that position have been so damning for her politically ever since. 

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19 hours ago, heckinglovato said:

Characterized by who? Western media? Pro-US Arab monarchs? :dies:


Are we talking about the same person who voted for a war that killed half a million people? Advocated for heavy military operations in Afghanistan and Western Sahara? Advocated for blanket airstrikes in Syria that destabilized entire cities? Backed a campaign to overthrow Gaddafi which ultimately led to destabilizing Libya, then laughed about it? Backed the annihilation of Yemen?


This person is literally supporting the genocide of my people that is happening right now as I type this, yet you have the audacity to dare and purplewash this issue by saying "you have no media literacy and her male counterparts are worse :weeps:".


How embarrassing for you. If you had an ounce of self-respect and respect for human life, you wouldn't type such vomit. 


Your thirst for bloodshed is genuinely concerning. 

First of all, I like Hillary herself, as I stated, acknowledge that invading Iraq as well as her support for it was an enormous mistake. A mistake made due to, at best, flawed intelligence and, at worst, outright lies by the Bush administration. Again, not making a great case for your literacy, and blaming a woman for the deceat and actions of a man? You're practically making my case for me.


Second, all of your arguments are taken wildly out of context. You paint Hillary as a war criminal without acknowledging that the U.S. was fighting against unequivocal war criminals. Assad was using chemical weapons against his own populace in Syria. Hillary supported targeted military interventions, including air strikes, and arming Syrian rebels against their dictator. Blanket airstrikes is utter bullsh*t.

Third, you're criticizing her for supporting the overthrow of a dictator who quite literally was butchering his own citizens? You do realize the U.S. and NATO stepped in by creating a no-fly zone to stop Gaddafi from the massmurder of even more of his citizens? Yet I'm the one who's bloodthirsty? What a joke.


And it was the Libyan people who ultimately overthrew Gaddafi, not the U.S. or Hillary.  You are accusing me of subscribing to a pro-Western mindset yet you are the one talking about Middle Eastern and North African people as if they have no agency.


All in all, you're arguments have very little validity and just further my image of you as an internet troll living in your own information bubble on Twitter, doing zero fact checking on anything you find. Also, someone who clearly thinks a woman who supports stopping the massmurder of civilians is somehow worse than a dictator attempting to commit said massmurder. Do with that information what you will.

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18 hours ago, concubine said:

She has stans on this website? Chile..

There are people on this website with actual education who don't get all their information from Twitter, yes:khalyan2:

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7 hours ago, raisetheroof said:

First of all, I like Hillary herself, as I stated, acknowledge that invading Iraq as well as her support for it was an enormous mistake. A mistake made due to, at best, flawed intelligence and, at worst, outright lies by the Bush administration. Again, not making a great case for your literacy, and blaming a woman for the deceat and actions of a man? You're practically making my case for me.


Second, all of your arguments are taken wildly out of context. You paint Hillary as a war criminal without acknowledging that the U.S. was fighting against unequivocal war criminals. Assad was using chemical weapons against his own populace in Syria. Hillary supported targeted military interventions, including air strikes, and arming Syrian rebels against their dictator. Blanket airstrikes is utter bullsh*t.

Third, you're criticizing her for supporting the overthrow of a dictator who quite literally was butchering his own citizens? You do realize the U.S. and NATO stepped in by creating a no-fly zone to stop Gaddafi from the massmurder of even more of his citizens? Yet I'm the one who's bloodthirsty? What a joke.


And it was the Libyan people who ultimately overthrew Gaddafi, not the U.S. or Hillary.  You are accusing me of subscribing to a pro-Western mindset yet you are the one talking about Middle Eastern and North African people as if they have no agency.


All in all, you're arguments have very little validity and just further my image of you as an internet troll living in your own information bubble on Twitter, doing zero fact checking on anything you find. Also, someone who clearly thinks a woman who supports stopping the massmurder of civilians is somehow worse than a dictator attempting to commit said massmurder. Do with that information what you will.

You're trying to convince a Palestinian Arab that U.S. intervention in Middle Eastern affairs (and subsequently the murder and displacement of millions) can be justified in certain situations such as flawed intelligence about an Arab country, taking down an Arab dictator you don't like, arming against a an Arab President who happens to be a murderer, etc. Maybe even supporting a genocide of an entire population (assuming you agree with Hillary's support of Israel's genocide right now)


You continue to be a right-wing bloodthirsty neoliberal imperialist, who supports another right-wing pro-genocide bloodthirsty neoliberal imperialist.


Glad the tides are shifting with younger generations, and certainly not in your favor baby boy. :dies:


Do the world a favor and seek help to better understand why is it that you want Arabs dead so badly?

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