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Taylor Swift had a meeting with Kevin Feige to join MARVEL universe


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She wants to be a successful actress so badly. 

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This means TS12 will be disco inspired since doesnt Dazzler mostly sing disco bops?!

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27 minutes ago, Pud said:

Why would she choose to be in a tacky, crap film series? Instead of something actually good 

Like what? Would anyone risk giving a good role to Taylor when you could get a good actress? 

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I think us swifties know damn well that our fave can't act at all…

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Posted (edited)

Why is she seemingly trying to push into having an actress/film career? I can see her thriving as an author if she wants to do something on the side. 

Edited by SmittenCake
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38 minutes ago, Pud said:

Why would she choose to be in a tacky, crap film series? Instead of something actually good 

I love Her but… let's just say God blessed Her with many talents outside of the acting department. A Marvel movie feels a bit more realistic for Her. 

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Marvel is having a rough time but I think they could benefit from using Taylor. People will be interested to see if the biggest artist at the moment does a good or terrible job (and in the latter case, they will drag her - comic stans are ruthless when it comes to women, sadly). 

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Doesn't Dazzler like the puss? Gaylors will have a field day with this :ryan3:

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Well pack it up folks, we had a good run :toofunny2:


Back to #2 debuts, sub-1M opening weeks and inability to sell out shows in Ireland it is :gaycat7:

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she will save the MCU when she's cast in the new x men as dazzler :WAP:

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58 minutes ago, Pud said:

Why would she choose to be in a tacky, crap film series? Instead of something actually good 

Tacky and crap sounds very on brand for her. 

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1 hour ago, Virgos Groove said:

I can't think of better brand synergy (derogatory)



She's literally become the Marvel of music making progressively more inspid art that relies on fan investment, easter eggs and such gimmicks so this makes a lot of sense.

Virgos Groove

Hope it's panned and a bomb.

Virgos Groove

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MCU and Post Malone? Girl is stuck in 2019 :suburban:

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Maybe she will play a "Taylor Swift" variant that's Dazzler.. Deadpool likes to be meta so I can see it.

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33 minutes ago, SweetOreosOfHeaven said:

She's literally become the Marvel of music making progressively more inspid art that relies on fan investment, easter eggs and such gimmicks so this makes a lot of sense.

Virgos Groove

Hope it's panned and a bomb.

Virgos Groove

And yet these very franchises that cater to the fans and not the detractors last decades longer than anything else. Almost like the hatred spewed is just a loud minority, and not truly indicative of longevity. 

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3 hours ago, Mandalore said:

She did say "the future's bright...dazzling:nicole2:

omg if this turns out to be an easter egg:deadbanana4:

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45 minutes ago, PoisonedIvy said:

And yet these very franchises that cater to the fans and not the detractors last decades longer than anything else. Almost like the hatred spewed is just a loud minority, and not truly indicative of longevity. 

Isn't Marvel flopping left and right after a period where it seemed there was it was going to dominate the box office forever?

However I don't think that'll necessarily happen to Taylor since as she is capable of great things, she just needs a break imo.

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3 hours ago, FolkLover1989 said:

The new Dazzler comics are coming where Dazzler is going to world tour :gaycat5:


So many hints

The new Dazzler comics are coming where Dazzler is going to world tour 

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And in what way is this going to get the MCU back on track?

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Interesting. Dazzler's powers converts sound vibrations into light (sparkling colors, photon blasts, strobe light). 

I can see it now. The floor opens up. Taylor slowly emerges from the ground. She puts the microphone up to her face: "Who's afraid of little old me?!" — the vibrations from her voice shakes the ground. Her vocals are so powerful even the buildings shake. Everybody panics.

Next, she sings the deadliest lyrics: "Hey kids! Spelling is fun!" The notes turn into strobe lights, blinding people, paralyzing them. 

"Me hee hee!!! Hooo hooo!! Meee heee heee!!!" These words turn into destructive energy blasts hitting people. People are getting knocked over and flying into walls. Cyclops steps in and blasts Taylor in the head. /endcameo

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i hope kevin says no. or if he says yes, i hope he makes her attend acting classes.

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I hope it's not the X men, I need to NEVER see her in my dear and beloved X MEN:deadvision:

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Maybe she can save the failing franchise after all :WAP:

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