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Diddy sued (again): 6th accuser comes forward days after damning assault video


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  • ATRL Administrator

Lock. This. *****. Up. 

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the modern-day Bill Cosby (except somehow WORSE)

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This man's career needs to end instantly. It perplexes and disgusts me that other celebrities are cancelled for little incidents or go too soon, whereas this fiend can get away with evil acts for DECADES! DECADES! To be honest, I am so sick of this industry. Too many predators.

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:rip:Everyday it gets worse. Sent this man to jail. 

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The worst thing is there's a 1000 more degenerates in the entertainment industry, some even worse and more powerful than him :skull:

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Send him to jail and throw the key away forever omg :deadbanana4:

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Put this man and anyone who covered for his crimes (label execs, hotel managers, corrupt cops, etc.) in PRISON. :mazen:

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3 hours ago, Virgos Groove said:

label execs

They rather throw every Diddy and all the Drakes under the bus before they would even allow people to think they should be in jail

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the male r kelly :biblio: 

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