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Trump echoes Nazi Germany with "unified Reich" reference


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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Communion said:

The below is written in very plain English. I'm not sure what part of it is hard for you to read and understand?people. 

Umm what?


"Can't you understand my comment written in plain English 6 months ago in a different thread in response to someone else that has nothing to do with you"




We're both crossing 40k posts here ma'am, nobody keeps up with you like that.


You can't just say that Lithuania completely depends on the US and then call me privileged react_confused.png saying that the elections won't affect me at all :deadbanana2:


Lithuania has 0 tanks, not that it matters in the conversation about Trump, the supposed equal to Biden, using Hitler!!! to appeal to his voters:dies:


You need to wake up to the reality you live in, Trump needs to be stopped and the only person who has a real chance to stop him happens to be Biden, whether Lithuania likes it or not.

Edited by Illuminati
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24 minutes ago, Communion said:

The below is written in very plain English. I'm not sure what part of it is hard for you to read and understand?

Quick timeout here that English is statistically Lithuanians' third language. How well would you fare in a language that wasn't your mother tongue?


Sorry but I dislike that Americans often call out the English abilities of 'foreigners' - for starters they're often monolingual themselves, and it reinforces anglocentrism.

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Hes SOOOOO stupid. I literally lose brain cells whenever I see any news about this person. :deadbanana:

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I'm so scared, I've been fearing this type of sh*t for a hot minute, when he wins there's going to be a big paradigm shift in culture; gays, you better be careful going into 2025, it's gonna get really f*cking bad for us.

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14 minutes ago, Capris Groove said:

Quick timeout here that English is statistically Lithuanians' third language.

And? The user in question is arguing that American progressives secretly want Trump to win. So...where is that? Where has that been said?


Have I typed it in a secret code? Have I snuck it in somewhere in a foreign language to go undetected? Are there snippets of "Hail Trump" written in a 2nd language in a tiny font somewhere?


Are there hieroglyphics scattered about detailing this secret support for Trump? Is what's written done so in gibberish? Is there a sleight of hand meant to trick and slip up the non-native English speaker?


There's nothing wrong with not speaking English as a first language. English is not somehow more superior (it's actually a pretty nonsensical language and I can barely speak it as my only language).


But then the issue is either: 1) a language barrier is occuring or (more likely) 2) those claiming leftists support Trump are gaslighting and arguing in bad faith. 


Because if I type "Trump is evil but I don't think Biden can beat him by copying his policies" and the response is "you want Trump to win," It's either a language barrier or people making those comments are trolling in bad faith. So which is it? Can only be one or the other. 

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Ready for everyone but Biden and his party to get the blame when Trump wins :clap3:

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Posted (edited)
50 minutes ago, Illuminati said:

6 months ago

So you can't be expected to be aware of what leftists' positions actually are because they say them in threads you don't visit or you can't remember posts from longer than a week ago...


....but ALSO you're being 100% genuine in your claim that you perfectly remember seeing leftists say they feel there is no difference between Trump + Biden and that leftists are actually rooting for Trump to win?


Do you expect anyone to actually believe this? Who do you hope to convince?


You continually display zero understanding of how American elections work and shouting about how young people or working class people of color (the actual people you're screaming at when yelling about non-voters) are at fault for Biden sabotaging his election chances does absolutely nothing. In fact, you repel people away from Biden. You're costing him votes. 

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11 hours ago, Miss Show Business said:

Can't wait to see what *those* users say when the first immigrant concentration camps get set up. What will be the excuse when you can no longer blame Biden for everything?

Wonder if "sticking it to the Dems" will be worth it hmm

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Hillary chose violence. The gloves are coming off. We need to see more forceful pushback like this all around. :clap3:

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, SoldierofLove said:

Why would he? This is how he wins.





I wish this were the case, since you can't win a national election with just the radical fringe. Sadly, the way he won (and will win) is with middle-of-the-road suburban women and the dramatic rightward shift by black and hispanic voters.


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11 hours ago, New Edition said:

I'm just curious but why do people dislike Biden more than Trump? 

Recency bias. People have short attention spans and enjoy tearing down whoever is in power at the moment. 

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9 minutes ago, Communion said:

So you can't be expected to be aware of what leftists' positions actually are because they say them in threads you don't visit or you can't remember posts from longer than a week ago...

I guess you will have to read my reply in a thread from three years ago. I haven't decided which one yet :duck:


You pretending like "Biden is just like Trump" isn't a quote parroted in every Biden thread is disingenuous at best. You put Palestinians, people of color and every other minority in danger. It seems that to you this is all just a game of winning an argument, completely disregarding everyone who will be affected by this and using them as tokens but people will have to live with the consequences of what you're encouraging.


I'm not sure why you're so dead set to gaslight me in this, why are you even coming to defend a literal NAZI quote react_confused.png



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1 hour ago, Illuminati said:



I'm not sure why you're so dead set to gaslight me in this, why are you even coming to defend a literal NAZI quote react_confused.png



They rush in and do this in every thread that's not negative towards Biden. Because (contrary to what they say) they want Trump to beat Biden so they can come on here and laugh about it afterwards 💀

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The news stations need to start covering this for real. 

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5 minutes ago, Kassi said:


The news stations need to start covering this for real. 

This is what they need to do. Every bad thing Trump says and does call a press conference together with Biden  and talk about it. The media will have to show it then. 

the Biden camp needs to get more aggressive. 

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

They rush in

I'm genuinely concerned at this level of illiteracy. Not a single person mentioned Biden until the same cast of characters decided to rush in and whine about people criticizing Biden for other policies in other theeads and at large. 


If you're unable to stick to the topic at hand, then you only really have two choices:

 - No longer making threads about bad things Trump does cause everyone already agrees they're bad; or,

- Accepting that turning a thread about bad things Trump does into an attempt to promote Biden and silence Biden's critics over unrelated things Biden does will result in the topic being about Biden. 


You are a grown adult. There's no reason for this level of nonsense you're constantly displaying. You're not dumb so you must be trolling. 


You know why people criticize Biden and his intentions to lose to Trump. You know that these criticisms have nothing to do with Trump and can't be impacted by Trump. If you're unable to discuss Trump without discussing Biden, then there's no point in the former, clearly. 

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1 hour ago, Hex said:

Wonder if "sticking it to the Dems" will be worth it hmm

For them yes it would be. 

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1 hour ago, Illuminati said:

"Biden is just like Trump"

You still have yet to produce examples of this and have made it clear you seemingly don't actually believe anyone said such. And that you're criticizing young people and Americans of color for criticizing Biden and his admin for mistakenly adopting right-wing policies that hurt his re-election chances. 


Again, you're going to make Biden lose. 


Biden cannot win being a right-wing ideologue. There is no mythical Nikki Haley swing voter. Biden pretending there is so he can justify his obsession with Israel is putting our democracy on the line. 


Trump can pnly win by Biden putting Israel before America. Millions of people are going to die if Biden continues to help Trump win. This is not a game. Some of us will actually have to live with the consequences of Biden's actions and his clear attempts to throw the election. Trump must be stopped and people like you must stop running cover for Trump by defending Biden deliberately tanking his own chances at re-election. 

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HUH? the fact that he's allowed to run at all considering the Jan 6 riots he caused is a big mistake 

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, Communion said:

You still have yet to produce examples of this and have made it clear you seemingly don't actually believe anyone said such. And that you're criticizing young people and Americans of color for criticizing Biden and his admin for mistakenly adopting right-wing policies that hurt his re-election chances. 


Again, you're going to make Biden lose. 


Biden cannot win being a right-wing ideologue. There is no mythical Nikki Haley swing voter. Biden pretending there is so he can justify his obsession with Israel is putting our democracy on the line. 


Trump can pnly win by Biden putting Israel before America. Millions of people are going to die if Biden continues to help Trump win. This is not a game. Some of us will actually have to live with the consequences of Biden's actions and his clear attempts to throw the election. Trump must be stopped and people like you must stop running cover for Trump by defending Biden deliberately tanking his own chances at re-election. 

"Biden losing is actually his plan to help Trump win" be for real :dies: 


I'm sure when you call Biden "blue maga" it means you've never said it. That's what your argument is right now.




I'm still waiting for you to tell me what you envision the US to be like in 4 years after your protest vote against Biden, in support of fourth reich Trump

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5 minutes ago, Illuminati said:

"blue maga"

Blue MAGA refers to Republicans and conservatives who try and hijack anti-Trump sentiment. These people get explicitly referred to as Blue MAGA because not liking Trump doesn't make you a Democrat because - again - Democrats and Republicans are not one in the same. 


That you feel personally insulted by jokes mocking Never Trump Republicans for pretending they and Democrats ae alike... :deadbanana4:

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Posted (edited)

Also -


12 minutes ago, Illuminati said:

"Biden losing is actually his plan to help Trump win" be for real :dies:

"HOW DARE you say Biden is sabotaging his re-election???'




We're gonna suffer under Trump because some of you and Biden value weird religious prophecies about Israel over our democracy. Oh my.god. :deadbanana4:

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Not a negative trump thread becoming about Biden. Never change ATRL.

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4 minutes ago, Communion said:

That you feel personally insulted by jokes mocking Never Trump Republicans for pretending they and Democrats ae alike... :deadbanana4:

You got me there with my language barrier because I have no idea what this is supposed to mean :dies: Back to the question in the first page of this thread, what is your prediction for the US in the next 4 years after you beat Biden?

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Communion said:

religious prophecies about Israel over our democracy. Oh my.god. :deadbanana4:

Who do you think Netanyahu is counting on now that Biden's support is shaky?


To keep this on topic, will Trump's nazi reich help in this situation?

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