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Does Age define Beauty?


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So i saw this tweet on my tl and alot stans in the replies arw arguing about how their fav looks younger


To me both Miley and Beyonce look their age (30s and 40s) and they're BEAUTIFUL 


So why does being younger have to correlate with how pretty you are? 

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My friend who is 24 recently told me that he was dating someone who was 19 and that guy's friend told him that he 'likes older guys'


24 = older :rip:


That post about Miley being 31 and 'aged like fine wine' is so funny :bibliahh:31 is very young.

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I think "age like fine wine" can be said about someone who's at least 40.


Otherwise it's grape juice sweetie 

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11 minutes ago, burninredhot said:

So why does being younger have to correlate with how pretty you are? 

Yeah people do conflate beauty with youth and it's quite annoying. No older person is ever simply told they look good, it's always "You look good for your age".


I think in general people should stop talking about how well someone has aged. Like yeah of course a rich celebrity with access to regular botox injections, fillers and the best plastic surgeons around has fewer wrinkles than your average person. I'd also argue a lot of celebs are under significantly less stress than an ordinary person working a 9-5 job, which definitely helps.

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Well no, because there are many people - such as myself - who have gotten uglier with age.

Likewise there are many people who were ******* ugly ten years ago and are now drop dead gorgeous. 

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We've redefined beauty and it rhymes with ozempic 

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Posted (edited)

People would say something like that to someone who is 25 :biblio: let alone someone in their 30s

Edited by Princess Aurora
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Posted (edited)

31 is still pretty young, most people can still look youthful at 31 even if they don't take amazing care of themselves (drink/smoke sometimes)


but everyone ages at their own rate, and I think while there is a specific type of beauty that only young people have, some of the most beautiful people I've seen are a bit older


i actually think a lot of people peak in beauty once a slight bit of age sets in in their late 20s or 30s

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2 hours ago, burninredhot said:



So i saw this tweet on my tl and alot stans in the replies arw arguing about how their fav looks younger


To me both Miley and Beyonce look their age (30s and 40s) and they're BEAUTIFUL 


So why does being younger have to correlate with how pretty you are? 

Miley Cyrus can not pass for a high school senior/20 year old in any show :rip: She's beautiful but why are we setting unrealistic aging standards for (young) women?

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posting some stan tweet that speaks in hyperbole and liked by hiveminded people who are already inclined to praising her... as a way to talk about beauty and aging...

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No, money does :giraffe:

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Posted (edited)

There is different standards between men and women. Men in their late 20's early to mid 30's is usually considered their peak. Where females are considered at theirs a bit earlier. Not saying I agree with either. This is just what I've noticed from my experience. 

I'm personally most attracted to people around my age so 28-30. But it's always been that way and changing as I get older. I really don't find guys attractive anymore under the 25 mark. Just not my thing and not into a baby face. Definitely was at that age tho. But I can find guys hot anywhere from 25-50 tbh 🤷🏻 I don't look at females the same way but tend to find more beauty with age, a formed personality, wisdom and life experience and that is what is most attractive to me. A big d and money doesn't hurt either. 

I find guys in their early 20s a little too immature, narcissistic and lacking life experience and can come off a little boring. But that's expected and I was the same way around that age. I got out of a 7 year relationship at 26 and dated a 20 yo almost immediately after and I asked him what his favourite tv show was and he straight face told me wizards of waverly place lol. I broke up with him 3 days later. Just too different from early vs late 20s. Only dated older since. 

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US culture is OBSESSED with age, especially in women.


Something needs to change cause that is not right

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At the end of the day most teens watch milf porn and a lot of gays and  girls like daddies. So the attraction is there.

There may be some biological aspect to it tho. Since unconciously we look for the most fertile looking person and unluckily for women that means young.

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First of all 31 is not old 

second it's 2024 age is just a number i know people in their 50s who look better than ppl half their age 


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No, beauty is a made up concept

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If you are a man under 35, do not speak to me. You are considered an infant by me

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